The First Strong

Chapter 2378: Dog god

Since there is a clear direction, even if you can't specifically perceive the status quo of the dog god, Shen Lang is also relieved.

The environment here is so special, even he has tossed a few times, the dog **** will be in the road, it is normal, as long as it has not been killed.

But it is not really dangerous to want to come to the dog god.

Because it is very powerful in itself, it will be highly valued. Before the misunderstanding of Fengqiu, he must further feel that this beast is very valuable and will be alive. The new 81 Chinese network updates the fastest computer: https://

At this moment, with the goal, Shen Lang is directly in the cold water, going to the bottom of the middle island!

Because Shen Lang has just mastered the skills of the mermaid family, it is still very fast in this cold water.

In terms of proficiency and tacit understanding, he is certainly not as good as the mermaid of Hanze. Not to mention the patriarch, the experience of Fengqiu is also insufficient.

However, when he was in Tongtianhe, he had received a giant water-free water-avoiding bead, so even if his body had no fins and no breathing, there was no problem in the water.

The use of the combination of the two is not worse than the ability of the Hanze people to control water.

Walking through the water quickly, it didn't take long before I came around the big island in the middle.

When he was close, he could more clearly sense the breath of the dog god, but still could not perceive the specific status of the dog god.

Below the island, it may not be hollow, so it is a bit of a sigh of silence to sense that the dog **** is under the island.

Could it be that after the dog **** entered the cold, he came down here under the water?

In that case, they have not had formal contact with the dog god, and they may not know it.

But there is a bigger possibility, that is, the dog **** has been caught by them in what way.

After they caught it, they were brought to this big island. It’s just that their prisons and the like are digging a deep underground pit on the island!

In that case, Shen Lang feels in the distance, it will feel that it is in the lower part of the island, but it is deeply isolated, it is difficult to find out the specific look.

If so, Shen Lang must first board the island and then find the specific place.

But Shen Lang does not need such trouble!

There are a lot of fish people living in it. Even if he has the memory of Fengqiu, but there is no memory of the patriarch, the patriarch may have spread the news.

Then, as soon as he appeared on the island, he would become the target of public criticism!

Now that I am near the waters of the island, no one has come to pursue him. It should be because everyone has not thought that he can hide in the water, or else he should attack directly.

The solution for Shen Lang is... small shovel!

The little shovel of the shoal is still very practical here. Because the island is also real, it is earthy, you can use it with a small shovel.

He can use a small shovel to dig a big hole and follow it.

But in that case, the movement will be bigger. If the shovel is quickly excavated, it is at least a tens of meters long. On the island, there will be vibration.ァ新ヤ~8~1~中文网ωωω.χ~8.~1zщ.còм

So now, the other model is to use the small shovel as a magic weapon to walk through, directly following the small shovel, to achieve the effect of a smashing through the earth.

Using a small shovel, I quickly sneaked in the mud, and soon the waves felt close to the dog god.

at last!

Go through the air.

This is where the dog **** is, and Shen Lang also took the shovel's castration in time and paused.

This stopped to help me.

The place where the dog **** is located, sensed from a distance, is below the island. But now I look around and discover that it is actually an abyssal tiankeng!

This is an abyss tiankeng on the island. The dog **** is here, just because the crater is very deep, and it is far enough to cross the island's water level.

So from the far side, the feeling is that it is under the island, but to come over, it is really very far around, to cross half of the island.

That doesn't require any special spells. Purely physical isolation can already make any signal fade.

The scope of this tiankeng is not small, the top is also very high, and the dog **** is now trapped at the bottom of this tiankeng.

But the moment that Shen Lang appeared, it did not come over immediately, not even alarmed to it!

When Shen Lang looked at it, he had an answer right away.

The dog **** is at the very center of the bottom of this tiankeng, and now its body is not the size of a dog, but the size of an elephant.

But it is lying on the ground, completely lost consciousness.

With the dog **** can almost rival the realm of the cold and autumn, not to mention such a big movement to dig over, even if someone above is gently floating down, it should also be immediately detected.

But now, it seems to be drunk, in a state of being asleep.

Shen Lang took a step and went straight to it.

Whether it is direct observation or the monitoring of the holy armor, it is impossible to see how it is now. Sleeping doesn't sleep so badly!

Fortunately, on the surface, it seems that the dog **** is not injured, can only be said to be imprisoned and under house arrest.

House arrest is a way to save If the body is greatly damaged, it is a big trouble.

At this moment, Shen Lang came to the side of the dog god, and consciousness immediately invaded the dog god's mind!

The two of them are very tacit, and it is very simple to enter the past.

Shen Lang is not to inquire about it, even feel that it is not convenient to read its memory, because this is a friend!

Entering its brain is nothing more than awakening it in this way.

As a result, at the moment of entering, Shen Lang felt that he did not wake up the dog god, but he almost fell into it!

I don't know how they did it, but I can be sure that the dog **** is now locked in consciousness and let it stay here.

With the power of the dog god, if you really want to limit it, it is really not easy, let alone the iron chain and the like can not bind him, even if it is a general magic weapon, including the magic weapon such as the sky, you may not be able to sleep Live it.

But after consciousness is locked in here, it will not struggle because it is self-conscious and has no idea of ​​leaving.

At the moment of intrusion, Shen Lang had a strange feeling of wanting to stay here.

Just like a normal person, suddenly become very sleepy, I feel that closing my eyes and sleeping immediately is the most comfortable and fragrant thing. I don’t want to resist natural reactions at all. Go to sleep right away.

However, his alertness is not comparable to that of ordinary people. In particular, there is speculation. In the moment of intrusion, he has done enough defense.

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