The First Strong

Chapter 981: Reject cooperation

Asking the other party to receive the gift has already made the inclusion very helpless, and the degree of "begging" is what he did not expect before.

In the status of his "deputy pope" level, this is really a fight, it is a behavior to lay down dignity.

It is not unexpected that Shen Lang will stop it, because I heard that the East attaches great importance to the worship ceremony, and the recipients do not dare to neglect.

But what makes him awkward is that Shen Lang just waved his hand and let him get up and re-enter the seat!

His grading standard in the West is equivalent to the S-level of the realm of the gods. The level of S to S+ is the level from the middle to the end of the realm.

Among those who walked together, he was the strongest one. At that time, the realm of Shen Lang was not as good as his. It was only in terms of mental strength and law, and he had the ability he could not reach. The combat power was not directly contested. Over.

At the time in the pastoral garden, Paul once felt that Shen Lang was a man of God, and the Pope may not be able to get along, that is, in terms of mental strength.

Today, it is only about two months apart. The ability of Shen Lang to show off his hand has made him discover that he is unable to see through the waves in his realm. It should be far above him!

Because the performance of Shen Lang in the pastoral garden directly made him and everyone else full of confidence in Shen Lang, so the underwater world saved them and was not too shocked. It seems to be taken for granted in him.

But now, this magical change has made Paul deeply shocked.

What happened, so that Shen Lang can make a quick leap in such a short time?

On earth, it is impossible to be so magical. In the underwater world, everyone is almost the same, not seeing too much special.

It is only possible that more than a month after they left, in the dark waves of that world, more adventures were gained!

In shock, he also sighed secretly.

It seems that Shen Lang is indifferent to the belief in divine power. On the one hand, he has more resources and really does not care so much. On the other hand, it is also because his strength is soaring, and he really wants to pay more for the exchange of equivalents!

"Why is this necessary?" Shen Lang was a little helpless: "To be honest, for many of you foreigners, my impressions are very bad. You are the best impression, you have to kneel to me, this makes me... ... forget it, you have reached this level, it should be difficult, I am going down?"

Said, he took the small silver bottle.

Paul couldn't help but laugh. I didn't expect the effect of "begging" to be so obvious. It seems that this is really a very heavy gift.

"Thank you."

The gift of giving gifts to the gift, only when you go to the back door to do things, now Paul, but does not feel awkward at all.

Paul’s intention is the business of Shen Lang’s first question.

Now that the gift has been sent, the first thing is over, and Shen Lang is waiting for him to say something else.

After the topic slowed down, Paul began to chat and talked about what happened after he went back.

For them to go to the sea of ​​innocence, the Western comprehension community is not optimistic, and finally can come back, so that everyone is very excited. After all, this represents the strongest group of the highest level, and the return to everyone's strength has been restored.

But for many forces, it is also a beginning of chaos!

Just as Pinochet and Hughes and Mars wanted to make a wave, it was the return of their predecessors that directly related to their status.

There are other people who were originally the head of the family, the high priest, the president, the sovereign, and so on. Before leaving, they passed on to the successor. After returning, the status will be paralyzed.

If it is a strong person, even if he is a chairman or even retired, the influence will overwhelm the incumbent CEO. As a result, the current CEO is naturally sensitive.

However, Paul himself did not have this problem. Pinochet has been dealt with, and he can still re-establish the status of chief archbishop.

The problem now is that he is not in a hurry to resume his position.

Of course, this may also be the meaning of the Pope.

Although I didn’t talk about it now, Shen Lang can read the meaning behind it – they still want to go to no return to hell!

With the previous experience, this time it will naturally be a lot smoother. When it comes back successfully, naturally there are not so many concerns, let alone Paul, perhaps the Pope has a mind to go.

These paving, so that Shen Lang also has a general guess.

Paul or the Holy See means to unite him to team up and go back to no return to hell!

Shen Lang successfully saved everyone twice. After sending everyone away, staying alone can return safely, not only in strength, but also in mental and other aspects, and has very extraordinary ability.

In short, there is experience, so that the success rate of their safe return is greatly increased. And if there is a deep wave, it is equivalent to buying a universal insurance, which is almost equal to safe return.

However, they are playing sincerity cards and don't want to be so market-minded, so they didn't say it directly.

Paul did not say that Shen Lang was treated as if he did not hear it, and did not take the initiative, but turned the topic to the recent troll.

After chatting for a while, Shen Lang asked if anyone had taken Paul to visit the nearby Tianshan scenery.

Paul was embarrassed when he heard it. If he didn't understand it wrong, this is the signal of sending customers!

Visiting the scenery, it is a pretext for you. In their identity, where there are still thoughts and interests to see the scenery, naturally, they will take the opportunity to leave.

However, his purpose has not yet been reached. If he leaves this way, he will naturally be unwilling.

"When we came here, I saw it. Tianshan is not a mountain. It is majestic. Yes, isn’t Master Shen interested in going there on our side? Although we don’t have such a magnificent natural scenery, everyone is very hospitable. Looking forward to your arrival."

Paul sent a cautious invitation.


Shen Lang secretly laughed, Paul could not drag on any more.

"Your This is a very glorious thing for everyone. But I don't really understand your religion, culture, etc. There are so many things in the near future, so I don't want to travel far. So... ..."

His somewhat embarrassed expression, coupled with the words already mentioned, is obviously obscured.

Paul smiled slightly. "Understand. Master Shen is so young and naturally has no interest in religion. However, we are not talking about religion or culture. I believe you can guess..."

Shen Lang laughed and said nothing, as if he could not understand.

Can you guess that you still refused, don't you understand it? If you want to continue to talk about it, you will have to be cold.

"So, I will go back first. After all, my identity is also a bit special, it is not convenient to visit other people. If Master Shen has any plans, please feel free to contact us, we are willing to cooperate!"

Paul said goodbye, and in the latter sentence, implicitly pointed out the real intention. ——If Shen Lang has plans to explore the sealess prison again, they are willing to lower their posture!

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