The first taboo in the world

Chapter 191 How can there be any quiet time?

It was a dark night with mist, and the bright moon in the high sky was obscured, leaving only a faint silhouette.

After the rain, there was a slight chill in the mountain forest, and there was silence everywhere. Even the chirping of insects among the grass and trees disappeared.

At this time, it was late at night, and the mine, which was deserted during the day, became even quieter at this moment. Only Xu Zifan stood on the mountain road outside the mine.


Suddenly, in this silent barren mountain in the middle of the night, a little girl's voice sounded. It sounded like she was laughing, but her laughter was very strange, intermittent, and sometimes absent.

After the sudden change in the world, this world has become strange, unpredictable and full of dangers.

There are not only monsters and monsters from myths and legends appearing, but also some weird things that I don’t know how to describe are hidden.

This world is indescribable and unclear, and the whole world is filled with a strange and inexplicable atmosphere.

At this time, in this empty barren mountain, the weird laughter of a little girl echoed, coming from the deep mountains through the heavy fog, which was terrifying.

The mist in front of me shrouded the sky and the earth, obscuring the mountain road in front of me. In the dark night, in the barren mountains, hearing this sound at first made my scalp numb and hair-raising.

Anyone with a clear mind would not think that this was the sound made by a human little girl. At this time and place, the person making this sound was definitely a weird demon.

The moment Xu Zifan heard this voice, his whole body was filled with luck and alert. He understood that he had encountered a strange demon.


Weird sounds, intermittent and intermittent, came from the mountain col a few hundred meters ahead.

The world was silent, there was not even a trace of wind, only a bone-chilling chill filled the surrounding world.

At this time, two rays of purple rays of light broke through the fog and shot into the mountain col ahead.

It was Xu Zifan who used the Zixia magical power to bless his binocular vision. He wanted to see clearly what was in front of him and what was happening strangely.

At this time, within the pupils of Xu Zifan's eyes, there were runes looming, rising and falling, and an aura that could break the essence of all things in the world flowed out.

Deep in the fog, the scene in the mountain col ahead also appeared in Xu Zifan's eyes.

It was a very small human skeleton, not even one meter high, only about ninety centimeters at most.

Judging from the size of his skeleton, it can be seen that he was indeed a child during his lifetime. The entire skeleton was crystal white, emitting a penetrating white light in the dark night.

At this time, the skeleton was lying on the ground on all fours like a beast, crawling in the grass of the hill. There was a bloody red light shining in the empty eyes above its head, which looked extremely cruel, bloody and weird.

At this moment, her upper and lower jaw bones were moving slightly, and sound waves were heard between opening and closing. What was heard was the intermittent laughter of the little girl.

"Bone becomes spirit?"

At this time, Xu Zifan's eyes were extremely deep, with wisps of purple rays of light shooting out, flowing with divine brilliance, and it was extremely mysterious.

Regarding the strange existence he encountered in front of him, Xu Zifan used the Qi Sensing method evolved from "Daizong How" and found that the energy intensity emitted from his whole body was not much at all. At most, it was at the level of a second-rate master. .

But every kind of weirdness has its own weird secret method, so Xu Zifan's guard did not relax at all.

"Hehe...haha...hehe...big...big brother, come...come and play with me..."

Weird sounds, intermittent, intermittent, echoed in the silent night.

It can be seen from the voice coming from it that it is not very proficient in human language.

This little girl's voice contains an aura of charm that makes people intoxicated and lose themselves. If ordinary people were here at this moment and heard this kind of voice, they would definitely be charmed and their brains would be lost and they would lose themselves. They would involuntarily press the button Act according to the guidance of this voice.

Xu Zifan's whole body was filled with Zixia Qi. After hearing this voice, his brain was clear and not affected at all, but he could feel the charm in the voice.

"Hmph... Even a mere brat dares to harm people!"

At this time, Xu Zifan snorted coldly, his eyes became sharp, and he strode towards the mountain col a hundred meters ahead.

As Xu Zifan approached, the white skeleton's mouth opened and closed faster and faster in the mountain col. Although there was no flesh and blood on the head and face, there was a trace of smile showing out. It was extremely strange and disappointing. be terrified.

At the same moment, the blood-red light in his eyes became even brighter, like a beast watching the arrival of its prey, full of desire.

"Big...big brother...come and play with me..."

The girl's voice from the white skeleton was getting louder and louder, full of urgency, but her words were still not fluent.

At this time, Xu Zifan strode closer with a cold look on his face. He could feel the urgent desire of this ghost at this time.

If an ordinary person encountered this ghost here today, he would definitely be hunted and killed by it.

So at this moment, Xu Zifan had already sentenced this ghost to death in his heart.

As Xu Zifan approached, he didn't know if the ghost had other abilities. He wanted to get closer to the ghost to prevent himself from disturbing the ghost in advance and letting it escape. He had to kill the ghost with one blow.

When Xu Zifan was only forty meters away from the white skeleton, this distance was only a distance that Xu Zifan could cross in an instant, so Xu Zifan started to take action.


Xu Zifan's figure flashed and disappeared directly. When he reappeared, he was already above the head of the white skeletal ghost.


The palm print, which was about a foot in size and emitted bright golden light, was printed directly from the air, covering the white skeletal ghost below who was still in a daze because he had lost his target.

At this time, Xu Zifan used all his strength to attack. Regarding things like monsters and monsters, he didn’t know if they had any other weird abilities, so to be on the safe side, of course he had to use all his strength. After all, he understood very well that a lion can fight a rabbit with all his strength. of.

The ground shook, smoke and dust filled the air, and the small mountain collapsed directly under Xu Zifan's palm.

The weeds and trees inside were shattered into pieces in an instant by the power contained in this golden palm print.

The white skeletal ghost in the middle of the palm print didn't even realize what happened, and was beaten into powder by Xu Zifan's palm. Even until his death, the ghost didn't know why the prey that had just been controlled by its evil voice suddenly suddenly disappeared for a while.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, everything calmed down. Xu Zifan's upright figure stood next to the collapsed hill, looking at the skeleton ghost that turned into white powder inside, and said coldly: "I don't even know how to speak foreign languages, but I just want to kill someone." ?”

After eradicating the white skeleton ghost, Xu Zifan searched near the mine for another hour. His target was the sky blue exotic stone. If he could be lucky enough to find another blue exotic stone that was one level higher than the sky blue exotic stone, then Better.

But the final result was a bit touching. Maybe Xu Zifan's luck ran out. He searched all the nearby hills within a few kilometers and found only three blue exotic flowers and eight thumb-sized sky-blue exotic stones.

"It's better than nothing, it's not a trip in vain!"

Finally, Xu Zifan looked at the slightly lit eastern sky and couldn't help but sigh.

In fact, Xu Zifan was quite satisfied with his harvest after coming out this time, so he didn't sigh any more, started using Qing Gong, turned around and went down the mountain, heading towards home at high speed.

In less than an hour, Xu Zifan had returned home. At this time, the sky was slightly bright, and the sun had just emerged. Although the sun was blocked by clouds and fog, it still passed through the clouds and appeared in the sky above the crowd, giving life. Brought hope.

At this time, everything between heaven and earth seemed very soft and warm. Everyone was immersed in this warm atmosphere, and no one knew that Xu Zifan was outside the mine cave not far from the county seat last night. Killed a ghost.

At this time, Xu Zifan looked at many people who were still resting. They had not gotten up yet and lived a very comfortable life.

I couldn't help but sigh, and I deeply understood a saying that many people often said before the world changed.

"The years are never quiet, it's just that there are people carrying the burden forward for you."

However, Xu's father and Xu's mother were a little different. They got up early, sat cross-legged on the roof of the villa, and rested while practicing exercises.

Xu Zifan was very happy about his parents' diligence. The more capable they were, the better they were able to protect themselves, and he didn't have to spend so much time on his parents.

After an hour, Xu's father and Xu's mother woke up from their cultivation state and found that Xu Zifan had returned home. They couldn't help but take a deep breath, and they felt relieved.

They were very worried because Xu Zifan didn't return home all night last night, but fortunately, Xu Zifan greeted them before leaving. The time of his return was uncertain, so don't worry.

Xu Zifan then handed over all the sky-blue stones he got during this trip to his parents, hoping that their strength would improve to the next level.

The remaining three blue exotic flowers were conveniently carried by Xu Zifan in the flower pot at his home.

Finally, Xu Zifan took the water from the small stone pool in the strange stone chamber and placed it directly in his bedroom together with the kettle.

Just when Xu Zifan was finishing his work, a cell phone rang.

"Ring ring ring..."

Xu Zifan picked up the communicator and instantly understood who this was. This was Fang Gang, the leader of the national special management organization in their county. His power was extraordinary. He didn't expect that calling him so early in the morning must be about something important.

After Xu Zifan answered the phone, Fang Gang's anxious voice came from the phone, which showed that they were indeed in trouble.

"Brother Xu, come quickly. We encountered a peerless demon on the seventh ridge of Xiliang Mountain. Several alien brothers have been seriously injured. Come and help."

Fang Gang's anxious voice came from the communicator, as well as the ferocious roars of peerless monsters, and the sounds of many people shouting.

"Okay, if you can't hold on any longer, retreat. I'll be there right away."

Xu Zifan quickly replied that he understood the urgency of the matter and did not hesitate to get there. After saying a few words, he got up and walked thousands of miles away to perform Qinggong and went straight to the seventh ridge of Xiliang Mountain.

Xiliang Mountain is a large mountain in the west of the small county town of Xu Zifan's hometown. The entire Xiliang Mountains stretches for dozens of miles, leading directly to the bank of the Yellow River.

Before the world changed, the entire Xiliang Mountains had only been developed into a dozen ridges. As for the side near Yuei Nei in the west, there were no humans to live there, so it had been abandoned. There were many wild animals in it. flora and fauna.

A few days ago, a tree demon appeared here. It was full of hostility towards humans. It was discovered by the military and some strangers who were exploring for treasure. In the end, the demon was killed by Xu Zifan.

Unexpectedly, another demon was discovered here today, leaving Fang Gang and a group of strangers unable to deal with it. This demon's ability must be very terrifying.

The small county town of Xu Zifan's hometown was very small. He ran at full speed and reached the first ridge of Xiliang Mountain in less than three minutes.

Fang Gang's anxious voice came from over there, as well as the ferocious roars of peerless monsters, and the sounds of many people shouting.

Xu Zifan quickly replied that he understood the urgency of the matter and did not hesitate to get there. After saying a few words, he got up and walked thousands of miles away to perform Qinggong and went straight to the seventh ridge of Xiliang Mountain.

Xiliang Mountain is a large mountain in the west of the small county town of Xu Zifan's hometown. The entire Xiliang Mountain Range stretches for dozens of miles and leads directly to the bank of the Yellow River.

Before the world changed, the entire Xiliang Mountains had only been developed into a dozen ridges. As for the side near Yuei Nei in the west, there were no humans to live there, so it had been abandoned. There were many wild animals in it. flora and fauna.

A few days ago, a tree demon appeared here. It was full of hostility towards humans. It was discovered by the military and some strangers who were exploring for treasure. In the end, the demon was killed by Xu Zifan.

Xu Zifan picked up the phone and instantly understood who it was. This was Fang Gang, the leader of the national special management organization in their county. His power was extraordinary. He didn't expect that calling him so early in the morning must be about something important.

After Xu Zifan answered the phone, Fang Gang's anxious voice came from the phone, which showed that they were indeed in trouble.

"Brother Xu, come quickly. We encountered a peerless demon on the seventh ridge of Xiliang Mountain. Several alien brothers have been seriously injured. Come and help."

Fang Gang's anxious voice came from the communicator, as well as the ferocious roars of peerless monsters, and the sounds of many people shouting.

Xu Zifan quickly replied that he understood the urgency of the matter and did not hesitate to get there. After saying a few words, he got up and walked thousands of miles away to perform Qinggong and went straight to the seventh ridge of Xiliang Mountain.

Xiliang Mountain is a large mountain in the west of the small county town of Xu Zifan's hometown. The entire Xiliang Mountain Range stretches for dozens of miles and leads directly to the bank of the Yellow River.

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