The First Sword of the Earth

Chapter 292: One Person Sieges the City

There were bursts of thunder and the roar of the drum.

The blue cloud caused the situation to change color, and thunderbolts seemed to be close to the top of the head. A blue cloud appeared in the middle of this foreign city on the big snowfield, and under the blue cloud, two figures stood quietly.

In the beginning, Qingyun came from the east, causing waves of thunder, and also attracted the enthusiastic onlookers of the residents of this big city, who did not realize what was about to happen.

There are even quite a few people, holding all kinds of professional and amateur shooting equipment, taking pictures of such a spectacle.

However, when the pressure from the sky became stronger and stronger, most mortals were gradually unable to face Qingyun directly, and instinctively began to avoid this kind of oppression.

This is Tianwei.

Wang Sheng glanced down, those foreign cultivators rushed into this modern city, and never rushed out again.

There is no violent fluctuation in vitality, and it is impossible for the opponent to leave this place by means of formations or the like.

Obviously, these people mixed into the city to avoid their pursuit.

Those foreign cultivators who were wiped out in the pine leaf forest before should have passed on the relevant information, after all, today's communication methods are extremely developed.

I took out the moon cake phone, but found that my phone signal was seriously interfered, which should be because of the blue clouds above my head.

Wang Sheng has stopped mana to simulate the Heavenly Tribulation Jieyun, but the Jieyun above his head is slowly increasing;

He is naturally very familiar with this phenomenon. Although he doesn't know the specific reason, this kind of thing often happens.

Where did these alien cultivators hide?

It really takes a lot of effort to search the entire big city.

But Wang Sheng didn't hesitate, and his spiritual thoughts enveloped all directions.

It is said to be a big city, because it is located in a big snowfield, limited by economic development, geographical location and other conditions, the size and population of this city can't actually be called 'big'.

In the Great Huaguo, such a city can only be said to be somewhat inconspicuous.

There are not too many high-rise buildings, and the urban traffic planning is a bit messy. The pedestrians on the road are mainly concentrated in a few commercial streets.

But in this snowfield,

As well as the entire eastern part of the Sharos Empire, this big city is a relatively important administrative center, and there are several large mines and military bases nearby.

The spread of Wang Sheng's spiritual thoughts directly covered the big city, and the Feixia sword shuttled back and forth in the sky, and whenever it found the silhouettes of those cultivators from other races, the Feijian would break through the air and go away.

The Sharos practitioners in this city were not affected.

After searching carefully, Wang Sheng quickly caught two 'familiar' auras. After confirming that they were those foreign practitioners who besieged the rescue team, he naturally would not show any mercy.

The Feixia Sword flew across quickly, the bloody light flashed for a while, and there was also a little commotion in the city.

At present, Wang Sheng can't take the head of the enemy thousands of miles away, but within a range of twenty or thirty miles, he can still ensure the power of Yujian.

Just two simple times, those foreign cultivators immediately hid a little deeper.

However, Wang Sheng and Mu Wanxuan were still searching continuously, searching tens of meters with their spiritual thoughts, and they were not afraid that these people would burrow into the ground and escape.

If you are sure that the other party can't escape, just wait slowly to see if these people can hold on, or if you are patient enough.

Searching all over the streets and alleys, they can be picked out one by one from here!

Behind him, more and more blue clouds gathered, and black clouds began to gather at the edge of the blue clouds.

Amidst the roaring thunder, some police cars and armored vehicles appeared on the street. The city's defense forces had already begun to target the pair of brothers and sisters. Someone started shouting to the sky with a high-power speaker.

But the shouts were all in Sharos language, and Wang Sheng couldn't understand anything after babbling for a long time.

Wang Sheng was unmoved, and Mu Wanxuan didn't say anything. Fei Xiajian continued to search, and the robbery clouds behind him gathered more and more.

Wang Sheng hadn't triggered the Heavenly Tribulation yet, but from time to time, lightning had erupted over the city, and the momentum was quite astonishing.

Wang Sheng pointed his left hand to the southwest, and the Feixia sword whizzed away.

Under the eyes of everyone, there was another dead body lying on the street, clutching his neck and slowly lying on his back.

Taking this foreign cultivator as a point of reference, Wang Sheng immediately searched the surrounding buildings, and quickly locked on a few "primitive tribe visitors" hiding in a restaurant. Fei Xia sword shuttled through the streets full of onion However, he broke open the window and entered the restaurant.

Screams erupted inside and outside the restaurant, and the police in Sharos quickly came to a conclusion. It was these two 'strange beings' standing in the air that launched a bloody hunt in the city.


Wang Sheng counted silently in his heart, compared with the number of foreign practitioners captured by his spiritual thoughts before, only one-sixth of them were solved at this time.

On the rooftop of a high-rise building, more than a dozen strong men in ancient armor stood there, each drawing their longbows and aiming at Wang Sheng.

Compared with those modern weapons and equipment, the bows and arrows with fluctuating power in the hands of these ten people are more deterrent.

However, Wang Sheng just glanced at it coldly and didn't care much about it.

The cultivators of the Sharos Empire here are not too strong. It is obvious that the slightly stronger practitioners are arranged in the western region where the economy is more developed.

The Feixia sword attacked again, and under a bridge hole, it simply killed two foreign practitioners in camouflage uniforms.

In the next five or six minutes, Wang Sheng had nothing to gain.

But he knew that those guys were hiding in this city, and only nine of them had been dealt with at this time.

Going forward to catch up to see if you can meet the enemy, it is better to wipe out all these villains and thugs here, and don't let a single one go.

In the air, Wang Sheng's figure just stood quietly, and the robbery cloud behind him and the dark clouds around him gathered more and more, almost covering half of the city;

The local TV station, the video shooting or live broadcast of "enthusiastic netizens" in various places quickly spread the pictures that happened here.

Panic began to spread in the city, and the air defense sirens sounded a bit late. However, the Sharos side obviously had prepared measures to deal with this uncontrollable situation in advance, asking everyone to take shelter in buildings and not to go out on the streets at will.

This undoubtedly made the search more difficult for Wang Sheng, but it was better than the countless panicked Sharos people fleeing out of the city, which would easily allow foreign practitioners to mix among them.

Everywhere in the city, the feeling of depression is getting more and more dignified.

Wang Sheng's eyes lit up, and he quickly slid the sword finger of his left hand, but he found two more 'rats' hiding in the sewer.

Fei Xiajian directly broke through the asphalt road and drilled into the ground, and killed the two of them neatly in the frozen sewers everywhere.


Below, suddenly a big Chinese language came from the loudspeaker:

"Master of the Great Hua Kingdom! This is the territory of the Sharos Empire! You are declaring war on the Sharos Empire! Please stop your killing of innocents!"

Wang Sheng looked down, only to see a burly middle-aged man shouting to himself with a microphone.

In response, Wang Sheng's voice spread throughout the land covered by spiritual thoughts, which was also quite mana-consuming.

"I didn't kill you Sharos people, you can verify the identities of these people as soon as possible.

Ten minutes ago, dozens of evil cultivators who killed my Dahuaguo rescue team sneaked into this city. If you want to help me, immediately block the intersections and look for suspicious people.

If you want to make trouble..."

Pointing forward with the Wuling sword in his right hand, dozens of thunderbolts slashed down from the sky, either hitting the lightning rod of the building vertically, or spreading under the clouds like a silver tree blooming.

The thunderbolt exploded, shaking the sky and weeping.

The dozen or so strong men below who were pulling bows and preparing to shoot arrows all looked sluggish, and the policemen of the Sharos Empire all turned pale.

"Then it's best to sit on the sidelines."

After Wang Sheng's words fell, the robbery clouds behind him suddenly began to surge, and patches of black clouds appeared in the sky again, completely covering the entire city in a blink of an eye.

Among them, the robbery cloud simulated by Wang Sheng's consumption of mana actually only accounted for one-tenth of it, and most of the rest were black clouds summoned by the robbery cloud.

At this time, Tianwei was aroused, and Wang Sheng didn't know whether it was because there were more criminals recruiting lightning strikes here, or for some other reason. He originally wanted to use the Heavenly Tribulation Jieyun to deter the practitioners here, and the scale was unexpectedly large.

The Sharos cultivator who spoke to Wang Sheng just now seems to be a person in charge with a high rank, and he is also giving orders to his surroundings at this moment.

The monks of the Great Hua Kingdom were in the sky, and their attack was a scene of destroying the city, so they couldn't help but take Wang Sheng's words seriously.

Under the pressure of this massive catastrophe, and the frequent "interaction" between Dahuaguo and Sharos in recent years, the Sharos police and practitioners below immediately made a decision.

On the one hand, stabilize the Great Huaguo cultivator in the air, and let him not attack the city;

On the one hand, they immediately sent someone to check whether what Wang Sheng said was true, and if it was true, they could invite this Dahua country monk to help instead of helping.

After all, this is their territory.

In five minutes, Wang Sheng made another attack, and the number of cultivators from other races killed reached fifteen.

"This 'knife' is long!"

The strong man shouted into the sky with a loudspeaker again, "We have verified the identities of these dead, they are indeed not citizens of our Sharos, but you have no right to kill wantonly in our country!

We will conduct a thorough investigation in the whole city! Please stop creating panic! We will definitely give you a 'Called Dai'!

If you insist on going your own way, we will lodge a solemn protest against the monastic community in Dahua! "

The corner of Wang Sheng's mouth twitched slightly. Didn't it mean that Sharos is a fighting nation, and it has become so smooth now.

"I'm not killing people recklessly," Wang Sheng slowly raised the spiritless sword in his right hand, and thunderbolts struck down in the sky, illuminating his and senior sister's figures shining extremely brightly.

"This is just pure revenge."

After saying that, Wang Sheng breathed a sigh of relief, dozens of electric dragons circled and shone behind him, and the Feixia sword whizzed away again.

On the rooftop, a group of cultivators from the Sharos Empire gritted their teeth. A few of them dropped the wine bottle and were about to shoot Wang Sheng, but they were forcibly restrained by a more rational companion.

There is too much difference in strength, this is not an enemy they can provoke at all.

And this Dahua country monk did not harm the people of Sharos at this time, just as he said, he was just 'remoting' the strange ancient sword, killing those 'evil cultivators' hiding in this city everywhere '.

"Go to block all paths, and once again inform all citizens to hide in the building and not to move around! Otherwise, they will become the target of a lightning attack when they go out!"

The middle-aged man who was directly negotiating with Wang Sheng gritted his teeth and shouted, and then glared at Wang Sheng who was in the air with some anger, but soon, only fear remained in his eyes.

Police sirens sounded everywhere, streets and roads were blocked everywhere, and the police of the Sharos Empire began to search for suspicious people in the city, which also reduced Wang Sheng's workload a lot.

However, it is a bit ridiculous to say it anyway, Wang Sheng is only a person, but he blocked a city...

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