The First Strong

Chapter 996: Win-win

The first batch was announced after half a month, but the average person is not very clear about where the sunset peak is, and it takes time in the past, so after the heated discussion, people began to plan to travel.

For the Lingshi big delivery of Shenlang, Tianshan Jianzong may not be a bit of a taste. After all, according to common sense, these should belong to them.

However, Shen Lang does not need to explain to them, and does not even care about their feelings!

After all, he has long owed nothing to the Tianshan Jianzong. After he took advantage of the situation, he soon returned, and even the swearing of Yan Zun was returned.

Gao Li and Qi Sheng, who were seriously injured by him, were also his apprentices, and they also received many benefits, including compensation.

All the Lingshi that he took out was earned by himself and did not need to be discussed with the Tianshan Jianzong Presbyterian Church.

However, the ending made Shen Lang a bit disappointed, although the wind can not see the warm feedback, the entire cultivation of the real world is boiling, but the power of faith has not increased significantly!

But the words have already been said, and it is impossible for Shen Lang to immediately deny it.

Feng Wuji is comforting him. It must be because everyone still doesn't believe it. After the first batch of people have received the Lingshi, they can really ferment.

If you put the address of Lingshi, if you put it in the city, it is a seaside town like Haishan. It will be very convenient for everyone.

But this is Shen Lang to send Lingshi, even if not asked, at least let them pay a little sincerity? It’s not a gratitude to go to the Tianshan Mountains to take a trip.

The sunset peak is not near the Jianzong. In fact, it is a mountain that is better to find, but the altitude is not low, there is no smoke nearby.

After the news began to spread, Qiao Shuyu, Nan Yiye and others all rushed to contact Shen Lang and felt that he had played a lot. The standard of delivery is too low, there are no more restrictions, and some martial arts may arrange a lot of people to take the lead!

For their kind reminder, Shen Lang is a smile. He wants the power of everyone's faith. As long as it is a self-cultivator, as long as it can contribute to the power of faith, it is worthy of a spiritual stone.

This is also why people with higher realms have higher grades of Lingshi, because the effect is even greater. As long as there is an effect, it does not matter if a martial art family comes to many people.

Instead, Shen Lang just asked the two of them to ask them to discuss with the family and exchange some Lingshi with him. Medium Lingshi and Elementary Lingshi, the ratio can be lower. There is no need to fix one hundred, ninety or eighty.

After all, the base is still in the middle and low-level. When it comes to the real world, it must still be the face. If the grade of Chu Mofeng is willing to collect it. Such a home in Qiao’s home is not necessarily a good idea for people to come.

So you must prepare a medium-sized, elementary stone.

This request, Nantian family and Beihai Qiao family can not refuse, and does not say that the relationship with Shen Lang is very good. In terms of interests alone, even if they are one to one hundred, they will not lose.

Because the high-end exchange is easy in the middle and low-end, the middle and low-end is to be exchanged for high-end, and there is no market for it.

After negotiating the specific amount, they agreed to carry the Lingshi to be exchanged, and directly to the sunset peak to meet with Shenlang.

Then Paul personally contacted Shen Lang. He annihilated all the trolls and gave him a "great" evaluation. He also praised the rumors of the gifted Lingshi that he just heard.

He did not make any guesses and questions about Shen Lang’s attempt. Just a contact greeting, still said that you are always welcome to cooperate with Shen Lang.

Paul, including some of the other big forces in the West, is of course also very concerned about the actions of Shen Lang.

The continuous information in these two days really made them stunned. But no matter how incredible, no association with the power of faith!

After all, like the Guangming Holy See, it is also the core secret that has been accumulated for thousands of years, and it is secretive and unspoken, and it can be completed with a huge amount of integrity.

Others are already self-cultivators, and who would believe in others as gods? All know that many miraculous miracles are nothing more than the manifestation of the strong.

In their view, Shen Lang is so desperate to destroy the trolls, followed by the big sandstone, nothing more than to build momentum for himself!

Although Shen Lang entered their field of vision for less than a year, but from Shen Lang rescued them from the underwater world, everyone naturally became the first strongest in the East!

Now, of course, I feel that Shen Lang is a leader who wants to cultivate from the East and become one of the leaders of the world.

He does not have the age and qualifications, so he has to pay the price of his merits and benefits.

Destroying the troll is a great achievement to win the respect of the world. However, the seniority of the seniority is not enough for him, and he has paid a lot of spiritual stones, that is, he wants to buy people's hearts with interests.

Of course, he does not say anything, let alone warning.

After all, people have this strength!

And they didn't go to the Western site to grab business, this is a treat on their own site.

After two days, the situation that made Shen Lang gratified appeared.

The power of faith that was originally brought about by the trolls has begun to weaken and has begun to grow again!

Feng Wuji analyzed the information collected, which should be the fermentation effect after the news spread to foreign countries.

On the one hand, the domestic comprehension community is watching the rapid rise of Shen Lang in a few years, and many of them are difficult to understand. Because it is more understandable, it will be more questionable.

The self-cultivators in other parts of the world, the information is not so comprehensive, there will be mystification and exaggeration in the process of communication, the so-called distance produces beauty.

In addition to some time ago, the trolls' chaos has already made them very fearful. The Western big men did not shoot, but the mysterious strongman Shen Lang, who is far away from the East, helped.

Combined with the enthusiasm that has not subsided Everyone believes that Shenlang's good intentions are naturally continuing worship beliefs. It is also a big force or a small number of leaders who will question the secrets of Shen Lang.

They can continue to contribute to the power of faith, and Shen Lang will be satisfied, so he will not lose!

When they actually receive the Lingshi, they should still have a strong wave.

Really want to calculate the value, whether it is the comprehension of the Lingling Stone, or the irrelevant person, will feel that the loss of the waves. After all, the power of faith cannot last long, and Lingshi can be used for a long time to cultivate.

But in Shenlang, it is a win-win situation. Because he can't use so many Lingshi alone, and there are better resources such as Nedan, he can't use Lingshi. Leave it to the descendants of the Tianshan Jianzong reserve, and in the end it is not white to give irrelevant people!

The descendants of the disciples, using the spiritual stone left by him, will feel that they are justified. It is not as good as the outsiders who can contribute their faith to him now.

Although it can't last long, he has only one person. Once the number is large, it is also a very impressive harvest!

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