The First Strong

Chapter 1910: Take the magic weapon

Some have come to the meditation domain, or a little experience, some ancestors are the first time to the meditation, but this time the experience of the fog is beyond their imagination, so they are a bit surprised.

But now I see Cui or I have prepared the coordinates and the traces of the ground, so that everyone is relieved.

After all, fear comes from mysterious unknowns.

Shen Lang is because he has seen the chaotic space. For this is a pediatrics, it is also much calmer.

Soon, the people who came down finally confirmed, and then everyone followed Cui or forward.

"Because of the special environment here, I can't explain it to you on the above. And I can't let everyone go away, so as to avoid unnecessary problems."

Cui or now said that it has been understood by everyone.

"Why can I find it here, so I won't go into details, and everyone is not interested in listening. Let's just talk about where we are going!"

In fact, everyone is interested in listening, but he is not willing to say, because it is the conclusion that they have learned a lot of clues.

Even if this time is wrong, these clues will still have a role, plus here, you can prepare for the future.

If you make it public, others will know.

Therefore, for the needs of common exploration, Cui can share the results, but is not willing to share specific clues.

"There is a distance of about ten miles here. Even if it is gone, please follow the traces on the ground and you can still find it. In the process, there will be no danger. This is what I did not have before. The reason for everyone."

When Cui said this, he couldn't help but pay attention to the expression of Shen Lang.

Before it seemed that he deliberately said nothing, let Shen Lang out of the limelight.

Now using the factual environment, it is proved that his attitude is normal, and it is not intended to remind you.

Everyone is an old man, and of course he knows his thoughts. Some people immediately applaud and express their gratitude to Cui.

Cui is satisfied, and more passionate to take everyone forward.

Although there are already routes on the ground, everyone is more willing to have someone lead the way.

Ten miles only, in normal times, for these great gods, it is only a moment has passed.

But here, everyone knows that safety is the first, and it is inconvenient for the fog that cannot be seen and can not be perceived.

However, the overall speed is not slow.

At the end of the route, it is the destination of Cui or.

They are seven of them, and they are in the middle and rear of the whole team. There are still some people following them.

After stopping at the moment, they quickly caught up.

In front of the sight of the hundred meters away, you can see the fog in the fog, there is a huge palace!

The palace towered up and could not see the head, and the left and right could not see the head.

The reason why I stopped here is not Cui or when they came over last time, they tried to find out that this is a safe distance.

After all, only a hundred meters, it is already very close, it is already difficult to calculate a safe distance.

But the problem is that they are groping forward. In this fog, farther places can't be detected, and when they are discovered, they are so close.

Out of fear of the Yungong Holy Land, and the risks of the legend, they dare not go any further.

Now that so many ancestors have come together, but when Cui or I saw the shadow of the "Cloud Palace Holy Land", I quickly stopped and couldn't help but feel a little excited.

"The Cloud Palace Holy Land..."

Everyone saw it, and they watched silently until someone muttered.

"Cui Laozu, is this the Yungong Holy Land?"

“The Cloud Palace Holy Land is a city? Palace?”

"Quiet!" Cui said after a loud voice, then the color.

"I was looking for a lot of clues, and when I saw this, I dared not go forward!"

"Don't laugh at me. If I dare to go, if this is really the holy place of Yungong, then I may not be able to come back. No one can make this news public!"

"Cui Xiong! No one laughs at you. You are looking for the Yungong Holy Land that the sages have traveled to. It is a great event of merit. We are very admired and grateful to you!"

"Yes! We are very grateful to Cui Xiong!"

Cui or nodded and said: "Thank you for your understanding. Therefore, my duty to lead the way has arrived. The front is the cloud palace holy land I understand. But is it a cloud palace holy land, whether it is a city, a palace, or pure? An illusion, a shadow...waits everyone to explore together."

He expressed very clearly that he did not dare to go in alone. If you want to go in, you need to explore together.

However, everyone actually has a plan in mind. If Cui or Ruo has a great grasp, this is the Yungong Holy Land. For example, if it is identified as other ancient relics, it will not be shared.

It is entirely possible to swallow it by yourself. Only the danger of the Yungong Holy Land requires more people to face it together.

Now that we have arrived here, everyone will not be in a hurry. It will definitely not go back immediately. In the next ten days, we can study it here and confirm it before we can explore it.

After all, this is a matter of life!

To this end, everyone is in a row, do not dare to go forward, but can be separated left and right, as close as possible to observe.

Different people have different thinking and different angles, and perhaps different differences can be observed.

"Shen brother, I was stolen by the lazy slaves. I don't know if I can return to me... I am grateful..."

A sly voice was introduced into the ears of Shen Lang, and an old ancestor came over.

"Oh, what magic weapon did you steal?" Shen Lang looked over and responded to him.

"This one……"

The man hesitated and didn't know what to say.

"Things are in my hands. Do you really think that I can't recognize them? I recognize that it is not good to know who is the natural thing."

The man was ashamed. I didn’t look for the sun waves all the way. I wanted to get a magic weapon before the unknown danger. Anyway, Shen Lang didn’t need it.

I did not expect that Shen Lang was not so fooled.

"No, no intention to take the lead... It’s another slain slave who might steal my magic..."

Shen Lang will pass back to him is to give him face, not directly expose him.

"Yes, I misunderstood. There may be other quicksands, so I need my ancestors to find them."

"Okay. Ok... I will go back and look for it myself..." The ancestor has started to sweat, and he is almost discredited!

Although their communication is voiced, others have noticed it.

Those who really lost the magic weapon are looking for opportunities along the way, but they are embarrassed to say that they are embarrassed.

Also because they pay special attention to Shen Lang, and noticed this detail, they immediately realized that if someone else took the lead, it would be a big loss!

:. :

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