The First Strong

Chapter 2381: Fire experimenter

The blue birds, called the fire in the ancient cold world, they feed on the cold fire.

The world is full of cold fires, which lays the foundation for the breeding of fire, they can also survive anywhere.

And other races are trapped in one place, and it is hard to build a settlement. Everyone must strengthen protection for thousands of years.

For the fire, naturally, some of the predecessors saw that they swallowed the cold, and felt that this must have a deliberate ability. If you eat it, you may be able to greatly increase your skill. Starting https://https://

Because other races have not heard of anyone who can directly swallow the cold, it is almost looking for death.

The fire sizzling and not dying, the ability to cool after the digestion, may be gently absorbed.

To this end, many races in history have been hunting for fire.

The result is that there are not many successful precedents. The objective reason is that the fire can survive anywhere, and there is no fixed address to search for. The world is so vast, and the chances of encountering it are extremely small.

Going straight to search for fire without any clues may lead to more dangers and more than gains. Starting

The subjective reason is that these fires can not only swallow the cold fire, but also spray the cold!

The cold fire in the nature, there are rules on the ground, there are irregular in the air, but the fire is sprayed out, it is naturally controlled, it must be more preventive.

More importantly, they can also be linked to the natural fires and create a lot of movement.

There used to be some ancestors who went hunting around the fire. As a result, the casualties were not small, and the fires that were obtained had specific effects, but they did not spread.

What the later generations know is that the fire has been eaten by some people, but it seems that there is no effect. The cost of arresting is too great, and it is not cost-effective.

So there is no race to hunt and kill the fire, but also lose this kind of strange creature. It is not so easy to breed. Otherwise, there is no shortage of food, and it has not become a part of the food chain. Yes.

In general, the number of fires is still very small. Even if no one is going to hunt, it is very difficult to meet.

The memory of the king of the world thousands of years ago, the memory of the wind autumn, and the blue bird fire, are similar, which proves that there is really no change.

The Wind Autumn Festival will understand these things, just like the mask of the Lord of the Sand State. This is the responsibility of his welcoming guest department. He has learned the world common sense more than others.

Shen Lang immediately said the information about the blue bird fire to the dog god.

But it is also a background knowledge, without too specific reference. He also felt that he felt like the consciousness was locked and plunged into it, talking to the dog god.

In the end, what kind of state is it, what kind of consequences will it be, or the dog **** himself will experience and bear it.

The dog **** is not a stupid dog who was suddenly swayed in the world of giant beasts. Followed by Shen Lang to eat incense and drink spicy... Hey, follow the Shenlang to the south and go to many worlds, but also to see the world.

In particular, the combination of the mysterious poisonous grass seed that wants to rob it in Long Valley, it is already a special beast of "animal and plant combination", but the chair is hot, and it has not worried about it.

Then it asked about the situation after Shen Lang.

Shen Lang simply said it, including the situation in the sand country - in this day's book space, Shen Lang certainly did not wear a golden mask.

The two sides have summed up a bit, and it is considered to have a general context.

The dog **** was in the cold, and was isolated by the water. It was not far from the shore, and it could not sense the shore. It lost its sense of direction, so it was in vain.

But let it sleep is the blue bird fire.

However, after it fell asleep, it should be said that it fell into the cold.

With the low temperature of this cold water, it should be able to give it a certain stimulus and let it wake up.

However, Shen Lang used three lightning bolts to wake it up, and could not expect the water of Hanze to work.

But even if you don't wake it up, you won't freeze it, you won't drown it, and it should be at the bottom of the cold.

When Shen Lang found it, it was at the bottom of the tiankeng in the middle of the island, and it was naturally transferred.

When Shen Lang came in, he flew into the waters for ten miles - now, there may be problems with the distance, there may be a repetition of the bend and not knowing it - and it has encountered the wind and autumn.

The dog **** and the fire come together, the movement will not be smaller than him, the mermaid will not know.

According to Feng Qiu's memory, he did not lie. He did not really see or know the dog god. Hanze had several welcoming guests. Everyone was also guarding under different waters.

Perhaps it is the dog **** that the mermaid in other people’s areas has greeted and salvaged.

However, after Shen Lang came over, Feng Qiu passed the information directly, but no one told him the specific situation.

If it is discovered by another welcoming guest, this matter will be reported immediately, and then the core management will be notified.

A few of them welcome the guest, in fact, they are already the core management personnel, which is equivalent to the external personnel.

However, from the wind autumn to pass the information, to Shen Lang left the desert island, he once again blocked, to Shen Lang controlled to read his memory, there is no information about the dog god.

He reported that he went up to this point. The information about the king of the sand kings looking for a potentially important beast has aroused everyone's but no one gave him feedback!

These are combined and the answer is already coming out!

When I first felt that the fire and the dog **** came over, it should be the patriarch of the Hanze mermaid!

At that time, the patriarch might observe underwater. Maybe the dog **** could not catch the fire and swallow it, and he also intervened to help. The dog **** can't leave Hanze, or it may be that he has joined the blind eye.

When the dog **** was sleeping and coma, he took the dog **** away and then sent it directly to the bottom of the tiankeng.

Its purpose is not a dog god, it should be a fire!

Finally, there is a legendary fire that has come to Hanze. The opportunity is rare. Even if there is no price/performance ratio, it is inevitable to try it.

Since the dog **** wants to swallow, then of course he is uncomfortable, you can use the dog **** as an experimental object.

If the dog **** has no problem eating it, then he will eat the dog **** again, and naturally there is no problem.

So he will participate in the promotion, and then take the dog **** through the place where no one is, and carefully observe all the changes.

If you don't announce it, you may want to enjoy it yourself. It may be that you are afraid of the fire and attract others to worry.

This can explain that the dog **** did not have any external injuries under the pit, and was not controlled.

Because the patriarch is watching the experimental goal there!

When the wind and autumn sent the information, the head of the sand country personally came to ask for it, thinking that the wind can not deal with it, he will go out personally.

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