The First Strong

Chapter 2030: Dog god

Shen Lang immediately rushed over.

"The Emperor, what is the situation! What about them?"

When he saw the dog god, he had already sent a thought to pass.

The dog **** also felt the proximity of Shen Lang, and immediately turned back and looked at him.

"We are scattered, I feel very wrong here, it seems dangerous!"

When the idea of ​​the dog **** came over, Shen Lang had already arrived near it.

However, Shen Lang is a bit puzzled. When he found out that the dog **** was on the verge of enemies, he kept knowing the way. He had already searched a lot for the surrounding.

But the strange thing is that they did not see their shadows in the cold autumn, nor did they see the shadow of any enemy.

This shows that they may have taken other routes separately in the cold autumn, and they have already walked a bit far. But what is the dog **** afraid of?

Shen Lang is not afraid to find them in the cold autumn, the memory of the Red Dolphin King, he also has. Of course, there is not only one route. If you go deeper, the area it has explored is not small. It is normal to have a branch.

But why are dog gods separated from them?

The dog **** is still like an enemy, and then continue to send ideas to Shen Lang, explaining the situation roughly.

Shen Lang immediately knew a general.

Sure enough, as the Red Dolphin King said, when they came in, they did not see the poisonous smoke, and they did not know how to dissipate, or where they had retreated, and there was no trace of poisonous smoke in the whole environment.

Along the way, it seems that even the Red Dolphin King feels weird.

It excuses that it can catch up with the waves faster, everyone can be safer, but there must be some disagreements.

On the way, it introduced them to the surrounding situation. They also introduced some bones and keels of various ethnic groups and invited them to explore.

However, the high cold autumn and the snow are not snow, are experienced and very rational people, and did not agree, the first is to find the sinking waves.

Finally, I went to a place where the Red Dolphin King explained it.

It is said that it is a branching point. It has been walking on both sides. It has not yet caught up with the deep waves, indicating that Shen Lang should be deeper.

They are looking for it together, it is willing, but once and for all, it may cause a mistake. If they go in one direction and Shen Lang just comes back from the other direction, they may go out first.

In the cold autumn, of course, they will not let the Red Dolphins themselves run in one direction, and they will stop discussing it.

Finally, the dog **** took the initiative to ask, let the cold autumn and snow non-snow go with the Red Dolphin King, no matter which way to choose, it is waiting there.

In that case, whether they come back or if Shen Lang returns from the other side, they can come across it.

It is not too late, Gao Hanqiu and Xue Feixue also agreed to control the king of the black porpoise and chose a road. Leave the dog **** there.

This place is in the front ten miles, because the pause has been a long time, so Shen Lang just felt the breath of the dog god.

In fact, this is buried in the depths of the Dragon Valley. Apart from the red porpoise, no one came in. There is no clear "road".

The place just now, that is, the two directions that the Red Dolphin King himself has gone through, if Shen Lang does not carefully check its memory, it may be ignored, but it will be in the right direction.

Just after I arrived, I felt the breath of the dog god, so I didn't pay much attention to the other direction.

After they left the other "road", the dog **** was alone there.

Alpine autumn and snow are not known to snow, here is mainly the danger of the environment, there is no need to be afraid of no toxic smoke. Shen Lang analyzes the intangible and innocent poisonous substance, and the dog **** can also survive.

So they are relieved to let it stand alone, and as long as they don't run around, waiting for them to come back will be fine.

The dog **** was also holding this idea.

Afterwards, I felt the front, and there was a feeling of inexplicable summoning!

As if there is something, it is attracting and summoning it to go deeper.

It is a sacred behemoth, or it is wise and sensible. I think this is a bit wrong.

But there is still a sense of drive from the heart, so it wants to go in and explore.

It analyzed it and thought that Shen Lang may be one of these two directions. If they find the Shen Lang and come back without seeing it, they will definitely come forward.

If they don't find a deep wave, then it should be able to find a deep wave.

This analysis may also be said to be a reason for finding yourself. Finally, it is decided to explore a section of the road first, and whether or not there is anything, it will be returned.

Then it came to ten miles away.

After arriving here, the feeling of calling it is even stronger, but it is also more vigilant.

There is no living thing in this place, what would it be to summon it?

But this feeling plagued him, entangled it, and made it difficult to return.

The result was a while here, and I felt more and more wrong, but more and more I wanted to figure out the situation.

Then there was a scene that Shen Lang saw, it became bigger, and here kept the prepared posture of the enemy.

When these were transmitted to Shen Lang, its mood also relaxed a lot.

This young human friend is a person who is deeply As long as there is a deep wave, it seems that there is no problem with all the problems.

The idea has transmitted all of this, so that Shen Lang can quickly understand and understand. There is no need to ask anything about it, and there will be no more internal combustion.

Why is the dog **** here, why is it separated from everyone, and where other people have gone.

These mysteries have already been solved for Shen Lang.

But this is a problem that plagues the dog god, and he has no clue.

Because when he came over, he had already investigated the surroundings and there were no enemies.

The same is true now.

"Since we are converging, it will be fine. Let's go back and go in another direction and find them a few!"

Shen Lang slowly said that his attention was focused on the dog **** while watching everything around him.

"it is good."

The dog **** is agreeing, and I want to leave here with Shen Lang.

Its mood has been relaxed a lot and I feel that I can do it.

But when I really want to leave my legs, I feel the deep sense of summoning!

It seems that it is around here, something is deeply attracted to it, summoning it, so that it can not leave.

Shen Lang looked in his eyes and could not help but wonder.

The dog **** is really troubled, and it is attracted to what, this is a strong attraction that has interfered with its consciousness decision.

But it is obvious that it is not clear exactly where it came from, but because of what.

However, Shen Lang has paid special attention to the surrounding area, and has not noticed where there is a strong sense of God.

Even when he passed the sacred reconnaissance, there was no special radioactive material or band signal nearby.


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