The First Strong

Chapter 979: Apologize gift

The Holy See is a big force, and it is a very complicated giant.

Needless to say in the religious world, in the secular world, there is also a huge political influence. In the realm of cultivation, it is also a big force.

Paul was the chief of the Central Bishops' Conference and was almost the vice-pope under one person.

After he dominated the plan for no return to hell, another person took over the position of the chief bishop. Now that he is back, his position is a bit awkward. You don't know what status he is.

And such a high-profile visit is his personal gratitude to Shen Lang, or as a messenger of the Pope?

The former is definitely there, but everyone can imagine it, and the latter is very likely to be there!

If it is the messenger of the Pope, what is the secret talk with Shen Lang?

With Shen Lang’s status and prestige as a whole, if it is successfully drawn, it will be very helpful for their forces to enter China.

And this will naturally be a major event in the three aspects of religion, politics and comprehension!

Especially in the realm of comprehension, everyone has limited resources, each of which divides the site, and the well water does not make river water.

Suddenly a Western crocodile came over and could develop peacefully? Even if the short-term attitude is excellent, it is bound to encroach on everyone's living space!

As a result, everyone also looked at the attitude of Shen Lang, waiting for him to come out to meet with Archbishop Paul.

Although Shen Lang hates being kidnapped by external consciousness and hates being surrounded by groups, it is the same idea for Paul's active visit at this point in time.

What does the Holy See mean?

People are playing the banner of friendly visits. Before they were separated, they were also invited to visit him. This is not easy to avoid.

The other party has already been high-profile. If he avoids it, he may have a rumor that he has a deal with the Bright Church, or why he needs to avoid it?

So he must leave Pingxi.

However, the archbishop of Paul was high-profile this time, but it was not a sudden attack. In fact, there was a message in advance and Shen Lang.

Just because these days, Shen Lang is in the world of Tianshu, and I have not seen it. When the customs saw it, others had arrived, and the news had spread.

Of course, in good faith, Paul is not going to the big city waiting for the meeting to meet in the past, but to inquire about it, contact the people of Tianshan Jianzong, and directly find the door to visit.

Similarly, his high profile is only relative to the realm of comprehension. To avoid other accidents, he is very low-key, just like an ordinary tourist approaching, even meeting with religious representatives, there is no arrangement.

For the whereabouts of Shen Lang, Feng Wuji will not reveal it, but she considers the issue to be comprehensive.

A few days ago, the news that Shen Lang annihilated the trolls had been released, but Shen Lang did not make public appearances. Not only can he not see him in the realm of comprehension, but now someone has a high-profile visit and he does not see him coming out. It will inevitably make people doubt.

The troll is wiped out, is it a blind man?

Is Shen Lang hit by the troll in the process of fighting?

Even... Is Shenlang an agreement with the troll, if it is for its own use...

In order to avoid doubts, the use of Feng Zhennan is an excuse for Yue Zhennan.

The news that the Yue family was destroyed, although many videos and pictures on the Internet were suppressed, she was backed up in advance. Before Shen Lang also let her spread, everyone knows.

In the past few days, Shen Lang was naturally assisting his friends.

Fortunately, Shen Lang is now out of the customs, and she does not need another excuse.

Shen Lang went straight to the house and rushed back to Tianshan to meet with Paul.

The news also passed through the wind, and the wind was released.

Now there is the network of Tianshan Jianzong, the information is not closed, especially the wind and no Ji and the respected side maintain communication. So for Paul's visit, Tianshan Jianzong is also ready.

When they found the door, Tianshan Jianzong was also a polite reception.

After all, it is nominally a friend of Shen Lang’s visit, and Shen Lang is the most important elder of Jianzong.

When Shen Lang returned to the Tianshan Jianzong, Paul, they have lived for a day.

In just two weeks, Paul is like the excitement of a long-awaited reunion. People who don’t know will think that this is a friendship for decades.

Everyone knows that their talks will be important, so no one interferes. Whether it is Paul's entourage, or Zheng Yumeng and others, they are very interesting.

When Shen Lang and Paul were alone indoors, they also made a shield.

"The Archbishop of Paul, you come over this time, not just to thank me, what is the right thing, let me talk about it first!"

Shen Lang did not go around and saw the mountain directly.

Paul was originally prepared to follow the implied euphemism of the Chinese people. Now Shen Lang is so direct, but he let him squat.

"Hey. It seems that I have ulterior motives... But when I visit Master Shen, I really shoulder the task. I will talk about it first!"

After that, Paul's look was solemn, and then he took a serious bow to Shen Lang.

"I am on behalf of the Pope, apologize to you!"

"Because of what." Shen Lang said faintly, accepted his gift.

"Because Pinochet is the idiot." Paul smiled and he was helpless.

"Pinochet has a lot of qualifications, so after I left, I talked about him and recommended him to take over the chief archbishop. But I didn't expect him to be so rude to you, and colluded with the bats' vampires in an attempt to murder you. ""

"The Pope was angry when he knew it. After he went back, he was severely punished and the central bishops had been dismissed."

Specifically, Shen Lang will listen to him, and he will not go to verify. The Pope must have considered it from the perspective of interests. Pinochet was already a waste, and it left a worldly prestige. Since Paul came back, it was not easy to put it, and of course it was dealt with directly.

"These are the gifts that the Pope ordered me to send apologize and thank you."

Paul said so grandly, it is the Pope's predecessor, it should not be too cold, but what he actually took out, is a simple small silver bottle.

"What is this? Is the holy water that your Pope personally blessed?" Shen Lang made a joke.

Many religions have something like "sacred water" that can cure diseases and even save lives. It is the most common secular "appearance" way for believers.

But this is not mysterious to Shen Lang. In ancient times, many medicines for treating diseases were mastered by the aristocrats of the princes, and even the secrets of the palace. Some sects are also in control. After all, from the generation of witch doctors, religion is among them.

Therefore, some ordinary "sacred water" is actually the water that has been treated with drugs. The symptomatic high-efficiency medicine is obviously effective for small problems, and it makes the poor believers shout.

The higher level of "Holy Water" is actually the self-cultivator's blessing. It seems that there is no difference in drinking, but the effect is even faster.

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