The First Sword of the Earth

The last day of double monthly pass!

10,000 words plus more staying up late to write, counting yesterday's, more than 20,000 words have been updated continuously, everyone feels comfortable to vote for it!

I will continue to polish the plot and story, and present my constantly improving works to everyone. If you have any opinions on the plot and characters of this book, you can put them up in the book reviews and book friend groups. The author will continue to study hard.

I can't stand it anymore, I'm really going bald, so go to bed first.

Appeal, book friends who read pirated books come to the starting point to support~

I think after watching this long plot, I should be able to feel the painstaking efforts and thoughts I spend in my daily life... Although it is not perfect, I am really working hard.

Sleepy enough to speak incoherently... I fell asleep, I will delete this testimonial before the next chapter is updated.

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