The first taboo in the world

Chapter 182 Entering the Mine Again

Fang Gang wanted to give up the position of team leader to Xu Zifan and let Xu Zifan lead a county of strangers, but Xu Zifan didn't want to get involved in these things. He still had too many things to do.

So Xu Zifan finally rejected Fang Gang and left with the things the country gave him. Fang Gang could only sigh helplessly, but Xu Zifan agreed to help at the critical moment, which was already very good.

You know, after joining the country's special management organization, many aliens will form teams every day to clean up the surrounding mutated creatures that are malicious to humans.

In this way, you can earn contribution points, which can be exchanged for what you need at the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce that is being established in the country.

Some of the mutated creatures that appear every day are so powerful that ordinary aliens cannot deal with them. Even if you are unlucky and encounter a demon, even the aliens will be in trouble. At that time, a master of the alien king level will be needed to take action. .

Therefore, Xu Zifan's promise to help at critical moments is very good news for Fang Gang and even for people in several nearby counties.

At this stage, to deal with the demons, apart from the state deploying high-end weapons, the only remaining alien king can fight the demons.

Therefore, although Xu Zifan's promise was just a light sentence, it carried a very heavy weight.

After Xu Zifan returned home with his things, he threw the country-equipped communicator aside and then entered his room.

First, he took out the Future Armor No. 1. After careful inspection, he found that there was no problem. At this time, he was relieved. He was going to give this armor made with the highest technology in mankind to his parents to ensure their safety.

Then Xu Zifan took out Spiritual Liquid No. 1, which was a tube of blue liquid that looked very mysterious.


Xu Zifan reached out and pulled out the stopper on the test tube.

Instantly, the fragrance hits your face!

A strong aura of spiritual energy emanated from the test tube and spread throughout the room.

Then, Xu Zifan took a small sip with his mouth, and then immediately put the stopper back into the test tube to prevent the spiritual energy from continuing to spread.

When the spiritual liquid enters the entrance, it has a very refreshing fragrance and is a bit cold. After a while, it turns into spiritual energy and integrates into the body. As Xu Zifan's inner breath circulates, it transforms into his own true energy.

Xu Zifan felt this process in detail throughout the whole process. He wanted to find out whether this spiritual liquid No. 1 was really harmless.

After a moment, a smile appeared on Xu Zifan's lips. This spiritual liquid is indeed harmless. It is a concentration of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, which can promote the speed of human body's cultivation.

However, Xu Zifan's internal strength cultivation had reached a bottleneck at this time and there was no way forward, so this tube of spiritual liquid was useless to him.

Therefore, Xu Zifan also planned to give this tube of spiritual liquid to his parents to speed up their practice and improve their strength faster.

After everything was checked, Xu Zifan handed over Future Armor No. 1 and Spiritual Liquid No. 1 to his parents.

After the parents knew how precious these two things were, they offered to let Xu Zifan use them.

Xu Zifan had no choice but to finally show his unparalleled physical defense ability in front of his parents, and told them that the current spirit liquid No. 1 had not helped his internal strength at all, so his parents accepted the two items.

In the end, Xu's father and Xu's mother made arrangements. In the future, Xu's mother would wear Armor No. 1 for safety, while Xu's father would take Spirit Liquid No. 1 to improve his cultivation.

Xu Zifan no longer cared about how his parents divided things. At this time, he was already using Qing Gong and went straight to the location of the mine.

After a journey of more than two hundred miles, Xu Zifan moved in an almost straight line, and in less than an hour, he had arrived under the mine.

At the intersection of the mine and the mountain, there is a resting place for buses, and there is a small shop next to it, which is already empty.

Xu Zifan ran straight up the mountain without stopping. He could only walk about a hundred meters when he saw an iron sign crossing the intersection in front of him.

There are several large characters written on the iron sign: "Danger ahead, it is recommended to return."

Seeing this iron road sign, Xu Zifan understood that someone must have discovered danger in the mountain in the past few days, so he left a sign here to warn those who were planning to enter the mountain later.

Moreover, the small shops and restaurants not far away are already empty. This must be related to the danger above the mine.

Xu Zifan is very clear about the dangers in this mine. There is a weasel spirit on this mountain that can turn into a human body. Whether it is from Xu Zifan's own induction or from the aspect that it can turn into a human body, this weasel spirit can be transformed into a human body. The strength of the weasel spirit is definitely still higher than that of the previous tree demon. It is very powerful and terrifying.

That is to say, Xu Zifan's strength has greatly improved now and he has the strength of the Alien King, so he dares to explore this mountain again.

With Xu Zifan's current comprehensive strength, he is confident that even if he loses to this monster, he can escape unscathed.


Xu Zifan's figure moved, crossed the iron sign, and continued towards the mountain.

At this time, Xu Zifan was fully focused, and while moving forward, he was always aware of the surrounding situation.

After a while, Xu Zifan arrived at the entrance of the former mine. Due to the earthquake, the entrance of the mine had been buried by earth and rocks that had fallen from the mountain.

A few days ago, Xu Zifan met the weasel spirit here. At that time, he used a piece of Tao Te Ching to not only escape from the claws of the demon, but also deceived a large piece of blue strange stone from the demon.

This kind of experience was a bit fantastic and a bit scary. When Xu Zifan thought about it, he couldn't help but feel lucky for himself.

Moreover, still here, Xu Zifan saw with his own eyes that from the mine, there were very small silver bells the size of mung beans, small tripods, small swords, knives, ponies, small tigers and other inexplicable things coming out of the iron gate of the mine. It flew out of the seam.

These things can be absorbed by the tower-shaped fruit he once obtained, or by his own body.

It can be said that Xu Zifan's first hair removal and marrow cleaning was actually completed here by absorbing those special silver substances.

At that time, after the hair removal and marrow cleansing of his body, Xu Zifan directly had a strength of 500 kilograms, which could be said to have surpassed ordinary people.

In terms of cutting hair and marrow, Xu Zifan even had a feeling that these silver inexplicable special substances were second only to blue exotic stones, and a little stronger than sky blue exotic stones.


The mound buried in front of the mine entrance exploded, but it was Xu Zifan who waved his sleeves and the inner energy surged out.

boom! boom! boom……

After a while, Xu Zifan had cleaned up the earth and rocks buried at the entrance of the mine.

During this period, purple flowers flashed in Xu Zifan's eyes, and purple runes appeared in the pupils of his eyes. Moreover, the innate purple energy was circulated by Xu Zifan on his ear apertures to enhance his hearing. He was sensing the disturbance around him. After all, in the past few days, There is a peerless demon here in the sky, and Xu Zifan cannot help but be careful.

But until the buried earth and rocks were cleaned up by Xu Zifan, and the rusty iron door at the entrance of the mine was exposed, everything was quiet. No peerless monsters appeared, and no mutant creatures attacked.


Xu Zifan raised his hand again and struck a palm from a distance. The rusty iron door at the entrance of the mine in front was opened by Xu Zifan's palm force.

Then a dark hole appeared in front of Xu Zifan's eyes.

The mountains are filled with mist, and the mountain breeze is blowing gently. The surrounding weeds and trees are very lush, rustling in the mountain wind, and unknown insects are chirping vigorously, which can be heard far away.

In the barren mountains and ridges, a dark mine appeared in front of Xu Zifan.

As Xu Zifan waved his sleeves again, the front of the cave entrance was shaken up, and the dust floating in the air was swept away by the strong wind.

The dark cave entrance is as tall as a person, and there are still mottled scratches on the stone wall at the cave entrance, which were made by the construction team who developed the mineral resources here.

It was scratched and mottled, and it looked dilapidated after decades.

Looking at the quiet and dark entrance of the cave, Xu Zifan hesitated for a moment and stepped in.

He wanted to see what was in this cave that could actually catalyze the creation of a monster as big as a weasel spirit.

At this time, Xu Zifan was surrounded by thick purple fog. He turned on his defense to the maximum, neither slow nor fast, and moved step by step. While being cautious, Xu Zifan was also sensing everything around him.

A moment later, Xu Zifan had already moved several hundred meters away. The cave was still quiet and dark, as if leading straight to the netherworld, which made people feel a little scared.

At this time, Xu Zifan's eyes were filled with purple light. Although he was in darkness, he could still see everything around him.

On the stone walls around here, there are fewer and fewer artificial traces, and the ground is gradually becoming rugged. Obviously, the construction team basically stopped mining here.

But there is still a road ahead, and the hole has not yet reached the end. It is conceivable that the construction team stopped after drilling the hole here, because the front was originally empty and there was no need to drill any more holes.

Xu Zifan was still cautious and walked forward step by step. He wanted to see what was in the deepest part of the cave?

At this time, the road in front of the cave slopes downward, and it should be extending from the center of the mountain to the earth.

After a while, there was a turning point. Xu Zifan was not afraid and continued to move forward along the road.

After passing the bend, the space in the cave became increasingly narrow, and in some places Xu Zifan even needed to turn sideways to pass.

After walking another hundred meters, the cave became even narrower. In some places, Xu Zifan even needed to use his magical power to break the protruding stones that naturally protruded from the cave walls.

And when we got here, the height of the cave was no longer enough for an adult to stand and walk, so he could only walk forward at a waist.

In the dark cave, there was no wind and it was quiet. Only the sound of Xu Zifan's footsteps echoed step by step, occasionally mixed with one or two clicks, which were rocks shattered by Xu Zifan's palm.

The surroundings were shrouded in darkness and silent, as if leading to the netherworld. Ordinary people would never dare to go down like Xu Zifan.

This kind of silence, this kind of darkness, it may even be a demon's lair. Such situations make most people psychologically shocked and dare not go into the cave to explore deeply.

"Huh? What is this?"

Suddenly, Xu Zifan discovered something. There was a corpse not far ahead.

The bones were not big and had a tail. After Xu Zifan carefully identified them, he roughly guessed what they were.

This is the corpse of a weasel, lying on the road ahead.

Looking at the appearance of the corpse, there was no fur and only a white skeleton left. Xu Zifan could guess that the weasel had been dead for decades.

Xu Zifan took a step forward and continued to move forward. After a while, there was another weasel corpse on the ground. It had also been dead for decades.

As Xu Zifan continued to move forward, there were more and more bones on the ground, and there were not only weasel bones, but in the end there were even rat bones, bird bones, snake bones, etc., and even until the end, there were bones on the ground. It was all a layer of bone slag. It was obvious that because it had been too long, the skeleton could no longer bear its own weight and decomposed into a pile.


Suddenly, right here, Xu Zifan discovered something. There was a broken leaf on the ground three meters in front of him, which was slightly larger than an adult's hand. Although the broken leaf was already gone, there was still something on it. There is some greenery, which means that it has only been here for a few days.

Looking carefully at the remaining leaves again, Xu Zifan always felt a little familiar.

Suddenly, Xu Zifan thought of something. For a moment, he maximized his five senses, always paying attention to everything around him and behind him.

At this time, Xu Zifan felt like he was facing a formidable enemy, and he was carefully guarding everything around him.

Because the remaining leaves on the ground reminded Xu Zifan of a hunched figure, wearing irregular light yellow clothes and carrying a foot-sized green leaf on his head. What Xu Zifan thought of at this time was, It was the weasel spirit he had encountered before.

The remaining green leaves on the ground, which were larger than the size of a hand, were part of the green leaves that the weasel spirit was carrying on his head at that time.

Now, the remaining leaves are here, is the weasel spirit still far away? So at this time Xu Zifan was cautious and alert to his surroundings.

After walking another ten meters and turning three sharp turns, Xu Zifan once again found a broken leaf.

Xu Zifan carefully looked at the remaining leaf, compared it with the one he just found, and found that the two pieces could be spliced ​​together.

The spliced ​​leaves are exactly the green leaves that the weasel spirit wore on top of his head that day.

At this time, Xu Zifan paused for a moment, then continued to move forward with firm eyes. During this period, he broke many stones blocking the road to allow him to continue moving forward.

In fact, Xu Zifan also had a feeling that the weasel spirit was not in the cave now, because when he was walking, the sound of his footsteps and the sound of breaking stones spread far away. If the weasel spirit was in the cave at this time, he would definitely Discover him early.

Thinking of this, Xu Zifan shook his head, gathered his thoughts, and stopped thinking about it.

At this time, Xu Zifan had a firm gaze. No matter what was waiting for him ahead, whether there was a weasel spirit or not, he was not afraid.

He is confident that even if he is defeated, he can leave calmly.

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