The First Strong

Chapter 2301: Moved, refused?

At this moment, the white eyes are wet, and the tears are full!

She has always felt that she is very lonely.

Because of the very deep shadow of childhood, she was insecure about everything, and the flower fairy was invisible in her mind.

Even if the patriarch is attached to her, it is also a real old predecessor.

The more she cultivated, the more she opened up the distance with others!

When the gap is gradually opened, everyone will inevitably be envious and hateful, and it will become a kind of exclusion.

When the gap widened, everyone started to look up.

Envy and admire will have, and will not regard her as a competitor of the same age, it is another level of feeling. But naturally, it is impossible for her to have a simple friendship, but there will be a gap between the general and the larger.

As the saying goes, "I don't envy the rich, but I will envy the higher income than his income." The day has become a genius, and it has left everyone's level.

Her peers of the same age and peers began to respect her. Or because of the gap and the relationship between the patriarchs, it is not very likely to want to be close.

At this time, I began to hate the white envy, but it was the nine-tailed fox demon of the older generation.

Those who have cultivated to the end of the nine are the pillars of the Qingqiu. After the elders of the original family, the new generation of patriarchs will be among them.

Especially among the younger ones, the "middle-aged" generation has the opportunity to be bigger than the old nine-tailed fox.

But now suddenly a genius is much younger than them, and the patriarch is personally teaching, is it unclear to build for the successor?

This has become their strongest competitor, naturally they are envious of hatred, they are the object of crowding resentment. Of course, it will be a part of the seniors' draw and use.

All these, the patriarchs are clear, but did not stop anything, nor did she help her to resolve anything.

Since it is necessary to go to the patriarch's successor to train, these small problems are just one exercise. They don't need to pay attention to it. They are the thorns that help her grow on the road.

But for the day, it is a little bit of accumulated scars, making her more and more lonely.

At that time, the patriarch asked him to follow the service of Shen Lang, followed by the time to leave Qingqiu and go to humanity.

For the daytime, the mood was complicated. On the one hand, we can avoid some of the troubles of Qingqiu, including her exclusion, squeezing, and courtship for her.

On the one hand, there may be a chance to see the flower fairy. But on the other hand, just like the first child who traveled a long way, it was a little confused and panicked. It felt a bit like the taste of being driven away by the patriarch.

Followed by Shen Lang, it is also good for her, she is also doing her best, together with the Yungong Holy Land, looking for those black robes and so on.

But when she got better, the last time she was going to go and the cold autumn, she had to send her back to Qingqiu!

White 娓 once again has the feeling of being abandoned...

It was as if Shen Lang had never regarded her as her own, but as a guest brought back from Qingqiu, she was sent away when necessary.

She also clearly felt that her relationship with Shen Lang is still far less than that of the Emperor.

She was unwilling to leave at that time and insisted on staying in the Qiulin sword. Shen Lang did not find her desolate and uncomfortable.

For her somewhat sensitive, it is equal to the patriarch who gave her to humans, and humans returned her back!

Going back to Qingqiu, of course, it is still a familiar environment and is my home. But in terms of emotion and face, all aspects are also difficult to accept.

So she made up her mind at the time and stood on the mountain. If Shen Lang really didn't come back, it would be inconvenient to stay in the Qiulin swords in the long run. She would go out alone and go back to Qingqiu.

When Shen Lang came back, she was very happy, but also bitter.

Happy is to say that Shen Lang did not abandon her, knowing that she is here, or coming back. Bitterness means that Shen Lang was really trying to let her go, and deliberately said that she might not come back again. She had to abandon her heart.

Until today, until now!

From the words of Shen Lang’s sincere words, Bai Yu understands that she has always felt lonely. In fact, she does not know enough about others, so that there are more misunderstandings!

The patriarch allowed her to leave and give her the opportunity to choose the path of life. This is the treatment that all Qingqiu people do not have!

The patriarch knows that she is tired of the green hills, so that she can live the life she wants, and live a life that is different from that of Qingqiu.

Only the old patriarch, there is no one to say anything about her.

The same is true for Shen Lang. I really want to abandon her. When is there no chance? In the holy place of Yungong, it is just a matter of throwing it in, and there is no need to bring her out.

It is also to follow the adventure again and again, let him want her to go back to the safe green hills, go back to her familiar home This is deliberately hard to say no, let her go back!

Today is even more so, he is to guard the Qiu Lin Jianzong, but because of listening to her and the flowers of the fairy, I immediately decided to bring them over, and he will not hesitate to commit crimes, but also to fulfill her wish.

Now it is better to help her analyze clearly, but do not make any direct guidance, let her make a decision.

As for the Baihua Fairy, it is from her childhood, she is the perfect sustenance of God. Now she will accept her and let her choose. That is normal.

Let her move to tears, mainly because of understanding the patriarch and Shen Lang.

"Thank you for the love of the fairy! Bai Yu will always be grateful to you forever! You have created me now, and will give me a more extraordinary future..."

Bai Yu said to the Baihua Fairy while licking his head.

The Baihua Fairy and the Shenlang are slightly a bit strange.

They all can see that the day is very eager to stay with her. Just giving her choice, telling her about the pros and cons, etc., is also a little more respect for her.

They all hope that she can face it more cautiously, rather than rushing to agree.

But in itself, they all feel that white must be promised.

Isn't this the goal she has been pursuing?

Tired of all sorts of troubles in the green hills, will become a flower fairy in the future, isn't it very good?

But she did not directly agree, not excited to call Master, but a grateful discourse, it naturally shows that there will be a turning point.

This is the prelude to rejection!

"You don't want to stay in Baihua Valley?"

The flower fairy is very calm, but she said the meaning of the apprentice. Other words, expressing sincerity and generosity, really want to be rejected, or feel uncomfortable.

So I saw the signs, and when she had not refused to speak, she asked her first.

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