The First Strong

Chapter 785: Throw the sea

"Being forgiving and forgiving, he already knows it wrong. And it is not a threat to you, but he is a little proud of his way of speaking. I hope you see everyone in the same way, spare him!"

The voice continued to persuade, there was a hint of majesty, but there was no fire, no anger, and there seemed to be no fear that Shen Lang would kill Smith.

"I won't kill people, but since he dares to threaten me, I have to let him pay a price!"

When Shen Lang finished, he did not give the face of the mysterious person behind the scene, and punched it directly.

This S-class superman, who has always been a distinguished and powerful Smith, did not expect that he would have such a day, actually no resistance, so he watched a punch on his face, and this punch Force, already far better than the hammer, let his nose directly collapsed!

The iron fist of Shen Lang also made him dizzy.

"Since the Boss behind you are coming out to say something to you, I will spare you! In front of me, you are the weak!"

When Shen Lang talked again, he opened the window of the cabin of the room and directly threw the dead dog-like Smith into the sea.

Although the passenger liner is not full of people, the priority is for rooms with windows to see the sea. There are also some people living here, and some people are on the deck.

If it is a general tourist, of course, this movement may not be found, but for the true self-cultivation level, the natural movement can be perceived.

The change here was immediately discovered by many people. I was still thinking about whether there was any accident, whether it was saving people or the like.

However, through the observation of eyes, gods, etc., I recognized Smith who was thrown into the sea. It was not a low-end crew member, and his face was already hurt. Naturally, it was not accidentally dropped, but was thrown away by people.

No one has shot it, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Of course, it only made Smith stunned and would not drown him. After losing the ban on the waves, he quickly flew up from the sea and returned to the boat.

After Shen Lang threw Smith out, the person who had passed the voice before did not speak again, and he never showed his identity.

However, in combination with the words of Fuyang real person and Qiao Yuxian and this Smith, basically one can guess one or two.

This mysterious person who pays attention to the situation here in other places should be the strongman in the strong league of Smith, or the boss, and it is very likely that it is the big boss of Shuyang.

Just now that person was only paying attention to this side, and did not directly intervene in anything, but his attitude, or people let Shen Lang pay attention to it.

After all, he just grabbed Smith's neck. If the other party is a warning of anger, or a bit nervous, it means that.

But the mysterious man is completely calm, although persuaded to put Smith, but the appearance of it, it seems that even if Smith is killed, it will not affect him.

This is not the same!

It is not only from the side of the mood that this person's strength must be far better than Smith, but also that Smith has not yet reached the importance of his right arm, then he may already have a strong alliance around him.

But how about that?

Shen Lang doesn't care, he just wants to slam the face, as if he wants to turn his face, who is afraid of who?

After Smith smashed his nose and threw it into the sea, Shen Lang won the silence. No other foreigner came to win him. It was the comprehension of China, and he was not familiar with it.

In everyone's impression, this guy is a murderer who doesn't speak directly. Even if he really pulls it up, he may not be able to hold it.

A calm night passed, and the next morning when I was eating, Shen Lang saw the canoe.

Her whole state has been obviously different. When she was enlightened last night, it was just a leap in her mood. Now, it is true that the whole realm has been upgraded.

"Fortunately, not to be insulted." She gratefully glanced at Shen Lang.

If it is not the inner Dan given by Shen Lang, then if she is trying hard to cultivate, it will never be able to break through to the peak of the real world.

She has not yet caught up with the progress of the rain, and the rain has already broken through to the peak of the real life in the dead forest. In the past few months, she has not stopped her efforts, and before Shen Lang gave her a yin spring, it is even more powerful. .

If it is not for the river to want her to stabilize her mood, these two months can already break through to the realm of the gods.

However, the canoe has already been bearish on the contrast with the falling rain, and it is a great opportunity for her to continually leap from the beginning of the deposit to the peak of the real situation in the half year.

And all this can be said because of this man in front!

"Continue to keep. It is a little more to make progress." Shen Lang nodded and encouraged.

The canoe was slightly white and white: "Can you not be so old-fashioned! It feels like my master's old age."

Shen Lang is a bit helpless: "What should I say?"

"You should say: Wow! Congratulations, you have progressed so fast, I have never thought of it. I will definitely have a limited future. To celebrate your promotion, we can have a drink... Haha, I can't make it."

Obviously, the boat is very excited, she wants to share her joy with Shen Lang, even if this is what he created.

"Oh, the master of the boat, I am not attacking you. This boat is just grabbing one, the strength is stronger than you, and there is no return to the sea, maybe they will become your enemy, you really have no time to be happy."


If you are in the dark, let the canoe be slightly white: "Hey scenery! But even if you pour cold water, I am still very excited."

During the speech, Qiao Yuxian, Liu Yuchang and others who took the food also came over.

They are all veteran of the real power of the gods ~ ~ naturally also see the change of the canoe, they have congratulated her.

It is very good that the canoe is so old, and it is very good. As a female disciple of the Tianshan Ice Palace with limited resources, this has surpassed the successors of their family.

Of course, they can all see it. It must have something to do with Shen Lang. It is Shen Lang’s support for resources, but first of all, I must have talent.

Among them, Liu Yuchang is undoubtedly the most happy one.

He originally carried the river, and his identity and strength were able to pass. As a result, he couldn’t come, and the boat was much worse. The key was not strength, but generation and age.

Now the raft has broken through to the peak of the real world. On the one hand, the strength is getting closer. On the other hand, she also shows her talent, and the relationship with Shen Lang.

All of this makes him confessed to his allies, and does not feel like he is carrying a burden.

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