The First Sword of the Earth

Chapter 277 I'm Back

"Hey, everyone..."

Before Wang Sheng could speak, his eyes were already filled with old faces, and the elders of the Diyin Sect had already surrounded Wang Sheng.

"Is it non-language? Really still alive!"

"Feiyu, say something!"

"Everyone, I'm really...alive," Daoist Wang didn't know how to explain it. As soon as he opened his voice, the elders of the Diyin Sect in front of him immediately praised him.

The old woman here said happily: "This is really an auspicious person with a natural appearance! Feiyu is still alive!"

The old man over there laughed a few times: "It's good to be alive, it's good to be alive! Feiyu, you gave up your life and leaped, God is really reluctant to let you die young! It's good to be alive!"

There was quite a commotion around Wang Sheng, and most of the members of the Diyin Sect were frightened by Wang Sheng's sudden appearance.

Naturally, they all know that Wang Sheng sacrificed his life for justice thirteen years ago, and cooperated with the princess of Tianting to prevent the eruption of the fairy spring, thus preventing the small hell from crashing into the world, and avoiding the death of hundreds of millions of living beings.

That leap has already achieved Wang Sheng's name as a hero, which has nothing to do with the level of his cultivation.

Today, the hero who should have passed away and was commemorated by people for thirteen years suddenly popped up alive without any warning or news...

This is indeed too big of an impact.

In terms of feelings, the elders of Diyinzong are not very familiar with Wang Sheng; in terms of benefits, Diyinzong guards the small underworld, and it is not profitable if they are not in the circle of monks.

It is pure 'joy of living'.

Finally, a middle-aged uncle yelled: "Quickly, tell Fairy Silently the good news!"

"The Silent Fairy is here! She doesn't need to be so loud to hear her!"

Finally, these people from the Diyin Sect came to their senses, and their gazes immediately turned to the Silent Fairy standing behind the crowd.

Even if it's the peerless figure standing proudly above the nine heavens, even the little fairy who is usually cold and lonely and doesn't get close to others...

At this moment, there are tears in my eyes, and there is a kind of tenderness that makes people feel distressed.

The weak wind blows the willows and the green pines,

Xian Ning is silent and soft.

One after another the figures separated towards the two sides, allowing the pair of senior sisters and younger brothers who had been separated for thirteen years to see each other directly without any barriers.

Wang Sheng thought he would rush over to hug her, but he didn't.

Those who have done hundreds of rehearsals, even if they have made countless speculations, until now, their hearts are just blank.

Thousands of words came to his lips, but they turned into An Ran's smile; thoughts came to his eyes, and only her standing quietly remained.

"I'm back."


Mu Wanxuan bit her lower lip, her figure suddenly turned into a flash of white light, and when she reappeared, she was already in front of Wang Sheng.

A trembling slender hand reached out to Wang Sheng's face. The fingers trembled a little. Some dared not touch them, but they still touched his face.

Wang Daochang smiled and said: "It's alive, it's still hot."

Mu Wanxuan burst out laughing immediately, but then threw herself directly into Wang Sheng's arms, holding Wang Sheng's Immortal Flowing Robe tightly with her two small hands, as if she was afraid that he would leave again, and finally couldn't hold back anymore, and began to choke...

Wang Sheng sighed in his heart, hugged his senior sister tightly, and looked up at the sky.

I don't know who started to applaud first, the middle and young generations of Diyinzong began to applaud, and these old people took out their respective shooting equipment and started to take pictures.

Although the Diyin Sect is not in the monastic circle, everyone is a monk. Who doesn't have a few chat groups?

Pictures of the silent and non-yu brothers and sisters embracing on the edge of the cliff were sent out, and the group chats exploded. In just a few minutes, the news spread all over the various sects and factions. group chat.

Many members of the Diyin clan turned on the live broadcast function and shared the images in real time.

Let more people witness this moment, and let more people know the news that 'Feiyu is not dead'.

With the help of the Internet, the information spread throughout the monastic world within ten minutes, and even the Jianzong who was closer to Pingdu Mountain, several elders had already rushed to this place stepping on flying swords.

However, the elders of Jianzong got the news as soon as they took off, and Feiyu stepped on the fairy sword, bid farewell to Diyinzong, and headed north to Yukong.

"Feiyu is not dead?"

"How is this possible!? Oh, I'm not saying that I'm looking forward to something wrong with Feiyu, but this is obviously false news. Is there a picture of Feiyu's fan P?"

"Sealing the Earth Spirit Immortal Spring by oneself, and filling the Earth Spirit ban, is only at the Golden Core level, how can I bear it..."

"It's good to pay attention to the follow-up news, and ask the investigation team and the Repair Bureau."


"A message from the Diyin Sect? Feiyu is not dead?"

In the office on the top floor of a building, Chi Ling, who had been interrupted from the teleconference, frowned slightly, signaled the secretary who was still talking to stop, and glanced at the more than ten stereoscopic projections on the side.

Chi Ling, who has retreated from the position of the investigation team leader to the second line, under the care of the leader, the thirteen years have only given her a faint scratch.

Chi Ling methodically proposed to suspend the meeting first, and the dozen or so official bosses also looked at the young girl who ran in to report.

Chi Ling said, "Be more specific."

"Boss, the third elder of the Diyin Sect had a call with the investigation team just now, and said that Daoist Feiyu suddenly appeared on the cliff behind Pingdu Mountain. He should be sent to the gate of hell by the fairy Mengpo from the underworld."

"Are you sure it's nonsense?" Chi Ling's calm eyes showed a little light, and he had already pressed a button on the desk.

A small projection screen popped up, and Qing Yanzi's head portrait was displayed on it, but under the head portrait, there was a red space signal.

No signal? As early as 20 years ago, Dahuaguo built millions of signal base stations in various parts of the country. Now that communication technology has been innovated for several generations, how could there be no signal...

The young girl on the side whispered a reminder: "Director, it doesn't matter that the chief went to the northwest to round up the Siberian giant wolf. There was strong signal interference half an hour ago. It should be because he encountered another foreign practitioner, and the communication is temporarily disconnected. .”

"What about support?"

"It has already been dispatched, and there are sufficient action plans and preparations in advance. You don't have to worry, Director."

"That's good," Chi Ling nodded and gestured, and the little secretary turned and left in a hurry.

Non-language is not dead...

Chi Ling's face, which has always been tense these days, couldn't help showing a little smile, looking at the portrait of Qing Yanzi on the projection screen beside her, her eyes were a little more gentle.

A certain place in Dahuaguo, a certain TV station, online and webcast room.

A web variety program called "Listening to the Voice of Practice" is currently being broadcast live online.

Thanks to the development of stereoscopic projection technology and communication technology, full-scale stereoscopic projection can already be achieved at this time. This kind of remote connection and air-to-air spraying also looks as pleasing as on-site scolding.

Three middle-aged men and women in the traditional costumes of the Sakura Island Country were blushing at this moment, accusing the Dahua Country's monastic circles of interfering in the Sakura Island Country's spiritual circles.

Several small islands in the north of Sakurajima have been occupied by the Sharos Empire in the north of Dahua Kingdom. Just a few days ago, their Sakurajima practice circle planned a "revival operation"—that is, an assassination plan.

But when the cultivators from the Sakura Island Country were on the move, they met several priests who went fishing...

So, a middle-aged uncle from Sakurajima Country was angrily reprimanding him in cadenced Chinese:

"You are the strong and the strong joining forces to humiliate our weaker Sakurajima country! This is an extremely shameless act! What you are doing is colluding with the Sharos Empire!"

"Yo, are you still working together?"

There was a somewhat yin and yang response from the side, and the middle-aged man seemed to be facing a formidable enemy.

Facing the three of them, the burr-headed Taoist priest, who was laying his legs crossed on the table, stretched lazily and put down the armor sharpening knife in his hand.

The filming machine in the director's room immediately aimed at this Longhushan talisman genius, who is currently ranked 12th in the list of monks, and is known as the "terrorist cannon in the world" Daoist Shi Qianzhang.

Daoist Shi smiled contemptuously, and replied calmly: "Wolf and embarrassment are not good words. In the past few years, our Dahua country's monastic community has cared a lot for your Sakura Island country, and there is also a lot of humanitarian support.

Since you call yourself weak, it would be more appropriate to use the phrase 'joint forces', although my uncle and the other seniors were really just fishing at the time, and your ninja rushed out angrily after hanging on the hook If you want to fight, you can't blame anyone if you lose.

Why don't I teach you a new idiom, officials and officials protect each other... No, we Daoist monks are not your officials, so how about this, take back what you just said about "being in trouble" and change it to "fathers join hands" and "fathers protect each other", How about it? "

"The demon master! Don't bully people too much!"

"Calm down, you still come to our show to criticize us, isn't this deceiving too much?"

Shi Qianzhang replied lightly, with some wrinkles on his straight suit, "This matter was originally..."

hum! hum!

The watch suddenly vibrated a few times, Shi Qianzhang continued to speak slowly, and looked down at the news, the flirting stopped abruptly.

On the screen of the watch, there was a photo of the two figures hugging each other tightly.


Shi Qianzhang jumped up directly, making the two young Taoist priests beside him tremble.

Afterwards, the group of media staff who often worked with Shi Qianzhang, their faces full of bewilderment, watched Shi Qianzhang jump up and down like a monkey.

Jumping to the excitement, Shi Qianzhang stepped on the table and yelled at the three of Sakurajima:

"That man is back! Do you know that! That man is back! If you want to fight, you can fight, if you don't, you can get out, labor and management don't wait! Director! Check out!"

After saying that, he flung himself away, burst into laughter when he left the studio, and ran to the "special channel for monks to take off" not far away.


In the northwest of Dahua Kingdom, deep in the desert, several figures are flying in the air, and there are armored vehicles below, all rushing towards the distant sand screen area with all their strength.

In the dust-filled land, a fierce battle is erupting at this moment.

The main battle group was a battle between humans and demons. More than 30 monks from Dahua Kingdom, wearing Taoist robes and combat camouflage uniforms, were on the ground and in the air, attacking a terrifying giant wolf with a body length of more than 20 meters.

And near the giant wolf, a crack would open in the sand from time to time, as if the desert had opened a big mouth.

It was a huge sandworm with a body length of more than 30 meters. The two monsters seemed to have intelligence, and they cooperated with each other...

But whenever this sandworm wants to sneak attack, a figure will appear above its head in time, and make palm shadows towards the bottom;

The dark golden palm prints hit the sand worm, making the sand worm dizzy.

The one who suppressed the sandworm was a middle-aged Taoist. At this time, he was just walking in the garden, letting the sandworm shuttle through the sand, the figure would always arrive at the exact position before it appeared...

By the way, he can also take into account the overall situation, commanding his own monks and combat readiness team soldiers who are besieging the giant wolf.

Outside the core battle group, there are dozens of figures shuttling back and forth in the sandstorm, they are the so-called 'foreign practitioners'. At this time, they are also blocked by the masters of the combat preparation team, and they are not allowed to rescue this one. giant wolf.

The middle-aged Taoist's gaze was always very calm, even if the communication was disturbed, everything seemed to be in his mind.

Without warning, a flash of sword light suddenly tore open the sand curtain!

'Support so early? Is it an elder supported by Jianzong? With Shushan's swordsmanship, it can save a lot of trouble today. '

The middle-aged Daoist was a little surprised, and he slashed down with his palm, pressing down the sandworm again.

When the Taoist priest sensed the position of the sandworm and shifted in the air, the sword light had already flown close, and suddenly a bright sword light burst out.

The light of the sword is like a sword, flying a hundred meters across the sky!

Surrounding the sword light were streaks of thunder, bringing out a roar that seemed to blow up the world!

This sword slammed directly on the neck of the giant wolf. The wolf skin, which was extremely hard and resistant to high-energy laser beams, was as thin as paper at this moment, and it was easily penetrated and cut off by the fairy sword wrapped in sword light...

The wolf's head, like the front of a truck, flew up, and the sword light quickly condensed back into a flying sword.

Feijian pulled out a light white straight line, like a thunderbolt, split into the sand below.

The middle-aged Daoist with gray temples was also taken aback, could it be that the head of the Sword Sect came? But Daoist Qinglong is not just entering the Tianfu Realm, how could he be so ridiculously strong...


In the sound of the wind, there was a shout from behind.

The Taoist leader trembled, and his hands, which had never trembled in the face of all kinds of powerful enemies, were trembling lightly at this moment.

Turning his head, he saw the young man and woman standing quietly amidst the dust in the sky, and the sword cultivator on the left had bent his legs and knelt down in the air...

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