The first taboo in the world

Chapter 18 The demonic mist is rolling in

After chatting with his father for a while and having dinner with his parents, Xu Zifan returned to his room.

Xu Zifan really wanted to tell his father that he didn't have to go, but he didn't say it in the end because he knew that only by strengthening himself could he reassure his parents, otherwise it would only make them more worried. He is now pressed for time and must figure out the function of the stone ring as soon as possible.

"Ding ding ding..." the cell phone rang.

Xu Zifan picked up the phone and saw that it was Heizi Lintian calling.

"Fanzi, I have good news for you. I have awakened my superpower, haha!" Lin Tian said happily on the phone.

"Congratulations, Heizi, what super power?" Xu Zifan asked in surprise and joy.

"It should be... releasing the divine smoke." Lin Tian said hesitantly.

"Um..." Xu Zifan could hear the squirming feeling in Lin Tian's words. There should be some secrets that he didn't know about, but it would be great if Lin Tian could become a stranger. He was sincerely happy for this good brother. .

"Fanzi, I have decided to join the special management group." Lin Tian said on the phone.

"Didn't you say you yearned for freedom a few days ago? Why did you change your mind today?" Xu Zifan asked, he wanted to know if Heizi was having any difficulties.

"Ha, Fanzi, our county's special management team arranges accommodation complexes for the families of strangers. They are the safest places, with guards on duty 24 hours a day." Lin Tian said.

Xu Zifan then chatted with Lin Tian for a while, and after asking Lin Tian a few things, he ended the call.

Then Xu Zifan opened the news report. He pays attention to daily current affairs and wants to know the latest changes in the world.

As soon as he turned on the news, he was attracted by several top reports, indicating that something big was happening.

One of the articles was about something that happened in a certain country in Africa. The report said that there was a corpse demon causing trouble, which was extremely terrifying and mighty. Three countries in Africa fell and were cut off from the outside world.

There are also pictures below, which were taken by neighboring countries of those three countries who specially sent people to risk their lives and death.

It can be seen from the picture that those three countries are finished, and the entire country has been overturned by the corpse disaster. The photo was taken through thick fog. In the picture, you can see that in the fog, each zombie demon has a huge body, long black corpse hair, sharp fangs, and blood-red and cold glasses. They are cruel and terrifying, vicious and bloodthirsty. There are still some blood stains on the photos, which shows that the blood price was paid to take these photos.

At present, the neighboring countries in the region where these three countries are located have issued an emergency call for help to the world and have begun to evacuate their populations.

There is also a top report about South America. Crocodile demons and snake demons have caused troubles and massacred several cities. Humanity in those cities has become extinct. Millions of corpses are lying on the earth, turning it into a forbidden land for all living things.

The country where the city is located has currently sent troops to fight the demons. From the video sent out, you can see that the devil crocodile as big as a building faced the hail of bullets, overturned tanks, and trampled down buildings. It was extremely ferocious. However, the army's bullets could only draw sparks on its body and could not penetrate it. Penetration Crocodile Armor.

There are also boundless demonic snakes emerging from the sea and forests. Wherever they pass, life is devastated and white smoke is rising from the ground. It is obviously caused by the poison and corrodes the ground.

These two major events caused a sensation all over the world. Although there are other events that are extremely terrifying before the changes in the world, events like this, in which human beings are wiped out in units of millions or countries, are still a change in the world. The first time since the change. 【…! iQi Literature fastest update]

People all over the world are becoming less optimistic and are starting to look at the world again. Because in this era, maybe one day, my homeland will be slaughtered, and I will also perish.

Xu Zifan then read a few more reports, such as the vampire killings in a European country. A kangaroo in Australia has transformed into a human and joined the country's government.

There is also a mysterious ghost island that appears in a certain area of ​​the Pacific Ocean and then disappears. It is said that people went up and came out again. Some of the people who came out said they saw immortals, some said they saw devils, and some people were insane and felt confused all day long. With a frightened expression on his face, he was obviously frightened.

Xu Zifan felt heavy after seeing these reports. The world became more and more terrifying and unbelievable. It was as if he had returned to the age of gods and demons.

After reading these reports, Xu Zifan fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, after eating, Xu Zifan took his equipment and rode a motorcycle to the mine more than a hundred miles away.

The fog is thick and white, and the distant mountains are like shadows. The mountain roads have become much more rugged after the earthquake.

Xu Zifan put his motorcycle at the door of the hotel, said hello to the hotel owner, and set off into the mountains.

Along the way, Xu Zifan used engineers to shovel the road. The road was rugged, blocked by earth and rocks, and covered by white fog, so the traveling speed was a bit slow.

Perhaps because he had run out of luck in the past few times, at around four o'clock today, Xu Zifan had only dug up a dozen sky-blue stones in total, and there was still a long way to go before he could open the stone ring.

After looking at the time, Xu Zifan had no choice but to go down the mountain first. After the sudden change in the world, the mountains at night would be very dangerous.

The autumn wind blowing in the mountains is cool and comfortable, and the surrounding white mist is like walking in a fairyland on earth.

I don’t know when the wind in the mountains stopped, and the chirping of insects in the surrounding weeds also disappeared. Xu Zifan was walking alone on the road down the mountain. The only sounds left between the sky and the earth were his footsteps and the sound of the engineer’s shovel blowing away the weeds on the road ahead. the sound of.

The mountains are quiet, the mountain road is rugged, and the white mist in front seems to have stopped flowing and gradually turns yellowish.

Xu Zifan walked for a while, couldn't help but slow down a little, and looked up at his surroundings.

"Why did the fog change color? It shouldn't be. The surrounding area has also become darker. It's only around four o'clock. It shouldn't be dark so quickly."

Xu Zifan looked at the time again, it was around four in the afternoon.

"It's cloudy? That's impossible!" Xu Zifan looked up at the sky. Although fog covered the earth after the sudden change in the sky and the earth, you can still tell whether the sky is cloudy or not. Besides, you can still see the sun hanging in the western sky. , in the mist, red, dyeing the western sky red.

The mountain road is quiet, surrounded by piles of earth and rocks, mixed with vegetation and vines. Xu Zifan has already reached the entrance of the previous mine, but at this time, the entrance of the mine has been covered by a landslide.

The surroundings became even quieter, with only the sound of Xu Zifan's footsteps and the sound of engineers shoveling the grass.

The fog is getting yellower and thicker, and the surrounding visibility is getting lower. The yellow fog is rolling and lingering in the mountains. Even the sun in the sky is dyed red and yellow, which looks very strange, as if a demon has emerged. When he was born, the demonic fog enveloped his surroundings.

Xu Zifan looked around carefully and realized something was wrong. He held the engineering shovel tightly in both hands and quickened his pace, his palms were sweaty.

When Xu Zifan was about to walk out of the area where the mine entrance was, a humanoid shadow appeared silently and vaguely in the rolling yellow fog ahead...

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