The First Strong

Chapter 1836: Magic dragon

Bai Hao nodded: "Not bad! So I dare not tell you before, because if you say it, you may not dare follow me."

"What are you afraid of? Dragons! Not to mention the dragons that have been buried here!"

The giant python is a bit disdainful.

Bai Yu ignored it and continued: "This is why it is necessary to stop. The above is impossible to fly over, it will be attacked, not the attack of the ancient dragon, but the attack of this murderous land!"

"You mean this canyon, this funeral dragon valley will attack people?" Shen Lang was surprised.

"This gorge is the gateway to the burial dragon valley. It can't be called the burial dragon valley. But even so, there is a fierce atmosphere that makes it impossible for anyone to fly to the sky. If you haven't buryed the dragon valley, you may fall first. ”

"Maybe... this is the great man of the ancient tribes, and the joint arrangement of the seals is forbidden to enter and bury the Dragon Valley."

Shen Lang has a lot of mysteries, and he is also asking about it directly.

"If it is the joint seal of the ancient people of all ages, it is understandable to ban this murderous land. Why do you say that it is forbidden to enter and leave the Dragon Valley?"

"Someone goes in? Go in?"

"Isn't the ancient dragons all ruined in this murderous land? Who is going to be banned?"

"Where are we here, who are we going to trade with? What is there in this burial dragon valley?"

A series of problems with Shen Lang made the giant screams secretly screamed. If there is no such savvy villain, it will be used by this white fox.

Although it doesn't care much about the dragon, it also wants to see how the white cricket answers these questions.

Bai Hao has already prepared for these, but it has only been about the legend of the dragon and the dragon, but has not said it yet.

Now I heard the question of Shen Lang, and I answered it one by one.

"Because it is a murderous place, there are also some biological races in it. The dragons are all buried in them, and their bodies are very likely to affect the changes in the original environment."

"This is something that needs to be prevented, and it is the people of all ethnic groups who want to prevent it from entering."

"Own people?"

There are other creatures inside, swallowing the dragon, causing mutations and the like, and Shen Lang can understand. But what about the people of each ethnic group?

"The dragon's body is a treasure. At that time, the great people of all ethnic groups fought in the funeral valley, and many of them fell."

Bai Hao said that here, the giant python has not yet come to understand, Shen Lang has fully understood.

Humans and others have some adventurers, screaming at the Dragon Valley!

At the beginning, it was not easy for all the great people of the various ethnic groups to join hands to annihilate the dragon valley. The consumption was definitely great, plus the place of great murder, and there was no time to clean the battlefield.

There may even be a dragon that has not died yet, but it is trapped in a murderous place, letting it slowly become self-destructive.

Later, you will want to go inside, whether it is everything in the dragon, or the treasures of the various ethnic groups that are destroyed in it, as long as they can be taken out, they are very good things.

The wages of avarice is death.

For some races with insufficient strength and insufficient resources, or human sects, it is very likely that they will use this way to create a future.

Even if you will sacrifice a part for it, you will not hesitate.

But for the first batch of survivors, you must avoid this situation.

Otherwise, go to the latecomer who "tomb the tomb", and let a dragon that has not died be released? Or bring out some evil creatures that are mutated in the most violent places, possessed, etc., which are likely to endanger the whole world.

Therefore, outside this burial dragon valley, there is a large seal prohibition, so that the creatures inside are not allowed to come out and the outside adventurers are not allowed to enter.

"The object we are going to trade now, of course, is not a dragon, but a race that lives in this outer canyon - the red porpoise."

Then it briefly introduces this red porcupine race.

No one has known anything since ancient times, and Bai Yu does not know the specifics. It is unclear when these red porpoises appeared, but in combination with ancient legends, it should have appeared after the drake dragon was buried in the Dragon Valley.

In the beginning, there must be strong people of all ethnic groups guarding here. There must be no such time.

According to Bai Yu’s guess, it is very likely that it was originally a creature that buryed the Dragon Valley. Later, it ate the body of the dragon, evolved and changed, and did not know how to come out of the funeral valley.

But even if there is a way to "jailbreak" ban, they are still used to this environment, so at most it is only in the outer canyon, and will not be far away from others.

In this way, it has not been discovered and valued by various ethnic groups.

Afterwards, the Terran has won the top spot in the process of fighting for hegemony. From the battle for the front, the alliance of cooperation, to the dominance of human beings, the stagnation of other families.

There is no one to pay attention to this, so that the red porpoise has the opportunity to develop.

After a long time, the funeral dragon valley has become a legend. Many races and many people have even blurred this. I think this is the story of myths and plus the great wilderness is in the west The burial dragon valley is still tens of thousands of miles west of the Tongtian River, and very few humans come here.

How did Qingqi discover it and what kind of experience he had, Bailu did not reveal it.

Just to emphasize that the things owned by the red porpoise are basically brought out from the funeral valley!

In what way, how long do they take it out, no one knows, they can't say it.

But as far as they do not leave the canyon's range of activities, what they have in their hands is unlikely to come from elsewhere.

These things are divided into two types, an ancient treasure, the weapons, magic weapons and the like of the great powers of all ethnic groups. The other is the items in the burial dragon valley, including the remains of the remaining keel, as well as the original things.

They are too far away from the funeral valley because of their habits or limited conditions. At most, they are within this canyon. The things that can be harvested are extremely limited.

In short, they don't need weapons, and they don't need all kinds of things, but the things they eat outside are excellent for them!

This is like Sun Wukong under the Wuxing Mountain. You can only drink some rain and eat some wild fruits. If there are people who pass by, they can bring some other food and drink to them. It is a good thing that can be met.

When you want to eat something else, and the people passing by may have been passing by for a long time, you are willing to exchange the things you have, and there is no bargaining power.

The day is to come and trade with them, but it does not dare to come alone, and it is not convenient for a group of nine-tailed foxes to come over.

So this time, the transaction between Shen Lang and the giant scorpion came to the heart, and I thought of coming here together.

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