The First Sword of the Earth

Chapter 217 First visit to the gate of ghosts

The celestial light shines in the night sky, and the ghost gate suddenly appears.

That night, half of the Greater China felt a slight tremor, but as Mou Yue said, except for the severe disaster near Pingdu Mountain, the areas a little further away were safe and sound.

It can only be said that it was fortunate that there were not too many casualties.

The Ghost Gate Pass, which was supposed to be 300 miles deep underground, suddenly appeared in the back of Pingdu Mountain, and even the surrounding landscape did not change much.

Within a range of 300 meters near the ghost gate, all sophisticated electronic instruments cannot be used, as if there is some kind of unknown force field...

After measurement, the ghost gate is thirty-three meters high and thirty-three meters wide. If it weren't for the gray mist around it, it would seem to be just a simple stone archway, standing in the depression of the back mountain of Pingdu Mountain.

But any dead or living things will disappear strangely if they are sent into the gate of ghosts.

It's like... a portal.

After the burst of fairy light and the appearance of the ghost gate, the female corpse did not show up, and she was still missing.

Doubts came one after another, but the official response was very quick.

Heavy troops guard the area around Ghost Gate Pass, and the news on the Internet is only the report of the earthquake near Pingdu Mountain last night.

Many masters from the Taoist sect have been invited to the vicinity of Mount Pingdu. The research team, the elite combat readiness team, and the modern armored corps have all been arranged in the shortest possible time.

At six in the morning, in the living room of the villa.

The sounds of 'creaking' and 'creaking' came and went, as if a ghost was gnawing on fresh bones.

"Little Xuanxuan, do you still have cucumber-flavored potato chips? Give me a bag, I've finished eating here."



A large bag of potato chips purchased online for 7.8 yuan flew over Wang Sheng's head, and fell into two small claws full of oil powder, and was ruthlessly torn apart.

The crunching sound reappeared, with an unusually distinct sense of rhythm.

On the projection TV in the living room, the real-time picture of Mount Pingdu is being broadcast, which is the live broadcast line of the investigation team directly from the temporary command department in front.

This kind of line is usually prepared for the high-level officials of Dahuaguo, and they use the authority of Chi Ling, the leader of the investigation team.

As the real owner of this kind of authority, Xi Lian was lying on the main sofa a little lazily, with a few boxes of candied fruit and a glass of dead house happy water floating in her hand, and gorged herself on the bag of potato chips that passed over Wang Daochang's head.

Completely a special posture for watching a movie.

Mu Wanxuan was sitting cross-legged on the sofa on the left, with puffed food in front of her and behind her; but compared to a fox half-immortal who let herself go, the senior sister has always been very elegant when eating.

Want to minimize the amount of work Mr. Wang needs to do when cleaning.

Wang Sheng was sitting on the carpet in front of the sofa, his brows were always furrowed, and he kept thinking about why this situation happened suddenly.

Haven't heard of the ghost gate in your previous life?

Even Wang Sheng recalled it carefully, but he didn't remember that around this time point, there would be a big earthquake in the direction of Pingdu Mountain.

Pingdu Mountain is a ghost town in Youdu, and the fairy lights and earthquakes cannot be concealed from others. If such a big event really happened in the previous life, even if the officials tried their best to block the news, there would definitely be news spread in the "network cultivating circle". Not impressed.

The memory of the previous life is useless.

The Yin-Yang Myriad Things Sect, which would have been in trouble for five or six years, was suppressed within two or three years; the ghost gate appeared in Pingdu Mountain, which was closely related to the "female corpse".

Maybe there will be a series of major events that he 'doesn't know' in the future. Wang Sheng made up his mind not to think too much about the information he knew in his previous life, so as not to misjudge the situation.

"Prepare for the fifteenth experiment."

An old man's voice came from the TV, and the screen turned to the front of the gate of hell, and several staff members in white coats began to slowly approach the gray aura.

They will stop when they walk ten meters away, because some staff members who walked this distance before experienced dizziness, tinnitus, nausea and vomiting, but quickly returned to normal after retreating.

The scientific team from the monastery institute,

A series of experiments were going on, and several people in white coats appeared on the screen from time to time, and began to report a series of scientific terms that Wang Sheng and the others could not understand.

It seems that various fields such as the magnetic field and gravitational field have changed to varying degrees.

According to Wang Sheng's scientific knowledge reserves, he also understands a simple 'acceleration of gravity' is weak...

It does not matter.

In previous experiments, heavy objects were tied with special ropes, and then thrown into the gate of hell, the ropes would be 'melted' directly, and the fracture was very smooth, as if it had been cut open by a sharp weapon.

A few sparrows trapped in the cage were sent to the gate of hell, and the cage disappeared strangely with the sparrows; the cage had an automatic destruction device, but the sparrows did not fly back.

In this experiment, several more birdcages were thrown in, but still not half of the feathers floated out.

The atmosphere was a little dignified, and a voice-over suggested sending combat readiness team soldiers to explore, but it was immediately rejected.

"Looking at the current situation, sending people in is equivalent to sending people to death! We must temporarily determine what is going on here and take corresponding measures before we can carry out experiments on living people."

"In this case, the necessary sacrifices cannot be avoided."

There seemed to be a dispute between several senior members of the research institute, and the screen switched to the other side, and more than a dozen gray-haired Taoists appeared in the screen.

A staff member of the investigation team reminded: "Masters, we have switched to our side, and the leaders are watching."

A Taoist master said in a deep voice: "The gate of ghosts, the gate of ghosts, step into this gate, and you will enter the underworld."

"Leaders," Longhushan Great Celestial Master said, "Ghost Gate is no small matter. According to the records of my Celestial Master's Taoism, Ghost Gate is the only gateway to this world, that is, the earth and the small underworld.

This place was supposed to be 300 miles underground in Pingdu Mountain. It was guarded by a large formation, and it was also guarded by Yin soldiers in ancient times.

Before the underworld is closed, ghosts can enter the underworld through the town god's temples in various places, but if they want to come out, they must pass through the ghost gate.

Now that the ghost gate suddenly appeared here, it is very likely that some kind of accident has occurred; the biggest possibility is that the female corpse on the moon is guiding us. "

Chi Ling's voice came from outside the screen: "Can Jindan monks enter the gate of hell?"

"I'm willing to give it a try," the old heavenly master said with a sigh, "The most worrying situation now is the ghosts and ghosts rushing out of the gate of hell. If you don't go and have a look, it's really hard to feel at ease."

You Daoye immediately said: "I am willing to go with the celestial master."

Immediately, more than a dozen Taoist masters responded in unison, and wanted to join hands to explore this ghost gate.

In front of the TV, Wang Sheng asked: "Sister, can I go to the small underworld at the Golden Core Realm?"

"Thousands of years ago, there were countless ghost soldiers stationed at the gate of ghosts, and the Golden Core Realm could not pass through the gate of ghosts," Xi Lian said, "Now, I don't know, after all, the gate of ghosts is here, and no one stops Looking at them, as long as the Golden Core Realm is not too weak, it should be able to resist the invasion of ghost spirits."

Xilian paused for a while, then yawned lazily, and said: "The current monks are quite good, and they look a bit like teachers."

Wang Sheng sat there and began to meditate again. He was thinking that if he asked Xi Lian to go in and explore, maybe he would find something.

In the current situation, among the three people, the one with the lowest cultivation level worries the most.

"Hey, Xiao Feiyu," Xi Lian asked casually, "Don't you really need to go over to help? The ghost gate suddenly appeared in Yangjian. This matter... ah, it must be extraordinary."

Wang Sheng pondered a few times, and just about to speak, the voice of his wife appeared from the screen again.

"We did some research, and it would be great if it was the Taoist priests, but there is no need to dispatch more than a dozen Taoist priests at once. We suggest that four Taoist priests go in."

"Old Heavenly Master and the other heads bear the weight of the Dao." You Daoye immediately stood up, "Why don't I wait for some old men who have nothing to do and have nothing to do to go in and have a look?"



Soon, the four candidates for the adventure in the ghost gate were determined, and they were four elders from different Taoisms.

The research institute quickly sent people to send all kinds of equipment, and every Daoist brought shooting equipment; the people in the research institute suspected that although these shooting equipment could not be used near the ghost gate, they might be able to restore their functions after entering the ghost gate .

A few minutes later, under the gaze of one after another, the four Taoist masters each used their mana and stepped towards the gate of hell side by side.

Stepping within ten meters, the undeterminable gray aura around the ghost gate began to surge faster, as if to repel the four Taoists, but the repulsion was not strong.

Five meters... three meters... two meters...


The four Taoists rushed forward two steps, and their figures disappeared out of thin air!

Except for a little fluctuation of vitality, there is no abnormal phenomenon!

Needle drop can be heard near the ghost gate, only the whimpering wind at that time; the dark clouds that have been entrenched in the sky have no intention of dispersing, and the sun never shines on this gloomy place of ghost gate.

Ten seconds... twenty seconds...

Half a minute passed, and the monks and mortals who were watching the ghost gate all frowned secretly.

The righteous way of Dahua Kingdom lost four Jindan realm monks like this?

After entering the Golden Core Realm, the personal lifespan has reached 800. Although these Taoists are gray-haired, they can already live for a long time and have the qualifications to aspire to the immortal road.

In the villa, Xi Lian and Mu Wanxuan also stopped eating snacks, and their six eyes kept staring at the screen.

Suddenly, four black shadows appeared inside the ghost gate. The black shadows quickly enlarged and quickly turned into four figures and rushed out side by side. .

Immediately, Daoist shouted:

"It's really a netherworld inside! It's a plain with nothing in it! You can see a few mountains in the distance!"

"It doesn't matter! These ghostly spirits can hurt ordinary people, but they can't hurt monks after the foundation establishment period!"

However, as soon as a Taoist master finished speaking, a dark green light suddenly flashed after the ghost gate closed, and the surrounding gray aura suddenly began to surge wildly, and quickly condensed into a big hand, grabbing the four Taoist masters head on!

A buzzing sound resembling a Zen sound came from the TV speaker, which made Wang Shengdao's heart tremble slightly

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