The First Strong

Chapter 1901: Quicksand

Light is the technique of bandits, and the memory of the elk is not clear, but the quicksands are obviously a clearer label. Just think about it.

The so-called quicksand slave is not the name of a person, but the name of a group.

They live in a place where they are a drifting sea. If ordinary people and beasts go in, they will be swallowed up and directly sink into the ground and be swallowed by quicksand.

Originally, the quicksand sea was considered dead. Because of the horror of quicksand, there was no living thing to go in. It was flying from the air and did not dare to go in.

From the perspective of flying on the edge, there is no greenery in the Liusha sea. It is estimated that even if there are resources, that is, mineral deposits, there is definitely no such thing as Lingcao Lingguo.

There is no shortage of resources in the whole world, and of course no one will develop the quicksand sea.

But then I didn't know when, I was curious about the young people who had been practicing along the sands of the past, and found that some people came out from the quicksand sea and could enter it.

At first, I thought it was wrong, or some of the strong ones went in. After a long time, there are more clues to accumulate.

Later, there were active people in the quicksand sea, and went to the outside world to trade goods with humans.

They are covered in dark skin, not afraid of high temperatures and not afraid of flames. The things that come out of the transaction, although not precious, have the effect of hunting.

Those who come into contact with them are referred to by the quicksand.

These people did not have a name, and they were glad to accept the name of the quicksand.

Later, it was discovered that these quicksing slaves are all skilled in the technique of bandits. Perhaps they live in the quicksand sea. Just like the fish live in the water, they can swim in the quicksand and exercise the technique of bandits.

The quicksand slaves are nicknames, so some people, combined with their characteristics, renamed the quicksands and slaves, meaning the meaning of cultivating in the dead of the quicksand.

This name has been circulated.

However, the quicksand sea is very remote. Generally, very few people pass by, and they rarely come out to trade items.

Therefore, the reputation is not big, similar to the father who is a sacred father, not everyone knows. I heard that it is also legendary and may not have been seen.

"No, no, I haven’t attacked anyone. I saw two spirits today and suddenly mourned. This is the first time, but I also hope to forgive!"

This quicksand slave immediately confessed and explained.

Shen Lang already knows his identity, and he is most convinced of his words.

According to the legend, the laks and slaves are rarely communicated with the outside world. They have very few bases, and they should be better than others to excavate and whiten them.

However, from the beginning of the sneak attack, it seems quite scheming. It is definitely a veteran. Now it is the first time. It seems that he is very good at communication. Knowing this can make people easier to forgive.

"Then I ask you another question. What are you doing here?"

Although Shen Lang did not know how far the quicksand sea was separated from the deserted forest, it certainly would not happen to be nearby.

This watchful savvy, should have been integrated with humans, and may have left the quicksand sea.

"Our ancestors have lived in the quicksand sea for generations. It is difficult to get a trip outside. I want to see the great rivers and mountains. I just came here. I have offended the two and I hope to forgive me."

His answer is the same as Shen Lang expected.

And he will answer this way, so that Shen Lang is even more distrustful of him.

Originally, there was no good feeling for the slumber of the earth-boring slaves, because when he came over and snatched the spirit, he touched the white chest and touched the white face with one hand!

He has not touched it yet!

At that moment, it was already very bad. Now that she is so fake, Shen Lang is more skeptical that he does not have any disagreement.

"you can go now."


The quicksands and slaves could not help but staggered.

Shen Lang will ask him what he said, and he has already had a care in his heart. This answer, Shen Lang may not believe, will definitely ask, this is what he expected.

Therefore, he has already thought about the answer to the question that was later questioned.

However, Shen Lang suddenly said that he could go, so that if he had already reached his mouth, it would be like a throat.

"What?" Shen Lang frowned.

"I am..." The slumbers and slaves suppressed what they were prepared to respond to.

Explain the cover, not all to be able to leave safely? Since you can go, it doesn't matter.

"...I'm the little shovel... Can you return it to me? It's not a precious thing, but what I took out from the quicksand sea is a hometown thought."

When he said this, Shen Lang felt that he was more level!

Not to mention the other ethnic groups, such as earth-excavation and white pelicans, who rarely deal with human beings, are human societies, and may not be able to say such things.

Do not emphasize that it is a more important magic weapon, but emphasize that it is the thoughts brought out from home. As long as they are righteous people, they are embarrassed to take it.

However, for Shen Lang, this proves his savvy, and he wants to get him even more!

"What little shovel? You gave it to me?"


Shen Lang looked strangely, letting the lazy slaves completely speechless.

This is turning your face and not accepting it!

However, it was impossible for him to get the evidence, but it was impossible to get it. Because it was "a thousand miles away", he did not see anyone at all, and did not see the other party taking his things.

Not to mention his small shovel, it is the two spirits, the other party can not admit to take away.

But he is sure that the young man has taken it away, there can be no other people!

"You are a high-ranking person, you are offended, and you are still expected to give the shovel, and the quicksands are grateful!"

He has no other way, and he can only ask for the other party in a low voice. If you want to do it, obviously this is not a fight.

It’s very good to be able to get back a life. If you do it, you may not have a life.

"I don't like listening to you!"

Shen Lang took a look at the board: "It is obvious that you have snatched our spirit, how can you turn it over? What do you mean by this, is that I grabbed your shovel?"


"I have come to see you coming from the quicksand, it should be poor, and for the first time, it will not be with you. Now you have to say this to me, then let me return my two spirits!"

"No, no, I am wrong, I am wrong, I am just a slave. You are angry, I will leave now!"

The laks and slaves immediately began to sue, and then they turned and left.

He is also very decisive.

The magic weapon has been lost, others do not accept the account, that is the attitude of not willing to pay. If you are entangled again, then you will not lose more than two spirits. It may be true that you will be here!

Although there is no small shovel magic weapon, he is still a bandit to leave, for safety reasons, the speed is as fast as possible!

At this time, Shen Lang once again waved the sword of the king!

In the face of the slain slave who thought that he was quickly leaving the ground and turned around in the air, he went out with a sword!

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