The First Strong

Chapter 2087: I can pinch you

The core of the martial art has been eliminated. Now, except for the cold autumn and Mo Feiliu, there are only some young disciples who have been disdainful before.

They have to take over the Qiulin swords, and Gao and Mo should not stay, and the next one is an empty shell.

Lin Biaozhi is so old, can't have the mind to start another business, re-teaching to pull young disciples, and more trouble?

"Qiu Lin Jianzong... We don't need it."

After the silence, he still gave such an answer.

Li Wei and another disciple frowned.

Originally, according to the plan, they are going to kill the cold autumn!

Now, listening to Master’s meaning, seems to let go of it?

They didn't get that memory, they didn't know the specific situation, and naturally they were not willing. At this moment, their eyes were fixed on Lin Biaozhi.

"What about your grievances? How to deal with them?"

Shen Lang asked this sentence, looked at Lin Biaozhi, and looked at Gao Hanqiu.

The mind of Gao Hanqiu is also very complicated.

From the time he came back to the present, he was screaming at the fire and was ready to fight for his life.

But this enemy came out, it was a few of Lin Biao, so he did not know how to send this anger.

Kill them three and avenge everyone?

Isn't that also killing Qiu Lin Jianzong himself? And it is still one of the ancestors who killed, and the first generation of disciples such as Li Wei, like Li Wei, who had been a master for a while!

From this perspective, killing them is even worse than killing disciples.

No revenge is not enough, and revenge is not good.

From a personal point of view, Lin Biaozhi is a partner, a buddy, and a brotherly friendship.

It is also difficult to make him to start with Lin Biao.

Therefore, the cold autumn is very painful and tangled.

Lin Biaozhi is also.

Even if he does not admit, the memory that Shen Lang gave to him has proved that it may be the fact that Gao Hanqiu never intentionally killed them.

Now that people have killed so much, the martial art has been destroyed seven or eight.

keep mistake? Hard to the end?

That is to kill the cold autumn, Mo Feiliu, can you really feel at ease?

More importantly... can you kill it?

Originally, according to the plan, they were divided into several dials, and Yang Huantian and others were eliminated. They both angered the cold autumn and reduced the possible help.

The second wave is like this. I saw that Mo Feiliu took people out, first gave up, and concentrated the strength of the three people, together with the focus of the cold autumn.

Finally, ambush Mo Feiliu and other survivors.

In a way that breaks down one by one, they don't need to lose both sides, they can really revenge.

But now, when I came to the present, I found that Shen Lang had a huge gap with the news they had heard, and she already had the strength of the Great God!

And to confirm that it is the reincarnation of Shen Lang, it is also determined that this is true, not pretending to support the scene.

There is also a strange woman next to it, who does not feel like a human race, and the strength is likely to have the level of the great god.

Coupled with a cold autumn, then the three of them will be defeated!

Li Wei, they have not thought of this, Lin Biaozhi has already thought of it.

"You talk about it! Since you dare to show me your memory, in your capacity, I can't believe you."

Lin Biaozhi chose to let Shen Lang come to preside over justice.

But this is just to listen to see if there is a way to have the best of both worlds. If you want them to plead guilty, it is absolutely impossible to comply.

Gao Hanqiu did not have a good plan. After Lin Biaozhi said it, he also handed it to Shen Lang.

"Lang brother, I don't know how to deal with it. Do you have a good idea?"

Shen Lang can see that both of his brothers are caught in a tangle.

It is impossible for everyone to return to the previous relationship, and the sentiment has been exhausted.

However, Lin Biaozhi wants to do high and cold autumn, he naturally will not agree, and Gao Hanqiu can not get rid of Lin Biao's three.

"I don't have a better way, I can only say that I can provide an idea!"

Shen Lang did not sell off, and said it directly.

"The situation has already been the case. The public will only damage the reputation of Qiu Lin Jianzong. Just look at Lin Biao's you can't let it go. I believe that Xiao Gao is unsettled and will break with you."

Lin Biao's gaze is complicated and looks at the cold autumn.

He can't do it either...

But this can't be done, is it because you can't afford it, or is it because you can't do it?

"Let's stop here! Lin Biao's three of you, leave here, not to hide in the world, change your face or change your face, don't associate with Qiu Lin Jianzong. Xiao Gao also gave up looking for their revenge, then no such thing happened."

In the words of Shen Lang, both sides sounded like they were talking to each other.

But is there a better way?


Lin Biaozhi has no way to kill Gao Hanqiu and Mo Feiliu, plus the psychological factors of understanding information, stop here, or the best choice.

Gao Hanqiu can't kill them for revenge, and it is impossible to treat these murderers as seniors to welcome Jianzong.


Just as the two were ready to promise, Li couldn’t help but swear.

"I don't care if you are a reincarnation of the predecessors, this is the hatred of the Qiulin swords, you can't take your fingertips!"

"The cold autumn is not dead, how can we stop!"

In his view, Qiu Lin Jianzong ruined and ruined, anyway, there must be no feelings anymore, but the cold autumn must be killed!

This is a danger that will lead to great scourge at any time, and it is also the chief culprit in their revenge.

"I can pinch you at any time."

Shen Lang casually controlled the surrounding field directly, using the dragon's "world of the gods" approach.

This hand is to let Lin Biaozhi and Gao Hanqiu, but also can only be aware of it, but it is too late to dodge and resist.

Li Wei and the two, even the awareness was not noticed.

When Shen Lang said this, he hooked his finger and Li Wei went to him.

"When you killed so many disciples of Qiu Lin Jianzong, did you feel as easy as crushing ants?"

Shen Lang’s finger pointed at Li’s eyebrows.

"me too."

Although Shen Lang did not attack him, Li Wei still felt that the eyebrows had the illusion of being poked into a big hole!

He can't move even breathing is extremely difficult.

Before killing Jianzong disciples, it is really easy for them to be. Because even the strongest Yang Baotian is just his apprentice generation.

But now, he feels that he is the ant that was crushed!

Shen Lang’s finger pressed, and his head will be broken at any time!

"I accept that I will stop here. I will leave them with both of them. I will not appear as Lin Biaozhi in the future. Qiu Lin Jianzong can open our identity and remove me and let the remaining disciples see it as a hatred."

Lin Biaozhi couldn’t watch the old disciple die in front of him and immediately gave in.

(End of this chapter)

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