The first taboo in the world

Chapter 22 Rules of Two Realms

Xu Zifan held the stone ring in his hand and pondered. He could feel that the sky stone ring in his hand was not simple.

After coming back to his senses, he lowered his head and looked at the table. The dreamy blue stone was only half the size. It was still so beautiful and dreamy, with blue light shining.

"Can't it be absorbed?" He couldn't help but think as he picked up the weightless blue dream stone.

"What function does the stone ring have after the mutation, and how to activate it?" Xu Zifan looked at the stone ring again.

After pondering for a while, Xu Zifan put down the blue dream stone, put it in his backpack, and pulled up the chain so that its light could not be seen from the outside. He did this to try and prevent others from coveting the obviously extraordinary blue dream stone if the movement was too loud.

After hiding his backpack under the bed, he now focused on the stone ring in his hand.

Looking at the colorful bubbles in the center of the stone ring, Xu Zifan pondered for a while and made up his mind. He stretched out his other hand towards the colorful bubbles.

The colorful bubbles are strange and extraordinary. When you look at them, they seem to be infinitely far away.

Xu Zifan's hand reached out to the colorful bubbles. When he touched them, a change occurred. After the colorful bubbles were touched by Xu Zifan, the five-color light flowed, and the five-color dense water flowed to Xu Zifan's hand, and then passed through Xu Zifan's hand. It spread all over Xu Zifan's body.

At this time, Xu Zifan seemed to be enveloped in a layer of five-color gauze, looking very dreamy, and as if he had merged with the colorful bubbles, indistinguishable from each other. Then, Xu Zifan's whole body seemed to become smaller, and he was instantly sucked in by the colorful bubbles, leaving no trace.

The stone ring that was originally in Xu Zifan's hand was now floating quietly in his room. Moments after Xu Zifan disappeared, the colorful bubble in the center of the stone ring grew larger and engulfed the entire stone ring. Then the entire colorful bubble disappeared out of thin air like an illusion.

From the moment Xu Zifan's hand touched the colorful bubble, to the colorful bubble engulfing the stone ring, and then to the colorful bubble disappearing, it happened almost at the same time.

Suddenly, Xu Zifan felt as if every part of his body had been pushed. Then he looked at the scene in front of him and was stunned for a moment. I just feel that the stars have changed, the world has changed, and the world in front of me has become a different scene.

At this time, Xu Zifan appeared on the street of an ancient city, holding a stone ring in his left hand. The stone ring was old and mottled, with nothing magical about it. It was like a stone tool from ancient times, it was a celestial gemstone ring.

From the constant flow of people coming and going around, it can be seen that this ancient city was very prosperous. The streets were paved with bluestone slabs and stretched straight out to the city gate. There are various vendors selling goods along the street.

"Baozi, fresh big meat buns, two for a penny!"

"Selling candied haws, big and sweet candied haws, a bunch for a penny!"


Vendors were selling their products desperately, and the surroundings were in full swing.

No one on the surrounding streets was surprised by Xu Zifan's sudden appearance, as if he was already there.

Xu Zifan looked around curiously, then looked up at the opposite side of the street paved with bluestones, his eyes filled with surprise.

Across the street is a magnificent mansion. In front of the mansion, there are two stone altars on the left and right, each with a flagpole about two feet high. The flags are all green, and the right flag is embroidered with a golden lion, which is majestic. . The four black characters "Fuwei Escort Agency" are embroidered on the left flag, which is majestic.

On the vermilion-lacquered door of the mansion, a plaque on the top of the door reads "Fuwei Escort Agency" in four large gold-lacquered characters, with two small characters "General Number" written across the bottom.

Seeing this, Xu Zifan was shocked. Then when he walked far away, he saw an old woman selling straw sandals on the street. He walked over and asked: "This old woman, I want to ask you something. May I ask the person from the Fuwei Escort Agency in front of you? Who is the chief escort?"

"Young monk, are you an outsider? The Fuwei Escort Agency is a very famous one in our Fuzhou Prefecture. The chief escort is Lin Zhennan. Lin Daxia is the most chivalrous and kind-hearted. He often helps us..."

"Little monk?" Xu Zifan was surprised, and rightly so, his short-haired image was exactly that of a monk in ancient times.

After a simple exchange, Xu Zifan finally determined which world this world was. At first, when he saw the scenes of colorful bubbles in his room, he felt very familiar, but now he finally knew what kind of world this was.

The world's heroes come out of our generation, and the years rush them as soon as they enter the world.

As Huangtu Hegemony chatted and laughed, he couldn't bear the drunkenness of life.

The sound of the piano is gone, how long will the disputes end?

Who can destroy fame and fortune? It’s too late to travel.

This is the world of Swordsman, where there are top knights, a leader in red, and an ensemble of piano and flute...

Everyone has a unique martial arts dream in their hearts, riding through the rivers and lakes and wielding a sword for a lifetime.

With a sword on his shoulder, he travels through mountains and rivers, wearing bright clothes and angry horses laughing at the world of mortals, and the swords ring with joy and hatred!

Shaking his head, Xu Zifan put away his thoughts and mood, walked to a deserted corner, and looked at the stone ring in his hand. At this time, the stone ring was plain and simple, and there were no colorful bubbles in the center of the stone ring. There was nothing magical about it, just like a piece of stone. Ring stones.

"This should be in the colorful bubble world. How to go back?" Xu Zifan pondered.

Thinking of the scene when he came, he stretched a hand towards the center of the stone circle.

In an instant, the world changed, the world turned upside down, and with a dizzy feeling in his head, Xu Zifan returned to his room.

Xu Zifan looked at the stone ring in his hand at this time, his eyes were delighted, his heart was excited, and he wanted to express his feelings with a loud roar.

He calmed down quickly. He needed to do some experiments to verify his conjecture.

Next, after Xu Zifan disappeared and appeared in the room several times, he couldn't help but smile on his face and his eyes were full of excitement.

After his verification, he found that the flow rate of time in the world of Swordsman is different from that in the real world. Calculated, in the past ten years in Swordsman, only one day has passed in the real world.

In addition, objects that can be moved by oneself in the real world can be brought to the world of Swordsman, but life forms are not included. Objects in the world of Swordsman, including life forms, cannot be brought to the real world. These objects do not include those from the world of Swordsman. Objects brought from the real world. That is to say, the object is a two-way passage from the real world to the Xiaoao Jianghu world, which can be entered and exited. Objects from the world of Swordsman cannot be brought to the real world.

In addition, he also noticed that every time he enters the world of Swordsman, the golden light on the outer ring of the stone ring needs to circle around for about one second.

The living body cannot enter or exit, why can I enter or exit? This is also what Xu Zifan is puzzled about. He has several vague guesses in his mind.

After verifying these, Xu Zifan pondered, and he wanted to make a plan to maximize benefits.

Thinking that the real world is about to be a world of gods and demons, and the world of Swordsman is just a world of low martial arts, so the world of Swordsman will not be of great help to you? Xu Zifan himself found this idea ridiculous.

Now there is a world that only you can enter and exit? What else do you want? This world is the greatest benefit, of which force is only a small aspect, and wisdom, civilization, etc. are the big ones.

He even has a crazy idea now that needs to be verified later. If the verification is successful, he will benefit immensely.

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