The first taboo in the world

Chapter 1 Changes in the sky

On an autumn night, the bright moon hangs high and the stars shine brightly. People have finished their busy life for the day. The noise on the earth gradually disappears, and it seems that everything has fallen asleep.


Suddenly, an extremely loud sound sounded, deafening, resounding between heaven and earth, as if the heaven and earth were breaking apart.

At this moment, all the people in the city were awakened, lights were turned on, and there were the sounds of people making noises and the cries of babies being awakened.

"Look, heaven!"

"A crack opened in the sky!" people exclaimed.

Xu Zifan walked out of the house and came to the roadside square. A group of people had gathered here, noisily, and everyone was discussing the wonders of the sky.

Looking up at the sky, I saw a dark crack opening in the center of the night sky, from southeast to northwest.

There was actually a little bit of starlight shining inside, and against the backdrop of the black cracks, it was even brighter than the starlight outside.

Overall, it looks like a hole has been opened in the sky, through which everyone can visualize the stars in the universe.

At the same time, around this crack, a little fire light flashed, like a meteor, but there was no long tail of the meteor, more like sparks generated by friction, fleeting.

People around have begun to learn the truth of the matter through the Internet, and everyone can feel that this matter is definitely not simple.


Suddenly, the sound of an object flying through the air came from above their heads. Everyone looked up and saw a dark object falling from the sky.


The black object fell to the ground, making a sound of thick liquid colliding with the ground.

"Ah! Look, what is that?" someone exclaimed, pointing to the ground.

Xu Zifan quickly walked over and stood in the crowd, looking at the object that fell from the sky. He saw that it was a black substance the size of a bowl, like a ball of black oil or an enlarged black drop of water. .


The surrounding crowd suddenly shouted and backed away, as if they had seen something terrible.

Xu Zifan was also squeezed back by the crowd. At this time, the black oily liquid on the ground suddenly emitted white smoke, became smaller and smaller, merged into the ground, and slowly disappeared on the surface.

"What is that?" Everyone around was confused and asked each other.


Suddenly, there were more and more sounds of objects cutting through the air in the sky. Everyone looked up, with frightened expressions on their faces and their mouths wide open.

There were still those black oil-like objects, endless, some big and some small, big ones like dustpans, small ones like water droplets. At this time, like rain, they covered the entire sky.

Then there was a snapping sound, and the ground was littered with such objects, emitting white smoke, and then blending into the earth and buildings.

Some people were unable to avoid it and were hit by these black oily objects. It was like a liquid but not sticky. It slipped from the person's body and then fell to the ground, disappearing with white smoke.

People who went outdoors were panicked at this time. They had never seen anything like this before. They didn't know what these black oily objects were and whether they were harmful to the human body.

At this time, everyone began to run into the house. There was a lot of noise in the square and on the road. Soon there was no one in the open space and everyone hid.


A moment later, a loud sound suddenly sounded, like a building collapsing, the ground was shaking, and people's shouts and cries for help could be faintly heard.

Xu Zifan had returned to his house and ran out quickly when he heard the cry for help.

At this time, there were fewer and fewer black oily objects falling in the sky outside. Only a few scattered ones fell to the ground, emitting white smoke, and then disappeared.

Looking up, about two miles away in the distance, there was a residential building with flames shooting into the sky. A building collapsed, and people's screams for help came from there.

And further away, there seemed to be a faint fire, but it was too far away and no other sounds could be heard.

Xu Zifan quickly set off and ran over there. It was important to save people. Besides, he was also curious about the changes in the sky and the unknown matter falling from the sky. What happened at this time should be related to the changes in the sky.

In less than five minutes, he had already reached the scene of the incident.

At this time, the building collapsed, smoke and dust filled the air, and there were screams, cries for help and cries everywhere. Fortunately, the fire was not big, and someone had already started to put out the flames with water.

Some people were carried out from the collapsed ruins with blood all over their bodies, while others were holding corpses and crying, their voices pitiful.

The most eye-catching thing is that in the center of the collapsed building, there is a black stone tablet about one foot high and one meter wide. The stone tablet has a smooth surface, no words, and a black body. It just stands quietly in the ruins.

Obviously, the collapse of the building must be related to this stone tablet.

"Where did this stone tablet come from?" Xu Zifan was puzzled, and he felt something was unusual.

But now was not the time to think about this. Xu Zifan rushed into the ruins and started to save people.

By this time, the fire had basically been extinguished, and many people carried out the injured one by one from the rubble.

At this time, smoke covered the surroundings in the ruins of the residential building. After Xu Zifan entered, the surrounding temperature increased sharply and his whole body felt hot. Soon he was sweating profusely.

He was helping to carry out the injured and searching for those who had not yet been rescued.

Not long after, he discovered something unusual. Every time he got closer to the black stone tablet, his body felt inexplicably hot and uncomfortable.

Looking around, many people were running away from the stone tablet. They obviously also discovered the abnormality of the stone tablet. Xu Zifan's eyes were solemn, and he felt the seriousness of the situation.

"Where did this square stone tablet come from? Why did the sky crack? What was those strange black oily substances last night?" Xu Zifan thought, something was very unusual.

The whole night passed in the rescue effort, and at dawn, the army and police appeared to help rescue people and cordoned off the scene.

Xu Zifan returned to his residence. After a night of helping, he felt sleepy. After casually washing up, he picked up the mobile phone in the room and prepared to ask about his parents at home.

It had been two years since he graduated from college. He was working in Sioux City, thousands of miles away from home. He was temporarily living in the suburbs of the city. He was just an ordinary member of the crowd. No one envied him, and no one deliberately belittled him. However, in the few years in this society, he has experienced a lot of ups and downs, and the warmth and coldness of the world.

What happened last night was so strange. Everyone knew that it was absolutely unusual and something big must have happened.

"Ding ding ding..." Xu Zifan just took out his cell phone, and his cell phone started to ring. It was his mother calling.

"Zifan, how are you doing over there? There is a crack in the sky here at our house, and some people say that the end of the world is coming." As soon as he answered the phone, his mother's concerned voice came.

"Mom, it's the same here. I don't know what the situation is. Please pay attention to safety and stock up on daily necessities." Xu Zifan responded.

After some caring words from his mother, Xu Zifan ended the call.

He was going to resign today, saying he had to go home tomorrow. Now that the sky was changing, something unusual would definitely happen. At this moment, as a son of man, he must be by his parents' side.

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