The First Strong

Chapter 990: Supersonic

With the help of the Holy Grail, Shen Lang first locked the troll of the country.

What is needed now is to go to the memorial, it is necessary to quickly solve it, and also just to verify the induction, and the simulation positioning of the Holy A, can be successful and accurate.

Different sects, families, including organizations like the Holy See, even if the flow of people, the base camp is fixed.

But the trolls are different. They are going to avoid the counterattacks of the self-cultivators, and certainly will not stay in one place for too long.

Shen Lang now confirms a position and does not dare to guarantee how long the other party will be there. If he can arrive in a day or two, he will have to reposition it.

He has already compared it. It is very expensive to sense all the self-cultivators in the world. The larger the range and the more the consumption, the more expensive it is. It is very slow to open a high-pixel image with a computer, but the pixel is low. It is a flash.

Light is the positioning of the magic, the consumption is not very large. Even if the other party keeps moving, he can continue to adjust, and after all, he will succeed.

But the troll is very dangerous now, maybe one day or two, maybe nothing, or it may be that a small martial art monk is swallowed up.

Therefore, the soldiers are very fast.

To this end, Shen Lang has decided not to use the cloud disc. The magic weapon of the cloud disk, the acceleration is very fast, and very sensitive, but it is still suitable for short distances. If the distance is too far, the play is limited.

Still play the power of the holy armor!

The holy armor that he brought back from the dead forest that year was the reserve for the blue sea farewell, which was more basic. But the last time he helped directly at the front, he also let the Bihai family see his great value.

Therefore, the sacred armor that was sent again, although it was still sent by the blue sea, was the latest military-grade sacred armor provided by the Bihai family.

Now when there is a need, it is natural to bring out the speed of the armor.

The sacred armor is worn on him, and it is not so convenient to carry people to fly. It’s OK to hold it, but if it’s super high speed, it’s likely to be very big and not elegant enough.

Shen Lang still wants to put Zheng Yumeng and Taole on the ribbon, which is a rare practical training. Only if they are strong enough can they help him share more and better protect themselves.

Simply confessed to Gao Li and praised them, let them optimistic about the Jianzong, and then set off with both of them.

After Master and the elders went out, they had to surrender to the trolls. This momentum and sense of responsibility made them very excited and praised them.

Tianshan Jianzong has not asked the world for many years, and he is quietly shutting down in Tianshan. As it is now, it is more responsible than other famous schools. I don’t know how many centuries it is.

Gao Li also told Yang to immediately contact the wind girl, let her build momentum for Master's feat. It is necessary to let the people of the world understand that Master is not afraid of trolls, and is not injured!

After coming out of Jianzong, Shen Lang brought them both into the world of Tianshu, and then drove the holy armor to directly increase the speed to supersonic speed!

No nuclear power is needed, no outer space is needed, and the holy armor is quickly pulled up to the super-high sonic speed of Twenty-Mach, flying directly at the highest speed of the missile at a speed of seven kilometers per second!

After a few minutes, it took thousands of miles away. In the process of deceleration, the Shenlang is also precisely positioned again, and then let the holy armes adjust the direction.

Until the range of the troll's 100-meter range, the holy armor paused in control.

Shen Lang leaned down and observed the following situation.

This is in a mountainous area, it seems to have not been developed, away from human settlements, suitable for trolls to hide.

But when you see it, there is no hiding place. Especially to locate the place, below is a waterfall!

Shen Lang is not discouraged. For the first time, I don’t know the accuracy. In addition, thousands of miles away, there is no deviation.

However, when he landed at the height of the waterfall, the surrounding gods had already detected a key place.

On the cliff that was interrupted by the waterfall landing and blocked by the waterfall, a hollow was dug out, and there was a troll atmosphere!

This void is not natural, nor is it long-awaited. It seems to be newly dug. Because the outside is covered by the waterfall, the light is viewed by the naked eye, not to mention that it is in the air, that is, down the waterfall, and it may not be possible to find another place behind it.

This will not be discovered by ordinary people, and it is difficult for the comprehensible to pass by.

The atmosphere of the troll inside is not residual, but it is obviously rich, and the troll is still inside!

Shen Lang tried again to sense, not only the light point is clear, but also seems to feel the troll is restless.

It seems that in the process of his landing from the air, the troll is also discovered, and he knows his power, just because he is coming too fast. When he finds it, he has already reached the top. If he escapes, he will directly Exposed.

"Get out and die!"

Shen Lang kept the height of the hollow and landed on the opposite hillside, then quickly entered the space of Tianshu and brought them out.

The trolls are getting more and more anxious behind the waterfall, but they are not rushing out.

Shen Lang simply told Zheng Yumeng and Dorothy about the current situation. They were not surprised that Shen Lang could search for the location of the trolls.

Because in their minds, Shen Lang is God, almost omnipotent. It was not surprising that the last time I played against the trolls in Pingxi.

As for coming here, I was not surprised. One is that they don’t know how far they have gone. The other is that they have a wide gap in the time of the world of books.

"It also dug a water curtain hole out of it? There is feelings!" Zheng Yumeng made a joke let yourself relax, Qiu Shuijian is already in hand.

Then she took a deep breath, and last time she almost went wrong, or Shen Lang shot help. If you want to change people this time, you should let the cold out now.

However, she is still preparing herself to exercise her ability to survive and die.

Although Dorothy's speed, strength, vitality, etc. are far better than human beings, her current strength is stronger than Zheng Yumeng, but the last time the troll's surprise is also a lingering fear, she dare not take it lightly.

"Get started!"

Shen Lang said that he leapt into the air, keeping the suppression, not giving the trolls a chance to escape, and also rushing to them. Once something is wrong, he immediately rescued.

And... He also took out his mobile phone and turned on the camera mode, ready to take a picture of their battle with the troll. This is rarely exposed, it is to let the outside world see the truth of the troll.

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