The First Strong

Chapter 1919: Find a way out

Tianshu space Shen Lang dare to go in, because this is definitely still in place, and will not leave.

However, the Kunlun mirror of the new Three Realms is transmitted from here to the other side, from two places to two places.

A key point in the use of this artifact is the need to position the consciousness and go where it can be accurately positioned.

But now, here is not the place where Shen Lang has been "going". It was rushed here by the impact of the rapids. In the end, the space transmission array or the protective array method is actually unknown.

He is not sure if he can send it away, and he is even more uncertain whether he can return.

So I want to try it, but it is quite tangled.

If you can't come back, it's a tragedy. You can't manage six of them.

If you can't leave, it's even more tragic, and even a glimmer of hope is gone!

After thinking about it for a while, Shen Lang decided to slow down first, not using this artifact, and regard this as the final solution.

If you really can't find a way out, there is danger here. When you have to leave, ask for your opinions, or tell them and bring them together.

If you can't leave, then there is no way. If you can leave, then no matter whether you can't come back or come back, you can come together.

For the time being, I will pin my hopes on Xue Feixue and Gao Hanqiu for the time being. Maybe someone has new discoveries?

Shen Lang looked at the four of them.

Even if they have served a lot of water, but they can't eat it all, they have reached the upper limit, but it takes time to absorb and heal.

If you want them to get out of trouble as soon as possible, not to say that the recovery is in good condition, it can be restored to the walking movement without being affected, it will be more convenient.

But he is deeply experienced, the best way, or to help externally, that is, to infuse them!

It is him who can do this step now.

Before the snow is not snow and the cold autumn is also done, but only the most basic to wake them up, solve their biggest problems, let them have the opportunity to heal.

Shen Lang took the initiative and immediately began to instill in them.

However, he is a pair of four, can only take turns to infuse for a while.

And he is not instilled at the cost of the dog god, just as he said before the snow and the cold autumn, first of all to ensure his own good.

Therefore, he only instills the spirit of the spirit while instilling them, which is equivalent to helping them absorb more aura.

The effect can't be compared with the dog god, it is divided into four, and the time does not occupy much.

But now they are still the weakest, relying on a large amount of water to absorb, and then self-healing. At this time, with a little external help, it can significantly reduce the pressure.

After a while, snow was not snow and the cold autumn came back.

They also came to a carpet search like Shen Lang, but they did not expect the result, they could only come back first.

Seeing Shen Lang, one of them helped them four infusions, so that both of them were very embarrassed, and they would come to help immediately.

In terms of identity, Van Gogh is of course a snow and snow, and Xu Yuyue and Mo Feiliu are taking care of the cold autumn.

Shen Lang is only helping one, it will be a lot easier.

Shen Lang was directly vetoed.

"If you have time, you should recover yourself first. I have spare energy now, only to help them a little, you can't waste time!"

If you are in the dark, let the cold autumn and snow and snow are a little bit awkward.

It should not be a waste of time to heal your own disciple.

But they also understand the meaning of Shen Lang. If they come to the enemy, or if they are in danger, then they can only survive if they are strong. Otherwise, if everyone is injured, it will only be wiped out.

Thinking of this, they are more curious, do not know what method Shenlang uses, can quickly recover.

They have not harvested, and this time they can only heal themselves as much as possible.

While Shen Lang provided some help for them, he also constantly pondered various possibilities.

One of them is to drill holes in the ceiling!

According to the observations just now, whether it is the four walls, the top or the bottom, I can't see what the material is. It seems to be like an ordinary wall, but when it comes to the vicinity, it can also block the exploration of the gods. Obviously not ordinary. .

This is related to a thick question.

If it's just the thickness of a wall, you can use the dead water whip to try it out, maybe you can dig it away.

But if the thickness is actually 10 meters, 100 meters, kilometers?

That is to say, the dead water whip with a limited length is the sword of the king, and there is no way to extend it indefinitely.

Holy armor? Put a bomb?

Finally, Shen Lang thought of the same things that have not been used!

Because it has not been used, I have never thought of it, but now it seems that no matter how deep, as long as it is mud, or land of various materials, you can dig it!


The little shovel of the savior is a magic weapon of theirs.

However, the magical effect of this thing is that it is in the memory of the lair. What was used in front of Shen Lang at that time was deceived by the real fantasy.

The quicksand slaves thought they were digging underground, actually spinning back and forth in the air.

So Shen Lang can't be sure what the effect of this thing is...

Now this is also a dead horse as a living horse doctor. Compared with the use of the dead water whip, the sword of the king or the bomb, it is still a shovel magic weapon that can be continuously digging deeper, and it is more operational.

If this doesn't work, then see if they have any constructive ideas.

Otherwise, it can only be transmitted by using the door of the Three Realms.

"The two of you are here to take care of it. I have killed the laksa slaves before, and I have seized the magic weapon that they have helped to squat. I can try to leave the wall!"

When I heard the suggestion of Shen Lang, Gao Hanqiu immediately said: "Let everyone join together! You can take care of each other and relay."

They are also slightly smug about the situation of the laks and slaves, but it is not too clear. If they are used for excavation, they can also help.

"No need." Shen Lang directly refused He took the small shovel out and explained: "This is an auxiliary squatting, not a direct way out. Now It’s better for me to be a person. It’s safer to find a way out.”

This makes everyone listen a little embarrassed.

Although Shen Lang should not be abandoning them, the truth is that they are dragging their legs.

"Don't think too much, don't dislike you, don't leave you. Try to recover, just help!"

Shen Lang did not turn around, directly indicating this attitude, and left the rest of the water, so that they can all use.

Because of the relationship between the cold and the autumn, Xu Yuyue and Mo Feiliu have confidence in Shen Lang. Fan Xueyu and Bai Yu are worried that he is safe and have a heart to follow, but now he is also tired and can only not speak.

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