The First Strong

Chapter 986: Subverting the "Shenlang Myth"

Later, the trolls appeared more and more times.

In the end, there are more times when a group of trolls appear in different places, and there are more trolls, and no one can be sure.

So directly so that the world is plagued by troll problems, powerful forces around the world can not sit idly by.

Realizing that this was after the global crisis, powerful forces from all over the world began to launch a campaign against the trolls.

The trolls were obviously wise, and they chose to disappear from the encirclement of the forces of the various parties. Then, when everyone relaxed a little, they began a surprise attack.

In the past month, there has been a lot of movement, and the world of comprehension has been a bit screaming.

The same is true in China. Although there is only one troll suspected, the domestic scope is large, and only one is better hidden. It is not easy to search for it.

Before the annihilation, everyone was not at ease. The last time was the tension from Pingxi, and now it is all over the place.

Especially when the headquarters is in the mountains and rivers, the goal becomes more obvious. On the contrary, it is a safer place in the martial art family in the big cities.

Now the trolls are the same as the previous styles, but they are also directly swallowed up by the self-cultivators, but they are shyly evasive. They are hardly appearing in front of a large number of ordinary people, avoiding the chasing of powerful departments such as the secular police force.

Have had experience with the trolls, and have successfully annihilated a troll's sinking waves, immediately eagerly awaited by everyone.

Everyone wants to ask Shen Lang to go out of the mountain and annihilate the newly emerged trolls again. Foreign countries don’t say anything, at least the domestic one is solved.

There are also some far-sighted people who think that this is only a palliative treatment, or it must be solved by the passage of these alien demons, and it can be done once and for all. And this is only clear, because after all, he has issued a warning before, what should be discovered.

However, no matter how the outside world appeals, whether it is the small and medium-sized sects who try to communicate with the wind, or some channels with the Tianshan Jianzong, they can't let the swells come out of the mountain. The news is that Shen Lang is in retreat!

At the beginning, some people questioned that Shen Lang should be deliberately taking the shelf. It was the last time that he did not get the benefit, so he wanted to let everyone raise huge interests and he took the shot.

So once again, he began to radicalize the law, or attacked him without justice and morality, and only thought about the interests.

Qiao Yuxian, Nanliuchuan and others can't stand it, real-name testimony, saying that they went to Tianshan to see Shenlang last time, and they are already in retreat.

At the beginning, I did not see other big scorpions of Shen Lang, and I also uttered a voice that proved that Shen Lang was in retreat.

And this result has caused another question!

At the beginning, the outside world was questioning the intentions of Shen Lang, and later became suspected that he was seriously injured in the process of fighting against the trolls!

After returning to the Tianshan Mountains, only the Archbishop Paul, who had already visited in advance, saw it. Others went to the retreat and must have been rehabilitated!

This counts, that is, three months have not recovered! Even if it is restored, it should not dare to come out against the trolls, so it is a retreat, and it is shrinking in the Tianshan Mountains!

The rumors of this questioning have made the big men who have been saved by Shen Lang’s lives angry and disdainful. Not to mention the respect and gratitude for Shen Lang. If Shen Lang is like this, does it mean that they are more scum?

But human nature is like this. When you fight myths, no one can wait for a few feet. All negative rumors are the spread of excitement.

When everyone spreads like this, it is the predecessors of all walks of life who can’t make it.

Moreover, the big brothers did not see the Shenlang, and they could not prove that Shenlang was not a healing treatment. At most, it can only be regarded as a personal guarantee of Shenlang.

Naturally, this will not be able to convince everyone. Fortunately, there is also the shadow of the trolls, so that everyone does not put all the firepower on the "Shenlang myth".

The three became a tiger. When such rumors became more and more fierce, they were people who care about Shen Lang and began to worry a little.

Qiao Yuxian, Nanliuchuan, they are also inquiring about the situation of Shen Lang, to see if he can go out.

I haven't seen Shen Lang's own wind before, and I am worried that it will be really hurt, and I am very anxious.

Their emotions were transmitted to the side of the sword.

Gao has never seen the trolls at all, but I heard that it is very powerful, and Zheng Yumeng Dorothy, they have personally handed over, it is really powerful.

However, they all have a clear contrast. Even if they are two, they can still defeat the trolls. Shen Lang’s shot is easy to suppress and cannot be injured.

But care is chaotic, everyone says so, they are also worried. However, they feel that the two of them may have subjective feelings of worshipping the waves, and may not believe that Shen Lang will be injured.

So I became very worried. The anxiety of the outside world was the shadow of the trolls, and their anxiety was the safety of the waves.

Day by day, they are becoming more and more anxious and have been kneeling in front of Shen Langmen.

Even though Zheng Yumeng and Dorothy are worried, they still believe that Shenlang is in a retreat, so stay out and not let people including Gao Li to disturb.

Finally, everyone just heard the sound of Shen Lang letting them in. Everyone was relieved.

Whether it is healing or retreating, Shen Lang wakes up and it is over.

After listening to this series of reports, Shen Lang smiled very silently.

"You idiots! Others question my strength, you actually follow the suspicion? I have saved dozens of hundreds of seniors from the return to the sea, it is also unharmed, the district troll can help me?"

Although this time the retreat far exceeded the expectations, it was the fusion of two different mysterious creatures, and it was his tempering of the gods. A single troll, the strength is far behind.

Gao Li and others are both awkward and excited.

Shen Lang was originally in their hearts, is the supreme existence, is to see the creation of countless miracles Now confidence immediately resumed.

Then Shen Lang let them do their own things, and he will understand the current situation.

The environment of Tianshan Jianzong is very good, that is, knowing the road, we must carefully look for comparisons, in order to confirm, and only to go outside, how the trolls will not go to this place.

Before the fear of affecting Shen Lang, Zheng Yumeng did not dare to come close, his mobile phone has no power. Now, after charging, I am ready to contact the wind and I will see a lot of information.

Other people's message information, Shen Lang directly filtered not to see, mainly look at the message of Feng Wuji.

But there is still someone's message that he values ​​and looks at.

That is the message from Yuezhen South.

Yue Zhennan contacted Shen Lang after the troll global chaos. He began to say that it was more vague. Later, Shen Lang did not reply. He was probably affected by the serious injury of Shen Lang, so he took some clues and conjectures. I said it over the 1510.

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