The First Strong

Chapter 2252: Come back

After listening to its description, Shen Lang also made some analysis and suggestions on its situation.

People and behemoths are still different and cannot be applied directly, but there are some big directions that can still be judged.

This seed can resonate with the dog god, obviously they are in harmony with each other.

No matter what the factors are, the seeds exist in the form of poisonous grass before, and they want to take possession of the dog god. The result now is that the dog **** takes possession of the seeds.

This is like a human strong, the monster beast as a tonic; or the monster beast, the human strong as a tonic, essentially similar.

Since it has been able to be integrated, it is equivalent to refining the mysterious seed. With the wisdom of that kind of child, it is still not enough to counter the dog god.

And this "combination of animals and plants", in addition to giving the dog **** a huge harvest, seems to let the evolution of the dog god, has a significant additive effect.

That is to say, it may take several months before it, or one year to refine the fusion of the seed, after a leap forward, there is a faster proportion in the next five years.

Of course, the spirit, the essence and the essence of the world are also a great driving force.

Shen Lang also took advantage of this opportunity, and then taught some human cultivation methods to the dog god, which was taught before, but not enough.

On the one hand, of course, it is out of preparedness, lest it be more powerful than human beings after learning it; on the other hand, it is also necessary to take into account its acceptance and gradual progress.

Now naturally, it is stronger, and it can understand more. Everyone has died many times in the same life. It is the life and death that can deliver life.

The dog **** remembered it seriously and did not verify it immediately.

"Are you in a crisis situation? Or you will not come to me specifically."

The dog **** was also polite and asked directly.

I got a lot of help from Shen Lang and let it rise so much. Of course, it has to be rewarded. If there is no chance, it is regrettable.

Shen Lang nodded: "I am in Jianlin Jianzong, there has been a great change here. When we came back, Yang Huantian, who had hosted us before, was already destroyed. There is a small number of people left in Qiulin. ”

At the beginning, he came to this side with the dog god. He had abused all the families, causing the ancestors such as Mu Xiyang and Long Yao to come here, and then they were directly destroyed by the dog god, and absorbed their energy. Instilled in Shen Lang, let him increase his strength.

But in the eyes of the dog god, Tang Cheng and his party really made it impressed, that is, let it also harvest the dragon elephant monster.

Yang Baotian or something, it has no impression, it is also a general concept - Qiu Lin Jianzong people.

For the high cold autumn, it is also a partner who has fought with each other. The door of Gao Hanqiu was destroyed, and those who have served it, of course, let it be enemies.

"Destroy them!"

"The matter has already been fixed. Now there is another group of people who want to go to work. The number may be a bit more, so I wake you up."

Shen Lang is simply telling it about it and showing respect. Although he said nothing, the dog **** would not ask much.

Of course, what is related to Lin Biao, it is not convenient to say more, it is Mo Feiliu they do not understand.

After confirming that the dog god's current state is no problem, Shen Lang is relieved.

Things have already been said, let it practice for another day or two, which is also the effect of several months. So you don't need to pull it out now, just let it remember that there is such a thing.

Then Shen Lang was a little regretful. I knew that the snake **** Kemrisu would not be released. With the space in the space, it would be equal to summoning two super beasts.

However, the strength of the dog **** is very high, and now it has greatly improved, still on top of him, perhaps only slightly worse than the cold autumn.

This is enough!

According to the calculation of Shen Lang, Gao Hanqiu, himself and the dog god, are ancestors who can deal with several great realms, plus the white prince and the Count of Dracula. They are not the way of attack by the Terran, but they can also have miraculous effects.

In addition, there are two lines of Xu Haoyue and Mo Feiliu, which are stable!

They are waiting for the robbery alliance to come over and cross the alliance. It is also a constant news.

All the factions who came to inquire about the information were only far-following. They did not dare to come directly to the Qiuzongshan Gate of Qiulin. It would be an offense, and some would collect intelligence in Tangcheng.

The return of Shen Lang and Gao Hanqiu is directly transmitted to Qiulin, and their realm is high. It is not something that people can know.

When the three of Lin Biao left, they left publicly.

With their three strengths, the more subtle departures they want to make are actually ok.

However, the challenge of the robbery alliance was that they blocked it. As a result, when the cold winter came back, they replaced them. Not to mention Li Xiaofeng's ignition, it is Lin Biaozhi's somewhat emotional.

So they are leaving openly, intending to let the outside world know that they are leaving. At that time, the sword of the autumn forest can not hold, the loss is not the face of his Lin Biao.

Of course, this will allow information to spread rapidly, and the parties are also speculative.

If the ancestors of Lin Biao who have suddenly emerged are gone, can Qiu Lin Jianzong still be able to keep it? Not to mention a group of the robbery alliance, it is to come to a ancestor of the realm of the gods, but also to be able to live in Mo Feiliu!

Therefore, according to the normal time, the group of ancestors of the robbery alliance should arrive at the Qiulin swordsmanship on the third day after Shenlang came back.

As a result, on the second day, the great **** who had been blocked by Lin Biao’s back came to the door again!

After they received the information, they did not act rashly. They suspected that this was a policy and wanted to swind them back. But after a day, I didn’t see the information that Lin Biaozhi and others came back.

That great **** can't help but feel heart.

He originally came to receive the spiritual pulse, is to let the Qiu Lin Jianzong surrender, let the various factions of the world to see the prestige of the Alliance of the robbery ~ ~ the result of the other party directly forced him, so that he had to Retire, this is not only a serious loss of the face of the robbery alliance, but also a great shame for him personally!

There are a few people in the league, and you can also bring your face back, but what about his own face?

Therefore, now that he has the opportunity to regain his face, he still can't help it.

One day, I repeatedly confirmed that Lin Biaozhi and others did not go back. He finally couldn’t help it, or he returned with a big fanfare!

His purpose is very simple. As long as Lin Biao is absent, it is the mysterious woman who can't stop him. If the Qiulin swordsman can surrender and re-complete the task, then the face will pick up.

When you are embarrassed, everyone is far from watching. Now you have to pick up your face, but you must take the initiative to let more people come to witness!

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