The First Strong

Chapter 2042: Dragon's 1 hit

Although the three of them are secret plots, the outsiders can't hear anything, but whether it is the dragon or the black king, you can know what is being discussed without guessing!

Even if you don't know the specific details and don't know how much they know, they can know that they are plotting against the dragon.

That dragon, the eyes have always been concerned about the cold autumn and snow is not snow. The arrival of Shen Lang also attracted its attention.

The strength of Shenlang has already made it pay attention to it. The attitude of Gao Hanqiu and Xuefeixue to Shenlang has made it more vigilant.

So when it’s said that I’m going to do it, the murderous murder has been perceived by it!

Whether the demon dragon is resurrected or survived from the ancient times, it has been involved in the battle of the ancient dragons, not only experience, but the scale and the tragic situation are all impressive.

At the moment, there are three races, and one who doesn't know any race. If you want to deal with it together, it is taboo, so keep the confrontation. Now the other party has to start, it is decisive, and it is strong first!

When the front was squatting, the dragon was kept restrained and not aggressive.

Because the cold and autumn people are not reckless, there is no swaying, and it is because of the identity of the dragon, it gives them great pressure, no direct shot.

Now it has to be strong first, and it will break out directly!

The squatting dragon, suddenly stood up, and in the process of getting up, made a long scream!

Immediately, a slap in the face of the power!

The cold autumn and the snow are not two. It was a bit tangled. The responsibility made them have to stand up, but they still have scruples about the dragon.

Therefore, when Shen Lang appeared, they secretly decided to hand over this task to Shen Lang and listen to Shen Lang.

When Shen Lang shared memories, inferences, and decisions with them, they did not have any doubts and entanglements, and directly cooperated with his suggestions!

At this time, everyone was alert, and immediately felt that the dragon has taken the lead!

In an instant, the incomparable pressure of the momentum, as if the actual hurricane, directly blow them out of the unstable flight.

The Avalokite King, who was farther away, was directly scraped out, and immediately could not see the trace. Even a screaming exclamation was too late!

Shen Lang three are super strong, but also have a wealth of combat experience.

Even if the dragons are the first to get started, they can defend in the first place. Because they are always on guard and remain defensive even when they are conspiring to discuss.

The three people were only shocked for a few tens of meters, they have stabilized their figure and then faced the dragon that has stood up.

This demon dragon is a little bigger than what was seen in the detector before Shen Lang, and it is a few tens of meters tall.

However, the gap on a single head does not allow Shen Lang to have the slightest fear.

Over the past few years, he has encountered swallows in the hills, encountering giant pythons, dragon elephants, not to mention the giant beasts of the behemoth world.

The dog **** who is familiar with him alone is a huge emperor, and he can transform himself into a huge one.

Besides, there are still oh!

I have seen the giant beast, the body of the dog god, not worth mentioning.

However, just not afraid of the head, does not mean that Shen Lang does not pay attention to the dragon.

After all, this is the ancient dragon family. It is the hegemon who once dominated the whole world for a long time. Their traversing is not relying on the body of the flesh, but all aspects are very powerful!

Just stabilizing the figure, Shen Lang felt a dazzling!

This is not the color that appeared in front, but with the sound of the dragon, not only the actual strength is like the pressure shock, but also the sound, it is also a very powerful sound wave attack.

The long tarragon, there is a feeling of reverberation around the beam for three days, not only very harsh, but also very long, directly causing dazzling glare.

When Changchun just stopped, the dragon that got up and stepped over and chased it had already spurted a large flame!

The flame has not yet spit, and with the huge body, it has already reached the side of Shen Lang, and the three mouths of the fire will be swallowed in the mouth!

Because it has no epidermis, no dragon scales, it looks very strange, as if the flesh and blood of the body will kneel down at any time.

But when it moves, it doesn't feel like it's slow and slow, but it's very flexible and very fast!

The magic dragon that has experienced the ancient Dragon Wars is no stranger to the tens of thousands of years.

Its attacks are continuous, one after another.

The first scream is that it has the upper hand in the momentum, and the pressure has been like a substantial shock wave, coupled with the attack of sound waves, all-round intrusion into the opponent, making people unable to guard against it.

The flame that followed the eruption was even more blazing. I don't know if there is a dragon's gene, and it is also able to spurt fire, but compared with the flame of the dragon, it is simply a child's play.

After the first two attacks, it did not wait for the flame to be sprayed, the body has arrived, and the mouth has been opened to engulf the target!

The multiple attacks that followed were unstoppable, and more importantly, the dragons were the ancient hegemons, and no one has ever dealt with them.

This means that no one has the experience and can't determine the power of the dragon's attack.

For example, the flame can only be perceived far ahead of the general, but to what extent, for example, the strong man in the realm of the gods will not be burned and burned, but it is not known.

Just like the dragon's sound waves can dazzle the glare, that is, it affects the spiritual is stronger than the general sound wave attack, and it is not known before the experience.

The magic dragon has no active bones for tens of thousands of years, and the physical state is no longer one or two of the same year. Without the protection of the epidermis and the dragon scale, the resistance to endurance cannot be compared with that of the year.

This is exactly where it was scrupulous. Now, as soon as it strikes, it immediately targets its opponents.

Throughout the process, it is still very dissatisfied, because the physical state, seriously can not keep up with its thinking and experience!

This is not a relationship that has not been active for tens of thousands of years, but because the physical state is too bad.

But its experience still allows it to successfully bake three targets and swallow it into the mouth, which is a place that can be a little comfortable.

The long years of lingering, let it be depressed and frustrated, and now swallowed the three provocative Terrans. Let it recover a few fighting spirits, think of the glory of the past, remember the hatred of the past, and begin to restore more arrogance and glory.

There is also a bloodthirsty hunger!

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