The First Strong

Chapter 938: Return to life

After everyone left, the sound insulation for the meeting was gone, and they were left.

Yan Zun’s face was peaceful and he said with a smile: “The elders, what do you have, please say directly, I can accept anything.”

Shen Lang glanced and smiled: "What? Do you think I want to persuade you?"

"Oh, in fact, in the past two years, I also focused on cultivating praise. Now he has also broken through the realm of truth, and all aspects have also kept up. He is already qualified for the position of the lord. Now let him take over, I am also assured, also I can spend my old age."

Yan Zun is indeed very calm now, and has been preparing for such a day.

Just now, Shen Lang said that it was very simple, and did not make any specific plans for the development of Jianzong, but brought four masters, and the swordsman was strong. Internally, it is a resource that promises no less than the big door, and the elders are very excited.

Undoubtedly, this is to let the swordsman embark on a period of rapid development, and his abandonment can no longer keep up.

Not to mention strength, he has not relied on strength for more than a year, but intelligence is maintaining the responsibilities of the sovereign.

But he was squatted at the beginning, the injury was too heavy, and he was barely maintained in a wheelchair, or he needed medication and other elders from time to time for treatment.

Persistence until now, has gone from bad to worse, which directly makes the spirit, energy and other aspects can not keep up, the intelligence is of course the same.

After common, there is not such a big difference. Shen Lang has seen it for a few months. It should be seen that his condition is not good. I did not ask the elders just now, but kept him with dignity.

So now he also chooses to abdicate with dignity!

Shen Lang nodded: "Your question, I can see that other elders can see it, and... I believe they have also worked hard. It is me who caused you this situation. I..."

"No, no need to apologize." Yan Zun interrupted Shen Lang and said seriously: "At the time we didn't know, you traded, my actions were normal, if I never knew more. In the case, I will still be skeptical, it will be the same attitude, and the result will not change."

"And after more than a year, you have brought too much to the sword. My master has never been able to compare with a dozen of the ones you have given for a lifetime. So, I don't need to apologize, I am very grateful. And I am proud of my decision! This is the most wise of my life, it can be said that it is my glory."

Shen Lang smiled and shook his head: "You, listen to me. I am not apologizing to you, nor is it to express guilt. I just want to say that since I made you like this, I will also You are saved!"

"You mean..." Yan Zun shivered slightly.

He can see it very open, because it is like him. He was forced to continue his life. It will not last long. It is not easy to persist until now.

Just decided to a decent abdication, don't wait until the worst.

But if Shen Lang can save it, even if it is not easy to live, I still want to continue to live!

The sacred and high-slung, which were pierced by a hole in the chest, were rescued by Shen Lang. Perhaps it is really possible to create a miracle?

But he did not dare to hold too much hope. After all, the strength of the sacred and high separation is far better than that of him, and the foundation is much thicker. And he is not a new injury now, it is a remnant that has been dragging for two years.

Shen Lang took out a sea pearl.

"This is the treasure I have found. It is said that it can be used as a cure for the dead. Of course, your lower body can no longer grow, but your life should be able to survive."

He has never seen or used the spirit of the sea, and he does not know the real effect.

Thank you very much, "I am very grateful to the elders. I don't dare to expect the lower body. I can be satisfied with it. I can see that Jianzong is leading the Chung Hsing under the leadership of the elders. one day."

He did not have any doubts. After taking over the Lingzhu, he swallowed it directly.

Shen Lang was a little sweaty. He was still a bit worried. He wanted to say that he would slowly absorb it. After all, this body may not be able to stand it.

But now that I have eaten it, I can only help it.

He did not guilty about anything, as Yan Zun said, at that time, everyone would be such a choice. But this year, he has always respected his attitude, and he is doing his best to fight the sword with his broken body. He is also in the eye.

So even if this Lingzhu is very precious, and there are only three, he is willing to give one.

After Lingzhu was swallowed by him, he soon began to react. Suddenly, there seemed to be light shining from his body, leaving his body slightly shining.

And the whole person is completely sluggish.

Shen Lang shook his head, such a powerful drug effect, perhaps not at all his current state can afford!

He did not hesitate, immediately injected the power of the spirit, directly into the consciousness of the devotion, as long as he protected his consciousness, just the body, it should not explode, after all, this is the healing pearl of life.

But after entering the consciousness, I discovered that the stagnation of Yan Zun is not because I can’t stand it, but because I am very happy!

He has suffered for more than a year and has been used to it. Now suddenly it became a disease-free state, which made him unable to adapt to the whole person. He even suspected that it was returned to the light, so the whole person was sluggish.

Since there was no problem, Shen Lang immediately withdrew his consciousness and immediately checked his body.

Lingzhu has begun to integrate automatically!

This is a holy medicine for life and death. People who need to "return to life" will naturally not be aware of their own absorption, and even their physical functions have been suspended. Therefore, it is necessary for Lingzhu to actively integrate itself.

The current situation is the body of the deity, almost visible speed is getting better quickly!

He had already been the body of the oil, and began to rejuvenate. Although it was impossible to grow his legs and feet, it was to restore his other organs, especially the short-lived place.

After a few minutes, Yan Zun’s body has become a healthy body. Although it is still disabled, it is no longer a disease, and it should be able to maintain a long life. Great Elder! thanks, thanks! I really don't know how to thank you! ”

Yan Zun has finally adapted to the changes in the body, and determined that it is not a sudden death, but a real recovery. The miracle of the body makes him very excited. If there is no lower body, he will bow down directly to Shen Lang.

"It seems that the drug is good, you don't have to be so excited. It only takes a few minutes. It is estimated that the drug effect is a small part, and so on. It should give you more benefits, maybe you can re-cultivate."

Yan Zun’s eyes lit up and excitedly said: “I am not afraid of hardship, I am willing to come back!”

If he was just treated, he would rather be a waste person. What has been done and what has been rebuilt? If you don't bother to think, you may not be able to lay the foundation. It can only add sorrow.

Now there is a great confidence! Let him feel that all miracles are possible.

Shen Lang is really a miracle!

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