The First Strong

Chapter 907: Shocked the audience

So many people on the scene, noisy, let some giants who don’t show up very much, are all frowning.

But there is no way. They once expressed that they met Shen Lang in advance, even if they paid twice the Lingshi, but they were rejected.

Otherwise, they certainly don't want to be open together.

However, on the same occasion, for the genre family with insufficient grades, watching the global glory of the glory, the event will make them excited and even take photos.

There are also seniors who have come to the front and some rare predecessors to get to know each other, to communicate with foreign comprehensions, and so on.

It’s hard to wait until ten o'clock, and the launch time of Shen Lang’s official appearance is here!

At the moment when Shen Lang came to power, everyone was quiet.

Everyone is watching the young man on the stage. From the age and seniority of the audience, this young man is just a big man with his grandson and grandchildren. Now he is a globally eye-catching figure.

However, accompanied by Shen Lang, there are two people, Gao Li and Qi Sheng. The two of them are not weak regardless of age, seniority or strength.

Even though most people don't know it, they did their homework in advance. They also know that these two are the elders of the Tianshan Jianzong. They are said to be the peaks of the real world or the late strength, and they are naturally disciples of Shen Lang!

Disciples have a peak of truth, and this weight is not light. However, everyone knows that from the grade level, they can't be taught by Shen Lang, so I guess it is just a name. It may be that Tianshan Jianzong has created his own momentum.

"Thank you for your support, I really didn't think there would be so many friends who care about the situation of no return to hell..."

The beginning of Shen Lang's guest set is also true, and he can earn more than three hundred fine stones. Don't say that the wind has no intention to admire his appeal, he is also surprised.

This is certainly not his personal appeal.

But this is just the beginning, and someone immediately interrupted!

"Master Shen Lang, you are right, we are concerned about the situation of no return to the sea. The tickets for Lingshi, we have already paid, now you have to prove that you are back into the sea of ​​no return, Or did you come back on the side of the no-fighting prison?"

This person is not euphemistic, it is said with a provocative tone.

Obviously, what he means is: Do you want Lingshi? I can afford it! But if you deceive everyone, then don't blame Laozi for turning his face!

He is not only a person, but also represents the mentality of a considerable number of people on the scene. Everyone has doubts about the return of Shen Lang.

After all, so many top powerhouses have not returned, why do you a young man can come back?

Shen Lang’s eyes swept over and saw that this is a foreign comprehension. Of course, he does not know or know what the martial art family is.

However, he does not need to understand the background of this person. For this out to him, he also took the opportunity to kill the chicken and monkey town!

"You doubt me?"

"Yes! You must first prove that you are really coming back from there."

Shen Lang looked at him, facing his gaze, the man’s body slammed, and then flew up from his seat. The whole person was hanging in the air, as if he had been caught in the neck, and the whole person could not move.

The scene immediately became quiet, and they were all masters with no realm, and no one exclaimed. This is obviously that Shen Lang and this person are up, and everyone is keeping a wait-and-see attitude.

Even a friend who is familiar with that person does not stand up for the first time, because Shen Lang is absolutely impossible to kill in front of hundreds of people, and his life is sure to be worry-free. It’s just a face, it’s already lost, they can’t come back with it, and they might put their faces in it.

"I believe that you are not messing up, then I will give you three days, do you not do your homework?"

"I was the last group of the past, there is verification, there is a passenger ship to the past, you suspect that I did not enter the sea of ​​innocence, why not investigate the witnesses of the passenger ship at that time?"

"Now want me to prove it to you? Love does not listen! If you don't listen, just get out and return to your spiritual stone!"

After waiting for these sentences, Shen Lang let him fall back to his seat.

Just these words, on the bright side is to say to this person, in fact, also respond to all other people who question.

The last time it was a public action, there was an organizing committee, and it was not the Chinese comprehension. The staff on the passenger ship were all self-cultivators. These are the things they can check. It is not that Shen Lang can manipulate the cooperation.

Those who have doubts in their hearts, if they listen to this, can only be squatting. No one dares to come out from the discussion, after all, they have not done this homework.

Some of the scenes were really doing this homework, and it was verified that everyone at that time went in, and no one stayed on the boat or flinched off the sea.

Although it does not mean that there is no cheating, it is also a side proof. Otherwise, how can he prove that he went to the other side of the innocent sea?

The man felt that he had been attacked by the sinking waves. After being thrown back into his seat, the anger was raging!

But immediately felt a slap in the face and forced it over!

This momentum is open, and there is more spiritual power to directly control him, so that he can not move again.

"You don't know how to lift it, don't blame me for throwing you out!"

If Shen Lang was just an explanation and response, this time, both imposing and spiritual, it showed the strength of his peak.

In the comprehension of the scene, some of them are the realm of the gods, which are basically the pillars of the giants all over the world, and the rest are also the end of the real world.

At this level, basically all of them are acquainted with the goods. Even if they don’t see the specific strength of Shen Lang, he smothered the rumors of the two strong players in the early days of the gods, but they got inquired, so no one felt before. The chaos came to and now the strength of the Shenlang show, not only the person who directly feels, everyone is shocked!

It is a foreign powerhouse who has not heard of Shen Lang’s reputation before, and will never doubt the strength of Shen Lang.

No one dares to doubt or despise because of his age.

So many top powers can't come back, why can he come back? It is the strength!

After the shock, hundreds of people on the scene were also excited. If Shen Lang is so powerful, it means that he really came back from the journey of no return to Hell, which means that Lingshi will not be white, you can really know the secrets of history!

Further to Lenovo, Shen Lang’s current strength seems to be much more powerful than the rumors of a few months ago. Will it be because of the adventure of no return to the Hell Hunt?

For a time, everyone was full of yearning and eager to listen to the story of Shen Lang. As for the person who came out to challenge, no one is going to take care of it.

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