The First Strong

Chapter 970: Battle of the soul

The struggle for the soul and the engulfment of consciousness are not as traceable as the battles in reality. In particular, this battlefield is still in the minds of third parties, and it is very embarrassing in itself.

This stranger of the world is completely an aggressive method of attack. Even if it will damage Yuezhengnan, he will not be scrupulous, and he will kill himself.

However, for Shen Lang, it is a very experienced thing. Before Yuxianmen, there was experience in this area.

The menacing attack, he not only did not evade, did not withdraw from the brain of Yue Zhennan, but also directly suppressed the past!

Yuezhen South's demonized body, just stiffened, is Shen Lang directly manipulated the lunar needle, and set him to stab.

But now, the battle between him and the soul of this monster, the two people have not been affected, directly let Yue Zhennan's head is about to explode!

Yue Zhennan, who was just shocked by the fact that he had a son, was the most painful one. The two souls used his brain as a battlefield to start a battle and let him almost shock.

Needless to say, he certainly wants to help Shen Lang. If he can get rid of this monster together, he is of course very willing.

But just as he had to be eroded every day, because he couldn't fight it, he could only resist the compromise.

Now, at this moment, he is still able to remain unconscious. It is already very difficult, and he can't help Shen Lang.

This situation, of course, is also clear.

What he wants is to rescue Yue Zhennan. If you can, it is best to save it. Otherwise, he can directly destroy them, and there is no need for such a way.

But at this time, he can't be soft-hearted, and he can't think too much about Yue Zhennan. The pain of this soul, Yue Zhennan must bear, to be less guilty, and he needs to solve it as soon as possible.

For the supercharged power of Shen Lang, in an attempt to swallow his magic, he immediately felt tremendous pressure. After trying to fail, he immediately changed a way, attacked the waves and turned into the consciousness of attacking Yuezhennan!

Even if Shen Lang is outside the head of Yue Zhennan, his mental strength is still strong enough to match. If he continues, he may only be swallowed up by Shen Lang.

However, the current state of Yue Zhennan is the first time after he entered. Relatively speaking, it is the time of fragility. If he can completely take down the body dominance of Yue Zhennan, it will be easier to drive away the waves. It is.

Yue Zhennan has been faltering, and continues to resist the end, but also full of confidence in Shen Lang, I believe that Shen Lang will kill this monster.

At this time, attack him, and let him immediately smash!

Beyond the spiritual world of the brain, Shen Lang was the giant Yue sword in his hand, and became the Liu Yejian. Then he went into the body of Yuezhen South accurately and quickly, and quickly moved!


Yuezhen South, which was sealed by the Yueyue needle, immediately screamed and shouted.

Originally his soul was on the edge of destruction, and suddenly there was another severe pain in his body, which made him almost free from the ban of the lunar needle.

But this change is a contrast!

The ultimate stimulation, the soul of Yuezhen South is tough, and the soul of the different world monster is a little scared, there is a fear of nowhere!

Because the Liu Yejian of Shen Lang, directly from the huge body of Yuezhen South, has dug up one thing.

Just Shen Lang invaded Yuezhen South, but not only against the consciousness of the magic, but also continuously and comprehensively checked the body of Yue Zhennan.

In his body, he found a similar existence, which is full of energy from different worlds. Basically, this should be the body of the strange world, or the carrier!

It may be that this thing has come to the world, or entered the body of Yuezhennan in that world.

After digging it out, Shen Lang immediately injected the energy from the different world absorbed by the sacred armor, and then used it to put it into the sky, let it be full of refining, no matter whether there is life or not. See what can be refining in the end.

As soon as this thing left Yuezhennan's body, Yue Zhennan immediately began to dry up like a ball deflated.

At the same time, Shen Lang is chasing after victory. When the soul of the monster feels terrified, he will completely take it and absorb all the mental power!

Being swallowed in the same way by Shen Lang, the monster feels fear and despair!

There is no such substance in the body. It also loses its roots. It can no longer fight against the waves, nor can it rob the Yuezhennan. It can only be "squinted" and quickly disintegrated and dissipated into a nourishing nutrient for Shenlang. ingredient.

After solving it, Shen Lang patrolled the body of Yue Zhennan again, and confirmed it completely. There is no residue of the world's monsters in the body, and the consciousness is recovered with confidence.

At this moment, Yue Zhennan, who has closed his eyes, has just stabbed a sword and moved him to the limit. At the moment he dug, his body and consciousness collapsed.

Now the body is beginning to shrink obviously. Without the support of that He can no longer maintain the demonized state of non-humanity.

Shen Lang treated him with a wound and gave him medicine.

The spirit of the sea is too precious, and it has not yet reached this level, and naturally it has not been eaten for him.

After about a minute or two, Yue Zhennan’s original appearance was restored, and the whole person became very embarrassed.

Shen Lang infused him with a vitality.

After a while, Yue Zhennan slowly woke up.

"Lang brother? I... have you saved me?"

His voice has recovered several layers, and the body's weakness has made him realize that he has recovered.

After all, he can't resist the end, or is demonized, nothing more than the attraction of power!

Can have eight abdominal muscles, who would want a big belly? Can have a strong power, who wants to be a weak chicken?

It is followed by drinking and quenching thirst. It is a value cultivated from childhood and a sense of mission of the family, supporting him without rapid assimilation.

But just now I am ready to sacrifice myself, that is, I made a decision. It is a great relief to feel weak now.

"Do you feel it again, is there any residue?" Shen Lang pulled him up. "Stabbing you a sword is to dig out what he has entered into your body. Not serious, just take a break."

"Thank you!" Yue Zhennan said sincerely, then excitedly asked: "Right, Ye Yao really has?"

"When you are missing, she asked me to save you, so to speak. As for impressing me to save you, or really, you have to understand it yourself. After all, it is your wife, I can't understand more." Smiled.

"Well! Well! I want to be a dad!" Confirm this news, so that Yue Zhennan's spirit is obviously much better.

(End of this chapter)

Recommended reading: Tianshen potato gods new book "Yuan Zun", the new work of the cat tired God "avenue to heaven"

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