The first taboo in the world

Chapter 145 One Finger

The fog rolled and the dark night sky was silent, but Xu Zifan knew that at that moment, there must be an extremely powerful and inexplicable existence looking down at the world.

Above the "ghost path", the man in black iron clothes was silent at the moment, his expression was a little bleak and desolate.

Perhaps the conversation just now touched the sadness and sorrow in his heart.

At this time, outside the ghost realm, although Xu Zifan could not hear the conversation between the middle-aged man and the inexplicable being above Gao Shang, Xu Zifan looked at the middle-aged man's expression and knew that something must have made the middle-aged man sad.

At this time, Xu Zifan stood here quietly, motionless, and the throbbing feeling in his heart was still there.

In fact, he really wanted to turn around and leave, not wanting to face an old ghost like the middle-aged man on the ghost path, but where could he go? There were his parents in the nearby house, so how could he just leave casually.

At this time, Xu Zifan gently stroked Huang's huge head next to him, telling him to be silent.

Huang seemed to understand what Xu Zifan meant. He no longer roared in a low voice, but the hair on his body still stood up, and his eyes looked fiercely at the ghost road outside the courtyard gate.

At this moment, the ghost path that had almost disappeared became even fainter and was about to disappear.

At this moment, the middle-aged man on the ghost path looked at the ghost path that was about to disappear, sighed, and then suddenly turned his head and looked at Xu Zifan.

At this time, the middle-aged man's eyes were serious and sharp, he raised his right hand, stretched out a finger and pointed at Xu Zifan from a distance.

Xu Zifan was ready and serious at the moment when the other party suddenly turned his head. At this moment, all the nerves in his body were tense.

At this moment, Xu Zifan saw the middle-aged man raise his hand and point it towards him from the air, and the hair on his body stood up.


Xu Zifan's figure moved very quickly, pulling out a series of afterimages and hiding away from his yard.

"Roar! Woof woof woof..."

At this moment, Huang Yougan bared his teeth and roared outside the courtyard gate.

At this moment, Xu Zifan cursed in his heart, the old ghost is the old ghost, he is extremely evil and he will do anything.

At this moment, Xu Zifan's idea was to lure the other person away so that the old ghost would not vent his anger on his parents after he escaped later.

He could feel that the other person would not stay in the human world for long, because the ghost path was about to disappear.

As for how he escaped, of course he returned to the world of Swordsman in an instant. As for relying on his own lightness and speed?

Faced with the existence of such a realm of ghosts and gods, he himself did not believe it, and he was not even sure that he could use the stone ring to travel through the world in front of the opponent.

However, he still has to try his best to lure the other person as far away as possible, so that the safety of his parents will be improved.

However, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. After Xu Zifan's figure moved out of thin air one after another, his expression changed.

Because he found that he was still where he was. Xu Zifan's face was white at this moment, and he felt extremely unwilling.

At this moment, a finger pointed directly towards the center of Xu Zifan's eyebrows.

The middle-aged man was obviously still on the ghost path outside the courtyard gate, so he just pointed casually, but at this moment, the finger seemed to have crossed the space, directly touching the center of Xu Zifan's eyebrows.

Under this finger, Xu Zifan's heart was throbbing and he couldn't escape at all. His body even stopped obeying the command at this moment.

Just when he was about to endure his physical discomfort and take out the stone ring to travel through the world, he saw his parents' door open from the corner of his eye, and his father walked out wearing clothes and yawning.

At this time, Xu Zifan was anxious. He knew that his parents must have heard the barking outside and came out to investigate the situation.

But in such a delay, the finger was already on Xu Zifan's forehead.

Immediately, Xu Zifan felt a large amount of memories pouring into his head, almost bursting his brain. Then a burst of extreme pain and dizziness came, and Xu Zifan fainted.

At this moment, the ghost path outside the gate of Xu Zifan's house also dissipated. The middle-aged man in black iron clothes pointed his finger, his expression was a little lonely, and disappeared with the ghost path in the blink of an eye.

Only a long sigh came: "The young man in this life will fade away forever. Today is my destiny. I hope you can go further."

Since the ghost path dissipated, the words came out and could be heard.

As soon as Xu's father went out, he saw Xu Zifan's body softening and falling on Lin.

As for the inexplicable sounds coming from outside the door, no one is paying attention at the moment.

At this moment, Xu Zifan's head was still hurting badly even though he was in a coma, and he was still groaning in pain unconsciously.

Too many memories that were not his own suddenly entered his head. At this moment, his brain felt like it was going to explode.

Drowsily, Xu Zifan felt pain, and gradually a light appeared in front of his eyes, which was a bit dazzling.

"Wake up, Fan finally woke up..."

At this moment, Xu Zifan heard the call, and there was the smell of disinfectant in his nose. Although it was unpleasant, it was not pungent.

At this moment, Xu Zifan's head still hurt, his face was still a little pale, and his body looked very weak.

At this time, Xu Zifan slowly opened his eyes, vaguely enduring the pain in his head, and looked around.

I saw many figures shaking around and white walls.

"Fan, you finally woke up, thank you, thank Guanshiyin Bodhisattva for your blessing." Someone was happy and chanting.

Xu Zifan was very familiar with this voice. It was his mother.

Gradually, Xu Zifan's eyes were no longer hazy, and he could see clearly the people around him, including his parents and an old doctor.

Seeing Xu Zifan's uncomfortable expression, Xu's mother looked worried and asked: "Fan, how are you?"

"Mom, I'm fine!" At this time, Xu Zifan endured the pain in his head and responded.

In fact, the moment he woke up, Xu Zifan already knew what happened, and he also understood what the memory that entered his mind was.

At this time, Xu Zifan thought of the middle-aged man in black iron clothes on the ghost path. He understood that he had misunderstood the other party. The other party had no ill intentions towards him at all, but gave him a big opportunity.

At this moment, Xu Zifan just wanted to go home quickly. He understood his own physical condition.

My head was invaded by the sudden influx of memories, which was a bit unbearable, so it was very painful.

It's a mental injury, but it will get better after some rest.

Moreover, his body was invaded by a sinister spirit, so he looked pale and weak.

None of this is a problem for him. Give him a little time and he will be able to fully recover.

"Fan, you've been out a lot these days. Did you get into anything dirty?"

At this moment, Xu's mother suddenly asked.

Xu Zifan understood that the frequent outings his mother mentioned were the times when he went to the mountains to look for blue strange stones.

"No, mom, don't think too much about it."

Xu Zifan answered without hesitation, and enduring the pain in his head, he sat up from the bed and prepared to leave the hospital.

"Boy, we haven't determined the cause of the disease yet. It's best to check again." The old doctor beside him said at this moment.

"There are many people in your situation recently, and the cause of the disease cannot be found at all, and these diseases are basically caused by eating foreign fruits."

At this moment, the old doctor on the side looked at Xu Zifan with a strange look, and then said: "Eating exotic fruits will lead to a narrow escape from death. The risk is very high, but as long as you wake up and feel fine, you probably won't do it again."

"Fan, have you really eaten the exotic fruit?"

At this moment, Xu's mother asked with a worried look on her face.

After the Earth Change, Alien Fruit became a topic of discussion among people. Everyone loved and feared it.

What I love is that it can turn people into strangers. From then on, they are no longer ordinary people, but strangers who may have various powers.

What I am afraid of is that there are too many risks in eating exotic fruits. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a life-or-death risk.

"Mom, don't worry, how dare I eat those things." Xu Zifan responded.

At this moment, Xu's father winked at Xu's mother, telling her not to ask any more questions.

"Fan, how do you feel? Do you really want to stop checking me?" Xu's father asked.

"Dad, there is no need to check again. I'm fine. Let's go home." Xu Zifan responded.

"Okay, then you and your mother go home first, and I'll go do the discharge procedures."

"Dad, let's go home together. Mom and I will be waiting for you here." Xu Zifan responded. After the earth change, he didn't want to be separated from his parents.

Although they were in a county town and it only took ten minutes to walk from the hospital to their home, Xu Zifan was still worried about letting his father walk alone.

"That's okay!"

Xu's father responded without thinking, then turned and walked out of the ward door to go through the discharge procedures.

Xu Zifan knew that although his father was a down-to-earth man, he did things without procrastination. Soon after Xu's father completed the procedures, the three of them walked out of the hospital together and walked towards home.

On the way, Xu's father looked at Xu Zifan and asked, "Fan, be honest, have you ever eaten the exotic fruit?"

Xu Zifan looked at his father's eyes. Although he wanted to tell them about his adventure, he resisted telling them the truth in the end because the power of his gemstone ring was too incredible. One more person meant more danger.

It's not that he doesn't trust his parents, but after the current mutation, he may have any weird abilities. What if someone has the ability to explore other people's memories? Then not only will you be in trouble, but your parents will not be spared either.

Thinking of this, Xu Zifan said: "Dad, how did you guess it?"

The implication of Xu Zifan's words was that he admitted that he had eaten exotic fruits.

"Fan, why do you keep asking such silly questions? Everyone who has ever seen you knows that you have eaten exotic fruits."

"Um...what's going on?" Xu Zifan actually guessed the answer at this moment, but he still asked like this, hoping to make his parents believe what he said more.

"Look at you, your overall temperament has changed a lot since I arrived. Your skin is fair and fair like a girl's. Even your hair has grown longer. Do you want to put it in braids?"

Xu's mother smiled and said, but she immediately asked worriedly: "Fan? Are you really okay? Do you feel anything abnormal in your body?"

"Mom, it's really okay, just relax!" Xu Zifan responded.

"Fan, I heard that if you eat the strange fruit, you will become a strange person. Do you have any special powers now?"

Father Xu asked curiously.

"Oh, they are really a father and son. They are so stupid together. Fan has only been eating the strange fruit for a long time, how could he have awakened his powers so quickly." Xu's mother couldn't help joking happily when she heard that Xu Zifan was fine.

"I'm just curious. You've also seen the live broadcast last night. In our county, there are so many alien masters now. If not for the mysterious alien king who finally killed the tree demon, that King Fei is really awesome. So majestic, it can fly like an angel."

Xu's father became interested at this moment and couldn't help but talk a lot.

"As for me, when we awaken our powers in the future, we will definitely not be weaker than that Fei Wang." Xu's mother said with a smile at this moment.

"It's difficult, King Fei is one of the top five alien masters in our province, and he is an alien king who can be ranked among the top 100 aliens in China." Xu's father said quietly, but then he added: "Although it is difficult, we are ordinary people." We will definitely catch up with him.”

Xu’s mother:……

Father Xu:......

Along the way, Xu's father and Xu's mother had been discussing Xu Zifan's affairs, and even finally came to the matter of finding a girl for Xu Zifan to marry. Moreover, the two of them had highly unanimous opinions on this matter, asking Xu Zifan to get married as soon as possible and strive to have a girl next year. grandson.

Regarding the discussion between the two elders, Xu Zifan smiled and listened without interrupting.

He understood that his parents thought he had eaten the alien fruit, and now that he had survived, he would be a alien in the future and his status would be greatly enhanced, so the two elders were very happy at the moment.

Moreover, all parents hope that their sons will become dragons and their daughters will become phoenixes, so they have become a stranger. In their hearts, they are proud, and they will definitely be very good in the future.

"By the way, parents, where are the stone rings on my body? Where did you put them?"

Xu Zifan asked at this moment. In fact, when he just woke up in the hospital, he had already discovered that Shi Huan was not around. Although he had some guesses in his heart, he still couldn't hold back and asked his parents.

"Oh, is it the stone disc that was in your arms when you fainted? I put it in your room for you." Xu's father responded.

"You don't know, your dad? He keeps all your stuff from childhood to adulthood and lets you deal with it by yourself." Xu's mother said to Xu Zifan with a smile at this moment.

After hearing what the two elders said, Xu Zifan was completely relieved. It would be fine if he didn't lose the stone ring. This was a powerful tool for him to become stronger.

After a while, the three of them were almost home, but they were still far away when they heard the sound of a dog barking. It was Huang's voice.

At this moment, Huang's voice sounded high, angry and ferocious.

Although Huang is usually fierce and violent, he is also very smart and loyal. Especially after the mutation, he has become more humane and will never cause trouble or bite people randomly.

Hearing the barking of dogs at this time, Xu Zifan understood that something must have happened in the yard of his home.

After turning another intersection, the three members of Xu Zifan's family had already walked to the dirt road outside his courtyard. From here, they could already see what was happening at home.

At this time, Xu Zifan saw the situation in his yard in the distance, and his expression turned cold.

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