The First Strong

Chapter 1870: Antiquity weapon

The transmission of the gates of the Three Realms requires the positioning of consciousness, that is, the place that needs to be visited, and cannot be transmitted to places that have not been visited.

Shen Lang certainly did not go to Wulongfeng, but he read the memory of the thief grass, which is like his own familiar memory.

The result is directly transmitted from the canyon to the cave house of Wulongfeng!

According to the memory of the thief, those things are sealed up. But the storage is not a treasure chest or the like, but in the cave house of Wulongfeng, there is a separate cave, and the array seal is arranged.

All five of them are amnesty, and each has a dragon, and of course it is impossible to squeeze together. Therefore, the scope of the cave house opened in Wulongfeng is very large. There is a public activity area in it, and each has a cave.

The place where the keel is sealed is a cave inside. It is not only the arrangement of the array at the entrance, but also the seal of the entire cave.

Whether it is from other caves in Dongfu or from the other side of the mountain, it is impossible to get through.

Originally, I thought about cracking the array. So before Shen Lang left, there was no pretense to say that I was going to copy their nest.

But after it was delivered, it was unexpectedly discovered that it was directly in the cave inside!

Because the cave house is familiar to the thieves, and the caves in the cave house are also familiar to them, so now the waves are not only in the cave, but also directly in the cave of the keel.

You don't need to crack the array method, the Shen Lang is much easier, and you are calmly looking up.

Although it is already in his memory, after all, it is the memory that comes from the thief grass, or the nature that I personally observe.

The dog **** is also coming along with it. It still asks nothing. After looking at the surrounding situation, it will consciously guard the hole, so that when someone comes over, you can find it in the first time, and you can also resist it.

Shen Lang looked at it, three keels, and they were baby, but now he has a lot of keels, don't care, take them all directly, and then send them to the dog god.

"These are keels, the bones of a very powerful ancient creature. If you look at the research, it will have any effect on you, and it may help you to improve evolution."

"it is good."

Although the dog **** is not too clear about the situation, but it also appeared once before, the giant python so many things, it also changed to a keel, and it is still happy and cheap.

Also this time, watching the battle between the three parties, knowing that this thing is definitely worth a lot.

However, when Shen Lang ingested more than 20 pieces, he did not see it with his own eyes. He knew that there were ten pieces in the re-trading, and there were several keels.

So now that Shen Lang is here, I will get three new keels and give it directly, so I am very grateful.

Repeated life and death cooperation, so that their friendship has no doubt, and even the dog **** can ignore the interests. Knowing that there are good things in Shen Lang, it will not be any distraction.

But this is its sincere loyalty.

Shen Lang will still be grateful for the benefits such as giving him the benefits regardless of cost and return.

Now that it is a huge benefit, it is also the most important partner, which makes it even more grateful.

The Emperor's behemoth, after all, is derived from pet dogs. For human loyalty, it is imprinted in the depths of their genes.

Therefore, its ancestor, after the evolution to the extent of the Emperor's behemoth, will also try to build a sacrifice to the Temple of Heaven, and will want to send it back, even if it has passed, I don't know how many millennia.

The current dog god, who was originally far ahead of Shen Lang, was smashed by Shen Lang. Get along with each other slowly, through a variety of knowledge, a variety of food, have a certain relationship.

And this time, I have experienced the test of life and death together in the God of Light, and Shen Lang has saved it from Tong Xian Weng. They have made the relationship more and more iron, and friends are partners.

All the way to the present, Shen Lang let it see his secrets, give it all kinds of benefits that he can't get, and let it grow stronger.

Up to now, invisible, has made the dog **** began to have a dependence on Shen Lang!

For example, what does Shenlang do for it, what it does, no need to ask.

Give it something good, it will not deny it, and it will not be a verbal thank you. I am grateful and willing to do anything for him.

Where to go, it has no direction or plan, all of which are followed by Shen Lang, so that it has become more and more visible and stronger.

These are all things that they can't do. Shen Lang is not as strong as it is now, but wisdom is to admire it.

In short, their relationship has become a bit like the owner and the pet, but the two sides have not realized that both sides are also very tacit.

Shen Lang said that this keel is a very powerful existence and may help its evolution. The dog **** is completely convinced and begins to study it earnestly.

And Shen Lang himself, is studying the sword of the ancient weapon The Great Wild Five Dragons can't think that he will come here, even if it is not killing you with the Azolla family, it may be searching around. Even if you really come, Shen Lang can easily leave.

So he was not in a hurry, he picked up the thing and studied it.

This thing is very impressive in the memory of the thief grass. Now the research of Shen Lang is to revisit and make these memories more natural. In fact, every detail is clear.

Liu Zheng can recognize the origin of the residual sword at a glance. For the understanding of the burial dragon valley, they are far more aware of these great wilderness than Shen Lang.

So when Shen Lang looked at it, there was no clue.

This thing looks very weird, looks like a rolling pin, the material is like ore, non-ore, like metal and non-metal, not a flat rod, but a bit tapered.

The feeling of holding it in my hand is also very strange. It is not as heavy as a smashing iron rod. It does not seem to have any particularity, but it has a very special feeling.

This feeling can't be clearly stated, can't be described and described, and even I can't grasp it well.

In the memory of the thief, it is because of this special feeling that they are allowed to confirm that this is an ancient weapon, rather than being fooled by the family of the red porpoise.

Just because the feeling is indescribable, so the memory of integration, Shen Lang only knows that there is such a feeling, but it is not clear.

Now I personally hold this thing, I feel that kind of indescribable mysterious feeling.

There is not much understanding of the ancient weapons in the burial dragon valley. They cannot understand more than the five of them. Is there any good way?

Shen Lang thought about how to find another way, and soon I moved!


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