The First Strong

Chapter 1926: Large stamping

Shen Lang was the first to use this day's sickle, and did not read the memory of the ancestors, just to see him used once.

However, when this magic weapon is started, it is directly controlled to it, and everything is in order.

Just like an old driver getting started with a car that hasn't touched it, all that is needed is a little bit of understanding. The rough operation is not wrong.

Now he wants to use these ice monsters to sacrifice his sword. It is a practical operation.

When these ice monsters have recently reached tens of meters, there are still generations in the back, and there are hundreds of meters in the back. The farther places should not be sensed by God. I don’t know the specifics. It is estimated that there are also.

Or these ice monsters can sense the range of people, but also a few hundred meters.

Thirty-six scorpio knives have appeared in the air and swiftly swung up. Over a dozen meters away from the sinking waves, a spherical protective layer was formed.

This quantity can already cover a large range, and the speed of the spin is fast enough to achieve a complete protection.

When the Scythe was in place, the first batch of ice monsters had arrived. They were really unconscious. When they saw such a dangerous situation, they did not stop, or they rushed to the deep waves inside.

As a result, like the soya-bean milk machine and the juicer, the ice monster that I just touched was immediately turned into a myriad of ice **** by a high-speed scorpion knife!

However, it was a moment of work, and immediately on the ground more than ten meters away, formed a high point of ice slag!

Shen Lang is now using thirty-six Scorpio knives, which are completely used on defense, and his state is much stronger than that of his ancestors. The natural power is much stronger than what he has seen before.

He is also very satisfied with this effect.

But there is also a constraint, that is the scope!

This range is now estimated by him and has just been verified. However, if the scope is expanded, the density between the knife and the knife will become even worse.

The larger the diameter, the more the speed will be affected, even if it maintains the same speed.

To expand a few meters, more than ten meters, he feels no problem, but if you want to expand to tens of meters, it is estimated that there will be a net of fish coming in.

After playing for a while, Shen Lang was already familiar with the manipulation of the Scorpio Knife, and there was no more time wasted.

Because the circle of more than ten meters blocked the ice monsters, more and more ice monsters came over, and they all piled up outside the circle. The density of ice monsters to be shredded by the Scorpio knife also increased.

At this moment, the waves are smashing the scorpion knives, not forming a protection circle!

Originally, these ice monsters were driven by unconscious madness. Before they came over, they broke. Now that there is no such pressure, they all rush to the place where Shen Lang is standing!

Because it was coming from all directions, it had already piled up into mountains in a dozen meters. Now it quickly covered the waves and formed a hill formed by ice monsters.

And within tens of meters, the density is the biggest, the most, but farther away, still coming over...

At this time, the waves have already arrived in the air!

The height of a ceiling can be about one kilometer, and the sense of God is beyond a few hundred meters, so his height is not too high.

The ice monsters that are piled up below are actually high in height, but they are only a few tens of meters. It is just a sudden stacking of this effect, which is still very spectacular.

At the moment, Shen Lang has already manipulated another magic weapon.

Printed in the sky!

This magic weapon has not been used for a long time, because it is generally not used.

The degree of the moon is half-sensible, it is very crushing, but there are great restrictions on the gods, the peaks of the big fairy, and even the big fairy.

Because of its advantages of large area and gravity rolling, it is a disadvantage in terms of speed and flexibility. The larger the volume, the more obvious the target, the harder it is to adjust, as long as the speed is fast enough, it is easy to dodge.

At the beginning, Shen Lang himself was dealing with Zhou Wei.

So he used this magic weapon for them, but then he was afraid that he was in danger. When they left the earth, they all brought the magic weapon to him.

Now dealing with these dense ice monsters that piled up into mountains, Shen Lang will be shipped with this eclipse!

These ice monsters rushed to the place where the waves were standing. Because there was a delay, they used to be "positioned" before, but they were blocked. The back blocking disappeared, of course, the fast past, so as not to disappear.

It was just that the speed of the waves was very fast, and they immediately reached the top and calmly avoided them.

But if you give a little more time, it is possible that they will jump in the air or change the way.

So after Shen Lang came up, Chaotian Yin had already flown out and became a few tens of meters!

This thing is like a hill, it is directly crushed!

The heap of ice monsters piled up into hills below was immediately crushed and layered down, and soon they were all pressed into a thick layer of ice.

Shen Lang continued to manipulate the Chaotian Seal. After crushing the most dense piles, it rubbed the past around!

These ice monsters, I don’t know the danger, I don’t know how to dodge, and it’s too late to run in such a huge pressure.

After a while, all the ice monsters within one or two hundred meters have been crushed on the ground, making the ice layer thicker.

Shen Lang once again flew down, fell down and waited for the ice monsters to come close in the distance, while the Chaotian Seal began to fly and was ready to wait in the air.

Before the ice monsters in the distance, I felt the breath of the waves, still flying fast, but after a round of crushing, the density has been much lower.

As they approached the waves, Shen Lang leaped again, stepping on the sky and printing all the tens of meters.

Look at the other has been sparse, and Shen Lang did not continue to manipulate the sky, but changed to a scorpion knife.

Thirty-six scorpion knives, began to try the offensive drill!

These knives spurt out in all directions, and all the ice monsters encountered are broken into slag!

For a moment, annihilated all the larger ice monsters.

Now, the ice monsters that can be seen and can be sensed by a few hundred meters in radius can already be scarce. There is still no fog in the distance, and it is not known for the time being.

But now one thing is clear, it is that these ice monsters in the vicinity have not continued to build!

According to the pattern generated by these ice monsters, even if it is crushed into ice slag, it should continue to be regenerated.

However, it is estimated that such a dense elimination has reached a certain degree, and the law here has been put into effect and will not continue.

After waiting for a while, there are no new ice monsters coming from the fog in the distance, and some are the few remnants visible in sight.

These remnants of the ice monsters that were close to each other were once again crushed by the scorpion knives.

The entire frozen space, once again restored the previous silence, and then began to change!

(End of this chapter)

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