The First Strong

Chapter 2281: I am used to it.

Li Wei was a misfiring. Mobile phone

That night, it was because they couldn’t do the cold autumn, the Shen Lang and the white, and they had to retreat.

I will come back again because the door is hollow, because I can't bear to see the martial art being deceived, but there is no unwillingness.

After the cold autumn and Shen Lang came back, they embarrassed to drive them away.

Just because they were justified, this is their martial art, and they can’t be smashed by the outsider.

But is it straightforward and strong?

The question of Shen Lang’s remarks extinguished his momentum.

Now their imposing manner is based on the Jianlin Jianzong. They are all their own people, and they are treated as ancestors. If you know that the behavior of killing the door before is what they do, even if it is easy to do not have the strength, it will be desperate!

That is their master, Shi Shubo, and brothers!

Compared with the distant ancestors who have never been in contact with it, these doormen who teach them and live together are more real and more sincere.

Of course, whether it is Lin Biaozhi or Li Wei, in fact, they don’t care if they really support them.

So many people have done it, and will they care about some distant relatives?

But now they have to enter the Qiulin swords, they must be justified, which requires the support of the disciples of Qiulin.

"What do you want?"

An idea was sent over.

Shen Lang looked at Lin Biaozhi, this is the story of Lin Biaozhi who did not speak.

It seems that I have regained the support of the autumn forest Jianzong for a few days, and I don’t want to be discouraged by the disciples.

"What do you want?"

Shen Lang asked one sentence and sent his thoughts to him.

Seeing that Shen Lang is willing to communicate with him secretly, Lin Biaozhi immediately responded.

"I am not malicious! To deal with the robbery alliance, they must have paid a heavy price for Gao Hanqiu; that is not just twenty gods, there are more than twenty sects behind them!"

"They will definitely gather right away. Does Qiu Lin Jianzong deal with more than twenty martial arts?"

"Even if you are still here, I am not at ease. Qiu Lin Jianzong is also my hard work, I can't sit back and ignore!"

The idea of ​​his big pass was transmitted, but it was only a moment, and it didn't take a lot of time to talk.

Shen Lang is still inconvenient. "What do you want?"

Seeing that the paving was useless, Lin Biaozhi said, "We stay in the mountains and guard the Qiulin sword with you. You can rest assured! We will not occupy the swords, as long as the storm has passed, we will leave."

He looked at Shen Lang’s eyes and he was very sincere.

Shen Lang showed a smile.

Just when Lin Biao thought it was a friendly signal and thought that Shen Lang would be loose, Shen Lang refused directly!

"You don't need it! You and Qiu Lin Jianzong have already broken their minds, and you don't need to go through history. If you are cold and fall, Mo Feiliu will be killed if you are injured. Even if the Qiulin swords are to be destroyed, you don't need to guard."

"I have a deep wave, I will protect Qiu Lin Jianzong!"

"You don't want to bully too much! This is the martial art I founded! Everyone still recognizes my ancestor!" Lin Biaozhi has always been more friendly than Li Wei, but now his temper is coming up.

"Oh! You are half created, and you have destroyed at least 80%! From this point of view, Qiu Lin Jianzong has nothing to do with you, you still owe the cold autumn!" Shen Lang sneered.

"Everyone recognizes you, it is because we are kind and trustworthy, and we have not broken our promises to break your scandal."


Lin Biao’s dumb voice is speechless.

From the perspective of co-founding, in terms of extensive, he can only have half, and the ruin is indeed far more than half.

Shen Lang said that there is also reason. On the same day, he said that he would not reveal his scandal. People have done it, but they have not done it.

The reason is this, but it is said that it is very uncomfortable to listen to!

When you were not there, Qiu Lin Jianzong was deceived by the door. We came forward to rescue, but became untrustworthy?

Is this to say that we use your hot face to post your cold ass?

"You don't want to be too mad."

This sentence is what Lin Biaozhi said with his mouth.

Everyone didn't know that they had just exchanged consciousness, just like a sentence that Lin Biao's silence said after a moment.

This is just the beginning of the smashing of Li Lan, and it does not seem inexplicable.

"You know, I am used to it." Shen Lang laughed.

Lin Biao's look is complicated.

When Shen Lang dazzled the world, he could only look up. From that time, it was indeed mad.

He is now consciously not inferior to Shen Lang's previous rumors, but Shen Lang reinvented and rebuilt, and he has reached a level that is not inferior to him!

He had to blame the unfairness of the sky, which is obviously a preference for Shen Lang.

Looking at the back of Shen Lang, Bai Yu, the dog **** and the Count of Dracula, vaguely each strength is not inferior to him, so Lin Biaozhi can not be tough.

He can only give Shen Lang a "walking" look.


He took Li Wei and the two, not waiting for the closure of the mountain guard, directly crossed the guardian mountain and went out, and then disappeared into the distance.

It’s easy to sneer.

The current Shen Lang is not the Shen Lang that he just saw. The exchange at this level is not something he can interrupt.

Even if you are a little bit guilty, don’t dare to ask questions.

Shen Lang waved his hand and motioned that they all went back to each other, and then looked at the easy side.

"Easy general manager, you just have to remember a little. I can't be wrong. If you think I am wrong, it must be that you are wrong."


Easy to be speechless, but can only nod.

Shen Lang glanced at him and suddenly remembered. It is not easy for Lin Biao's feelings to be different, not only because he is low in class but does not understand the situation.

Moreover, because he and his master, this is the apprentice of Lin Biao!

Perhaps Li Wei is the master of his master Yang Baotian. In the two branches of Gao and Lin, it is the one of Lin.

Therefore, when Lin Biaozhi and Li Wei came back, they would make him more psychologically close.

Mo Feiliu also came back as a teacher and Lin Shibo.

Originally this past event Gao Hanqiu feels that the ugliness can not be promoted, and does not want to split in the door.

But now it seems that this matter does not let them know, but it is easy to make a split.

Even if it is not necessary to make it known, at least Mo Feiliu should know that it is easy to know the successors of cultivation.

"You... what else do you have to tell?"

The day before, Shen Lang was able to attack seven great gods in one stroke, but he could imprison 13 big gods by hand. If he was angry, he could not be an opponent.

"No, I am a passenger, Gao Hanqiu, Mo Feiliu is also old, and Qiu Lin Jianzong still wants you to be in charge. I will not be jealous of you."

Shen Lang directly infused the memory of the night to the easy.

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