The first taboo in the world

Chapter 200 Red Haired Whirlwind

The Xiliang Mountains stretch for tens of miles, with a total of fifty-two ridges. They are high in the mountains, densely forested, and have thousands of ravines. They are close to the surging Yellow River. There are many monsters and strange creatures on them, making it a forbidden land for humans.

At this time, Xu Zifan stepped forward, heading straight into the depths of the Xiliang Mountains.

From the 26th ridge to the 35th ridge, Xu Zifan walked smoothly without encountering many obstacles. At the same time, he also found out what strange existences were on these ten mountains.

Among these ten mountains, those that dominate at this time are all plant-based aliens.

There is a man-eating flower demon with red flowers that are unparalleled in beauty and sword-shaped leaves with restrained sharpness. It can shoot out sword-shaped green leaves to kill the birds and animals passing by. Then the red flowers open like red lips, and as the flower stems Extended, it directly eats the creatures it shoots to death with its leaves.

There is also a sea of ​​flowers. The colorful flowers are so beautiful and gorgeous that they bloom all over the mountains and emit bursts of fragrance. It is so rich that you can smell it from a mile away.

This rich floral fragrance has a psychedelic effect on the spirit of living things. Inhaling this floral fragrance for a long time can make people's spirits wither, their souls become extinct, and they die in an illusion.

In this sea of ​​flowers, there are countless withered bones of creatures, all of which died directly with their souls extinguished, and their flesh and blood bodies became the nourishment for these countless psychedelic flowers.

In addition, there are various tree demons, flower demons, grass monsters, etc. on these ten mountains. However, most of these aliens did not actively attack Xu Zifan. Perhaps after they mutated, they also had spiritual senses and could He could sense the dangerous aura on Xu Zifan's body.

Ridge 36!

After the change in the world, the soil on this mountain range turned into blood, and the animals and plants on it also changed. The trees and flowers on the mountain were no longer green, but turned into blood red.

The blood-red leaves, blood-red branches, and even the roots of a plant that Xu Zifan dug up at random were all blood-red rhizomes.

On this mountain, blood is the main tone, and it has a strange and eerie feeling. The red plants on the mountain are very quiet, without any sound. The insects that have always existed on other mountains have disappeared here. .

Moreover, the animals here are also very rare. Xu Zifan only saw two birds along the way. They were both mutated tits. Their feathers were blood red, and their eyes were shining with blood, full of cold color. He looked at Xu Zifan from a distance for a while. After that, he turned around and flew away, disappearing into the thick fog of the dense forest.

This mountain ridge, perhaps more appropriately called the Blood Ridge at this time, is blood red in color, silent, and has a cold aura that permeates the entire mountain ridge. People who are in it will feel uncomfortable all over the body.

After Xu Zifan arrived here, his eyes were solemn, and the mountains turned into blood. This was a very strange thing.

After the change in the world, there were also reports in the online news that some uninhabited places had strange changes like biological changes, or the colors, terrain, or other things were completely different from before, and these Every place is full of mystery and contains endless secrets.

For example, in online news reports, in an uninhabited area of ​​​​a province in western China, a small mountain that was usually inconspicuous gradually grew up after the change in the world. Today, it has grown from more than 30 meters to 200 meters tall. Meters tall and still growing.

Someone got curious and climbed the mountain. The next day, he was found in a province on the eastern coast of China. According to what he said, when he was climbing the mountain, he saw a battle between immortals and demons. A god blew him away and blew him away. When he woke up, he was in a coastal province thousands of miles away.

There are other brave people who don't believe it, or who have the idea of ​​​​seeking opportunities, and also climb the mountain, but they will never return and will never be seen again in the world.

There were more than a dozen groups of people before and after, including the first person, only two were found thousands of miles away, and the others disappeared without a trace.

The other person appeared directly in a province in the south of China, thousands of miles away from the mountain. According to him, when he was climbing the mountain, he saw a stone cave, and there were colorful divine lights emerging from the cave. At that time, he thought he had encountered an immortal treasure, but as soon as he entered the cave, he felt that the world was changing, the stars were moving, and he was thousands of miles away in a daze.

This growing mountain is full of mystery and transcends everyone’s understanding.

In addition to this regional change, there is another regional change that is somewhat similar to what Xu Zifan is encountering now.

That place is where the Drum Tower is located in a remote county. After the change in the world, the soil where the Drum Tower is located gradually turned yellow, and plants grew on it. All the plants were like the soil where they took root. , all yellow.

It can be seen from the pictures captured in online news reports that the area is like another world at this time. It only covers an area of ​​about 100 meters, but it is yellow inside, and the white mist that covers it also reflects the yellow mist. , full of endless mystery.

Some people once wanted to go inside to look for opportunities, but once they stepped into the yellow land, they became like wild beasts, losing their minds and full of irritability.

This place has been classified as a forbidden place by humans today. No one knows what is in it, nor what changes will happen there in the future.

Now, Xu Zifan also discovered a similar area. The entire area had undergone changes. It was blood red, silent, cold and mysterious.

Walking here, Xu Zifan's eyes were solemn, looking at everything around him. Except for blood red, it was still blood red. This area seemed to have become a blood red world of its own.

There is definitely a secret in this area!

After the changes in the heaven and earth, all things evolved. There are great secrets in places where changes occur in the entire region.

"Could it be that...this entire mountain is a living entity right now?"

At this moment, Xu Zifan had a conjecture that he himself found outrageous and unbelievable. It was reasonable to think that a creature would mutate. It was impossible even if he thought about it, that the entire mountain would mutate into a living being.

However, this change in the world is impossible for today's human understanding, but it happened.

Therefore, if other unbelievable and incomprehensible things happen in this world, it will not be surprising.

In short, in today's world, everything is possible.

The blood-colored world was silent, even the wind was gone, and the mist lingering between the sky and the earth was reflected in the blood-red color by the surrounding environment.

There is a cold and cold atmosphere filling the mountains, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

Xu Zifan was walking here, fully alert. The weirdness of this area was far beyond his imagination.

It would be a bit scary if this entire mountain range was a living body. I am currently walking on this living body.

Everything is possible!

Among the blood-red grass ahead, there is a blood-red flower blooming quietly. From its shape, it can be seen that when it has not changed, it is a morning glory.

Xu Zifan walked to the mutated morning glory, lowered his head, bent down, and picked it in his hand.

During this process, liquid flows out from the broken branches of the morning glory, which is bloody, just like blood.

But this blood-red liquid exudes a unique freshness of plants.

The moment Xu Zifan smelled it, he immediately held his breath. He had to be careful because no one could tell whether there was something wrong with this branch liquid that looked like blood.

The blood-red morning glory was wrapped by Xu Zifan's true energy and placed in his hand.

Just when Xu Zifan was about to carefully observe what was unusual about this blood-red flower, the morning glory gradually decomposed in Xu Zifan's hands and soon turned into a handful of red powder.

This change occurred in a short period of time, which made Xu Zifan very surprised. He had been wrapping the blood-red morning glory with his true energy, and did not sense anything abnormal about it, why it would decompose on its own.

Later, Xu Zifan randomly picked some blood-red grass blades from the ground and took a few leaves from the big tree next to him.

The result was the same, it quickly turned into red powder in his palm.

Therefore, if these plants leave this trunk, or even leave the blood-red soil above the ground, they will cease to exist and will turn into powder.

Later, Xu Zifan took another handful of blood-red soil. After carefully sensing it, he didn't notice anything at all, as if the soil was supposed to be this color.


Suddenly, the blood-red vegetation around Xu Zifan began to sway. The wind picked up, and the blood-red leaves rustled in the wind.

This wind came very strangely and suddenly. Xu Zifan activated his body-protecting energy, and a billowing purple mist enveloped his figure.


Suddenly Xu Zifan's eyes narrowed and he looked into the blood-red woods in the distance.

At this moment, a blood-red whirlwind was generated there, and at the same time, an extremely cold aura descended on the mountains.

Under this extremely cold aura, Xu Zifan felt a cold swooshing feeling all over his body.

At this time, Xu Zifan's eyes were filled with purple glow, and he was looking towards the red whirlwind in the dense forest over there.

The blood-red whirlwind, which was as thick as a finger, gradually grew in size, and soon became as thick as a bucket.

The whirlwind was whistling and spinning, mysterious and unpredictable. At this time, Xu Zifan finally saw clearly why the fate was blood red, because in the whirlwind, there were blood-red hairs mixed in it, and the whole whirlwind seemed to turn into Blood red, this is a whirlwind of red hair.


At this time, the blood-red whirlwind seemed to be whining, crying, sobbing slightly, and seemed to have an inexplicable presence whispering. The scene accompanying it when it appeared made people feel a little hairy and creepy.

There is definitely something unclean in this red-haired whirlwind.

At this moment, as the red-haired whirlwind swallowed, the muttering gradually became clearer, and the cold atmosphere in the entire mountain became stronger and stronger, and the air became a little heavier, as if a great demon was resurrecting.

At this time, Xu Zifan's face was very heavy. Judging from the aura perception around him, a strange existence that far surpassed him was about to arrive.

Just from the feeling of the breath at this time, Xu Zifan felt a palpitation in his heart, as if an ordinary person was facing an invincible beast.

Stimulated by the cold atmosphere from the outside world, Xu Zifan's heart palpitated and cold sweat oozed from his back.

The one who came was definitely a big demon, so weird that he had no way to deal with it at the moment.

At this moment, Xu Zifan did not hesitate to use his fastest speed, stepped out, turned into a purple lightning, and ran towards the next mountain.

In about ten seconds, Xu Zifan finally left the mountains, but this was not enough, and he continued to move forward.

The thirty-seventh ridge!

Ridge 38!

The 40th Ridge!

It wasn't until here that the palpitating feeling in Xu Zifan's heart completely disappeared.

Just now, he had the feeling that he had walked through the gates of hell. There was great terror in that red-haired whirlwind. If it came, there would be absolutely no one in the world that could rival it, and it would definitely bring chaos to the world.

Along the way, the mountains in the back were much more normal. The green vegetation was very dense. There were birds, animals, and insects in them, and they were full of life.

But when Xu Zifan passed by here just now, no aliens came out to trouble him, because all the aliens may have felt the strange and incredibly powerful aura emanating from the 36th Ridge, and they were all crawling there tremblingly. Above the ground, it means surrender.

This is a kind of instinctive fear and surrender of creatures. All aliens feel the terrifying aura coming from the 36th Ridge.

In fact, at this time, on all the mountains around the 36th Ridge, all the creatures felt the cold and extremely terrifying atmosphere, and they were all crawling to express their ups and downs.

Even the alien species on the 34th and 33rd ridges, which were derived from plant mutations and could not leave the earth at this time, could not help but express their surrender and moved their upper bodies towards the third ridge. Fifteen Ridges fell down.

This kind of scene is very spectacular. All the spirits seem to be worshiping the king and welcoming the uncrowned emperor. It is very

This shows that the inexplicable existence in the red-haired whirlwind is powerful, and it can frighten all spirits just by the momentum it exudes.

At this time, Xu Zifan was on the 40th ridge, looking solemnly in the direction of the 36th ridge.

"What the hell is this!"

"How could such a terrifying and terrifying existence appear now!"

"Will you go to the human world and hunt humans?"

At this moment, Xu Zifan was constantly thinking about all the possibilities.

In fact, the reason why he fled in this direction was because he was afraid of attracting that terrifying existence to the small county to the east. If this terrifying existence hunted humans, there was no telling how many people would die.

So just now Xu Zifan came further west without hesitation, that is, deeper into the Xiliang Mountains.

Just passing by the 37th, 38th, and 39th ridges, Xu Zifan made a preliminary observation that there were no powerful aliens on these three mountains.

And now it’s the 40th Ridge!

There is a demonic energy billowing and rising into the sky. At first glance, it is the place where a big demon is dormant.

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