The First Strong

Chapter 2209: World boiling

On the other side of the Holy See, it was once visited by Shen Lang, and all the conditions must be agreed.

Their treasure house is even more difficult to unravel. Without being passed down by the Pope, it has not been opened for a while, and naturally it is not known that there is something missing.

But the obelisk is less, but everyone has seen it.

Therefore, in their view, Shen Lang is here to warn, and also put forward a request, the Obelisk is to show them the strength.

But because the power of warnings is not great, they are not too active. It is natural that they do not invade the East. They did not have this strength.

However, the appeal for the return of Chinese antiques and cultural relics was not immediately implemented.

As a result, today, the situation of the true sect has appeared!

It has become a hot spot in the world, and of course they are also closely watching. The major forces will also communicate with each other. Everyone shares or exchanges information.

What happened inside, the outsiders are not very clear, but the results of the true sect, but everyone knows.

The way behind this, they know better than others.

I want to get it, and the true sect is definitely trying to dry up, so I will encounter such punishment. This is not a disaster, but it is also a heavy blow.

In comparison, they just lost the obelisk, which is really good enough.

This situation also made them nervous.

The temper of Shen Lang, they are not clear, but from the presidential palace of the first strong country he smashed, the fighters pinch, it really will not be much better. This is the time, and they have all the heads of their two teachings.

The true sect annoyed him, and after going to the sect, he might return to the city of light!

Therefore, after the situation of the true sects came out, the bright side of the Holy See could not attend the information of the sects. After consultations, an initiative was issued.

They first issued a notice stating that the Pope had abdicated and wanted to change to the new Pope. Then the new pope sent an initiative without waiting for the official crown.

It is to appeal to several Western countries that have plundered a large number of cultural relics in China, and should return the cultural relics to China.

On the one hand, China’s current international status is no longer the same, and those countries are much worse. On the other hand, from the perspective of reason, it is also plausible. After all, this is plundered.

The news that the Pope’s abdication and substitution has come out is already a big news. Together with this initiative, it is even more embarrassing to brush a sense of existence.

In China, from the national level to the private sector, there is strong support.

Although Western countries and forces, celebrities, etc., are kept silent. But the public opinion is detonated from the light gods, it is not the unilateral appeal of China.

Then, the Shinshen sect also issued a similar announcement!

It is also the succession of the Protestant, and then the initiative to support the Light God.

Their right to speak is actually much worse than that of the gods of light, but in the end it represents the true gods, and it is not too small to influence the scope.

For a time, the world is boiling!

Everyone is talking hot.

In fact, the looting of antiques and antiques is an experience that many civilizations have had, but when the fists are not big enough, you have no part to speak.

There will be such a reaction now, there will be such a ringing, and the status of the country is also inseparable.

The forces related to comprehension around the world, including governments, are actually well aware.

Bright God is not out of good intentions, it is completely demanded by Shen Lang!

But what about it?

Shen Lang now has this strength, is able to call the strength of the world!

Even in a few Western countries, they should feel gratified that Shen Lang had to talk through the light of the gods, and there was still room for manoeuvre, and they had not been pushed directly to the front.

What if Shen Lang shouts at them?

Shen Lang is not a government. The government can only appeal, advocate, and at most protest. But as a private person, Shen Lang can be unscrupulous!

This unscrupulous means is not a derogatory term, it does not mean that it must be a bad thing. For example, when they bid through an auction, money can be bought back through auctions and donated to the National Museum.

However, Shen Lang obviously does not spend this money. If he really wants to use whatever means, then he will tear his face. I really want to rob all of them, and I will not leave any traces. Even if I know that he is doing it, I can’t help it.

If you really want to go to that step, the pressure will come to their heads.

Now it is the initiative of Guangming Shenjiao. It can represent the will of Shen Lang. If you disagree, the extent to which Shen Lang will go can only be guessed.

For a time, the situation changed abruptly.

Originally as a country, they are also irrelevant. They are watching the situation of the true gods and seeing how much they will be fermented.

I didn't expect this fire to suddenly burn onto them.

For a time, their senior government officials met urgently.

These cultural relics are actually in the national museums of various countries, but they are very big. This is certainly not a decision of the museum. It must be at the national level.

It is also because the incident is sudden, otherwise it is necessary to go through the parliamentary proposal.

But the current situation has already been delayed. If you annoy the sinking waves, God knows what the consequences will be!

Therefore, after no time has passed, the relevant countries have officials from the cultural sector to express their views.

They all said that they also felt that there was a certain reason for the initiative of the Light God, and it was still necessary. However, the cultural relics are old and the protection must be the most important. Unreasonable transfer will cause irreparable damage.

Therefore, they suggest that in this general direction, the specific implementation must be extra careful to ensure that these artistic treasures will not encounter unexpected events.

It also said that the museum and other aspects of the will start a consultation and explore a solution.

This is actually a "drag" word.

I am afraid that Shen Lang will die, so I will express my willingness to return, so as to calm his heart. Then, delays are made in terms of the difficulty of the specific implementation.

It was at this time that another big news appeared on the other side.

There are mysterious people, in the name of Shen Lang, donated a few treasures of the Pharaoh Pyramid to the local museum!

The relics lost in the pyramids can be regarded as news that shocked the world. At this point in time, it was donated by Shen Lang, which is even more intriguing.

For ordinary people, they will only feel that the waves are very powerful. Even the lost pyramid artifacts that do not know how many millennia can be found. The worship of him is even more enthusiastic, adding to the gains of many faiths.

However, for the realm of comprehension, more consideration will be given to countries and major forces.

Where did Shen Lang get these artifacts?

These are most likely to be taken away by Western countries a year or two ago!

That Shen Lang was taken from the Western countries!

He naturally has this ability, but why not collect it himself, but make a public donation? Why choose this point to donate?

The answer is coming out!

This is pressure!

If the Western countries do not return, then he may have taken it away by his own means!

:. :

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