The First Strong

Chapter 2073: Get out of

Want to understand this, the cold autumn and snow are a little depressed. If the Red Dolphin King is still here, then you can carefully search its consciousness to see if there is any hidden memory.

However, after the battle, it is not clear whether the Red Dolphin is still alive.

If you are still alive, you must have left.

If you leave, there is no way...

The family of the red porpoises would have come in to do things regularly, but with today’s events, knowing that there is a resurrection of the dragon, the Red Dolphin King will certainly not arrange for the porpoise to come in.

This process, from a few years to a few decades, is impossible for them to wait for the Red Dolphins to come in again.

"There is still a way!"

Shen Lang smiled.

The way he said, that is, using the Kunlun mirror of the Three Realms, directly transmitted away!

This is verified, and even can return directly to the Earth World from the mainland of the island, but also to the world of giant beasts. Compared with these space rules, what should be a problem with such a small world seal enchantment.

Of course, Shen Lang was not sure before he tried it.

Because this burial dragon valley is not only a small world, but also the powerful people of the ancient tribes, artificially set seal enchantment.

Gao Hanqiu and Xuefeixue also knew what he was talking about. Before that, they took the crater from the meditation area and sent them directly to the place where Cui or the black robes were connected.

And Shen Lang has disappeared twice, saying that it is to get medicine, and said that the Emperor's behemoth is sent to the healing, is it transmitted through the artifact?

Thinking of this layer, they are also relieved.

I got a dragon resource, which is very exciting, and it is also a plan to make their martial arts flourish for a thousand years. It turned out that it was not going to be trapped directly in this burial dragon valley. It was really a cold water!

Shen Lang brought everyone together and took out the door of the Three Realms.

But he was hesitant when he went there.

He has three choices himself. One is to bury the outer valley of the Great Valley of the Dragon Valley. It is not to chase the king of the Red Dolphin who may have escaped. He wants to see what the entrance looks like.

The second one is sent outside this boundary, or where it comes in.

The third one is directly transmitted to the Gobi Desert before it came over.

After a little consideration, there is a decision.

The first one is still waiting for you to go alone. The two of them may not be interested in taking risks, because their identity will be low-key.

The second one has no meaning.

If it is normal to go out from here, then go out along the incoming gap.

Now that the artifact has been transmitted, it will be transmitted directly, and it will not be tossed again.

Since this is his manipulation of the artifact, he did not discuss with them, he made his own decision.

When the start of the transmission, the two of them are still a little worried, in case this artifact does not work, it is really troublesome, and the last hope is gone!

The ancient artifact of the Gate of the Three Realms did not disappoint them!

After the fusion repair was successful, Shen Lang was first transmitted back to Earth, and then it was proved once and for all that it was ok.

Now this time, it is also the place where they are sent directly.

Sudden space fluctuations, immediately let Xu Haoyue, Mo Feiliu and Fan Xueyu, Bai Hao alert!

They are left behind, guarding the gap in the space, so as to avoid the party with the black robe.

The spatial fluctuations that have just emerged are not the changes that Shenlang left when they left, so they all thought that there were enemies coming.

When you see that they are three back, this is safe.

Snow is not snow and cold autumn, and you can breathe a sigh of relief when you see the surrounding environment.

In their capacity, being able to come back safely is the greatest relief. There is still a lot of gains, it is perfect.


Fan Xueyu and Mo Feiliu, both rushed forward to ask Ann, do not know how their situation is.

The white pheasant came over the side of Shen Lang, fearing that he was injured.

Snow is not snow and the cold winter is two people, but it is because of the rebound and the injury. However, in the two hours of waiting for the waves, there has been a certain nursed back to health, and it has been suppressed, including no problem with the dragons.

It is now in front of them, and the state is a little bit worse, and there is no indication of injury.

"It has been solved." Xue Feixue simply announced a sentence.

For the specific process, including the news of the existence of Longmen, she is not ready to tell, Gao Hanqiu will have the same tacit understanding.

Because of this incident, it is related to the reputation of many famous masters!

It’s not a matter of invitation, it’s the face of so many people.

Respecting the teacher is the first place in any martial art.

This ruined the ancestors of other people, everyone will not accept, and will be hostile, and then it will discredit you. When you get dark, your words naturally no one believes.

They don't want to be the same people in Longzhen, and Yao Chi and Qiu Lin Jianzong certainly won't offend so many sects.

Since things have been resolved, they do not need the name of "save the world", and they can do their own peace of mind.

Further on the secret of the funeral valley...

"Go back! Shen brother, I still have to trouble you for a ride."

Gao Hanqiu's initiative to open the request.

Shen Lang would not have cared about it. The mental power of this transmission is not as big as the world. For him, it is nothing.

When he promised, he immediately wanted to understand.

Now a few of them, Fan Xueyu, Mo Feiliu and Xu Yuyue are all completely trustworthy, and he and Xue Feixue can influence and control them.

But day is a variable!

Even if she is now the servant of Shen Lang, it is a Qingzu fox.

Will there be any other legends about their green hills?

The Battle of the Ancients is not the merits of the Terran, but the Dragons of all ethnic groups. The history of the Terran has been blurred and turned into various legends. What if the Fox family has a more detailed record?

Isn’t Shen Lang’s help the Fox family get the ancestor of the ancient fox ancestors who were buried in the Dragon Valley? What if there is any information transfer?

So, they don't just say about the situation inside, but they will leave directly from here!

In that case, even if the space crack cannot be closed, and there is no static wave transmission, Bai Hao alone cannot find it here.

This is where it is, everyone is not clear, it is directly brought by Shen Lang, and then found in this Gobi.

The ability of Bai Yu to use Qingqiu stone to trace traces has already made them both taboo!

As for Shen Lang, with their tacit understanding, Gao Hanqiu does not need to say clearly, he will naturally realize it soon.

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