The first taboo in the world

Chapter 13 Mixed joys and sorrows

Xu Zifan rode his motorcycle all the way through the fog, rushing towards his home, causing a lot of vortexes of fog.

"There was an earthquake just now. Although the earthquake was not serious, I am still worried. I don't know how my family is doing?" Xu Zifan was very anxious.

He had called home just now, but his cell phone had no signal.

"Is there another earthquake? I heard that there will be an earthquake. Due to the geomagnetic influence, the radio will be interfered, and the mobile phone may have no signal." Xu Zifan thought all the way, and he was even more worried.

"Gululu!" Xu Zifan's abdomen made a sound.

"Um, what's going on?" Ever since he absorbed the white gas from the mysterious little cauldron, little bell, and small animals on the mountain just now, his lower abdomen has been bulging, and now he is actually starting to feel uncomfortable.

After persisting for a while, he couldn't bear it anymore. Xu Zifan stopped the motorcycle and found a place where no one was around for convenience.

"It really stinks, how can it be so smelly!" Xu Zifan sighed with a feeling of relief all over his body after taking a shower.

After it was convenient, Xu Zifan continued to ride his motorcycle back home.


"Why are you still here?" Xu Zifan immediately found a deserted place to solve the problem.

"My whole body is getting lighter and lighter, as if the shackles on my body have been released."

Xu Zifan solved it four or five times along the way. His body did not feel weak, but he became more and more energetic. His whole body was relaxed and light, as if he was about to become an immortal.

"Has the hair been cut and the marrow washed?" Xu Zifan instantly thought that the special silver-white substance absorbed at the entrance of the mine must be something extraordinary.

About three hours later, Xu Zifan finally returned home. I saw my parents playing with Xiao Huang in the yard, and I finally felt relieved and it was okay.

"Mom and Dad, are you okay with the earthquake just now?" Xu Zifan still asked worriedly.

"It's okay, it's just a slight earthquake here. Zifan, it's not peaceful recently, so I better go out less. I called you just now, but my phone has no signal." Xu Zifan's parents looked at Xu Zifan with concern and said.

"You haven't eaten yet? The rice is in the pot, leaving it for you." Xu Zifan's mother said with a smile again.

"Well, parents, there may be an earthquake tonight, so be careful." Xu Zifan said with a worried look.

"Well, it's okay. Xiao Huang will remind him if something happens." Xu Zifan's father said calmly and without any worry.

"Well, yes, before an earthquake comes, animals generally know it earlier than humans." Xu Zifan said.

However, he was still prepared. He had to pay attention tonight and not fall asleep deeply, because he thought about various possibilities. Will the animals know in advance after the sudden change in the world and before the earthquake? Everything is hard to say now, full of unknowns.

After dinner, Xu Zifan returned to his room.

Today, after the stone ring absorbed a large amount of sky blue stones and a crystal clear blue stone, the outer ring finally lit up 90%.

Holding it in hand, the stone ring weighs five or six kilograms. The outermost ring on the upper side is about one centimeter wide, and 90% of it has golden light occasionally flashing along the complicated vertical and horizontal lines, like lightning. , like a golden snake, very extraordinary and unpredictable. 【*…iQi Literature…! Better updates and faster】

"We'll have another hard day's work tomorrow. If we can get enough sky blue stones or higher-level blue diamonds, we should be able to light up by 100%."

Xu Zifan had an intuition that after the outer ring of the stone ring lit up 100%, there should be changes, and he was full of expectations.

Then, he put down the stone ring and opened the backpack on his desk.

Inside is a plant, which is completely blue and crystal clear like agate. It has nine leaves from bottom to top. The leaves are triangular and blue and transparent. The veins in the inner stem are clearly visible, and between the leaves and stems. Dots of blue mist are lingering, mysterious and unpredictable, dreamy and strange.

The most eye-catching thing is that a lifelike nine-story tower grows on the top of the plant.

The base of the small tower is round and connected to the top of the plants. It has nine floors in total and is entirely blue. The billowing blue mist hangs down from the top of the small tower and circulates continuously inside and outside each floor of the small tower.

Although it is only three inches high, it has a unique aura, vicissitudes and simplicity, dreaminess and mystery. A majestic and vast aura hits the face, making people feel like they are facing the sky, and they can't help but worship.

Every time Xu Zifan saw this tower-shaped fruit, he was deeply shocked by it, knowing that it must be mysterious and unpredictable, definitely not simple.

Especially after it independently absorbs the silvery white mysterious substance at the entrance of the mine, the aroma is restrained and even more extraordinary.

"It's definitely a top-notch exotic fruit. Do you want to eat it?" Xu Zifan hesitated.

According to recent reports, many people have had accidents after eating alien fruits, and only a handful of people have evolved into aliens.

So now everyone talks about Yiguo, and they both love and hate it. It’s up to you to decide how to choose.

Considering that he already had the Stone Ring Tianbao and that there would be changes in the near future, Xu Zifan suppressed the anxiety in his heart and stretched out his hand towards the tower-shaped strange fruit.

He just wanted to pick it off and take a good look at it in his hands. He was not going to eat it. He would decide what to do with it after he figured out the effect later.

The billowing blue mist falling from the top of the tower drowned Xu Zifan's hand, and he stretched out his right hand to grab the tower-shaped fruit.

The moment Xu Zifan's right hand grasped the tower-shaped fruit, blue mist surged out and enveloped his entire right hand.

Xu Zifan only felt a cool feeling in his right hand, and then this cool feeling rushed to his arm through his right hand, and then spread throughout his body through his arm. Xu Zifan felt as if he had eaten ice cream on a hot summer day, and his whole body was cool.

At the same time, the blue mist wrapping his right hand gradually disappeared, and there was no longer a tower-shaped fruit in his hand.

Looking down, there was only a single plant about a foot high leaning against the backpack. Its whole body was crystal clear, as dreamy and beautiful as a work of art.

But at this time, the mystery is slightly reduced, and the tower-shaped fruit at the top of the plant has been lost.

"Where did it go? It couldn't have entered my body, right? Is this okay?" Xu Zifan looked at his right hand, quite speechless, his face changing.

After stabilizing his mind, Xu Zifan carefully sensed his body and found nothing abnormal, so he didn't think too much about the matter. It had already happened and could not be changed, so it was better to accept it calmly.

Then he took out his mobile phone, opened the news, and browsed various reports.

There are mixed feelings on the Internet. Fortunately, the spiritual energy in the world is becoming more and more abundant, more and more strange people are appearing, various supernatural abilities are beyond people's imagination, and the world is becoming more and more wonderful.

What is worrying is that first of all, earthquakes have occurred in many places around the world in the past few days, and the number of victims has been increasing.

Secondly, as humans evolve, everything is evolving and mutating. In recent days, mutated animals and plants have caused many bloody incidents to humans, and even the tragic deaths of strangers.

Xu Zifan browsed various news, and there were various analyzes and conjectures on the Internet.

Some people say that this earthquake in many places around the world is the second change in the earth. The first time was the change in the sky some time ago. Only now can it be called a real change in the sky and the earth. In the past, it was just a change in the sky.

The reason for this speculation is that after these two changes, the spiritual energy increased exponentially.

Xu Zifan agrees with this analysis and speculation report.

After watching it for a while, Xu Zifan closed the phone screen, thought about his own affairs for a moment, then put on his clothes and fell asleep.

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