The first taboo in the world

Chapter 25 Lao Yue’s twists and turns

The clear sky in summer is bright and the sky is deep blue. It was noon, the sun hung high in the southern sky, baking the earth. There was no coolness in the whole world, and there was a scorching heat. The cicadas were shouting loudly on the willow branches, and the harsh sound made people dizzy. Feeling sleepy.

Huayin City is a city at the foot of Huashan Mountain. Because it is located in the north of Huashan Mountain, it is called Huayin.

After more than a month of traveling, Xu Zifan finally arrived at the foot of Mount Huashan.

After he came to Huayin City, he started his own actions. He had to create a condition to join the Huashan Sect.

At this time, Huashan's vitality was severely damaged due to the sword battle fifteen years ago. Just a few years after Yue Buqun took over as the head of Huashan, the entire sect was in a state of exhaustion, with only two big cats and two kittens waiting to be revitalized.

What is needed for sect building? What does it take to travel around the world? The most basic thing is of course food, clothing, housing and transportation, and what determines all of this is of course money.

Thinking of this, Xu Zifan repeated his old trick, bringing real-world items to this world and selling them. After working for more than half a month, he finally collected ten thousand taels of silver.

Huashan disciples are also divided into inner disciples and outer disciples. The inner disciples are taught martial arts directly by Yue Buqun, while the outer disciples are like handymen. Most people with no bad records can become outer disciples, and he prepared the money. The target is of course the inner disciples.

On this day, the sky was clear and clear, and Xu Zifan was preparing to go to Mount Huashan to become a disciple.

The mountain in the west is called Shaoyang, and all things are flourishing, so it is called Huashan. Huashan is also called Xiyue and Taihua Mountain. It has been famous for its dangerous dangers since ancient times and is the seat of the Huashan Sword Sect.

At the foot of Wan Cheng Hua Mountain, there are thousands of rocks in Hanzhong. Xu Zifan looked up at the majestic Huashan Mountain, was he finally going to take the first step in this world? Very much looking forward to it.

When we were halfway up the mountain, there was a square stone tablet in front of us, with the words Huashan School written on it.

At this time, a sword-wielding young man, wearing a green shirt, appeared on the mountain road ahead. He looked wary and cupped his hands to Xu Zifan and said: "My hero, stay here. The Huashan faction is stationed ahead."

Xu Zifan said happily: "Hello, hero, I'm here to become a disciple. Please help me inform you. Thank you in advance!" [¥iQi Literature fastest update]

The young man in green shirt holding a sword blocking the road ahead was obviously relieved when he heard that he was here to learn from his master. After looking Xu Zifan up and down, he made a gesture behind the tree on the mountain road next to him. He saw the leaves on the tree rustling, and a young man in green shirt holding a sword came out from behind the tree and said, "I'm here to become a disciple. You go first." Look at Dianshanmen and I will take him to meet the master."

After speaking, he waved to Xu Zifan and asked him to follow him.

After walking for more than two hundred meters, the road turned around and it suddenly became clear. There was a flat land of about two acres in front of us. There were pavilions and pavilions on the ground, and there were two rows of buildings. There were several peach trees in front of the building, and there was a A martial arts training platform paved with bluestone slabs.

Then the young man holding the sword took Xu Zifan to a lobby. Xu Zifan looked up and saw a plaque in the lobby. On the plaque were written five golden characters "Qi Sword Chongxiao Hall", with iron characters and silver hooks, unruly, like The sword soars into the sky, full of edge. This is where Huashan sent people to meet guests.

The sword-wielding young man arranged for Xu Zifan to sit down and said, "I'm going to find the master right now. Please wait a moment!"

Xu Zifan cupped his hands and smiled: "Thank you, hero."

After about a stick of incense had passed, a person walked out of the back hall. As soon as the person entered the hall, he laughed heartily. Xu Zifan looked up and saw a scholar in green clothes walking out, wearing a light robe slowly, shaking his right hand. Holding a folding fan and looking cool, the visitor said with a smile: "I am Yue Buqun. I am the leader of the Huashan Sect. I didn't know that I didn't come far to greet you when you arrived. Please forgive me!"

Xu Zifan stood up, clasped his fists and saluted respectfully: "Xu Zifan, I would like to pay my respects to Mr. Yue. This time I came to Mount Huashan to become my disciple!"

Yue Buqun looked at Xu Zifan and said with a smile: "Where is Mr. Xu's family name?"

Xu Zifan looked pious and replied: "My ancestral home is Fuzhou Prefecture. I have been doing business overseas with my father since I was a child. When I went to sea a few years ago, I encountered a big storm and my father died unfortunately. I wandered alone and finally returned to my hometown."

Yue Buqun kept looking at Xu Zifan with a smile, and asked again: "Have you ever learned martial arts? It seems that Mr. Xu is already past the age of martial arts training!"

"I have never studied martial arts, but boy, I have loved martial arts since I was a child, and my physique is different from ordinary people. Please have mercy, sir, and accept me as your apprentice! This is my apprenticeship ceremony." After that, Xu Zifan took out a piece of silver with a face value of ten thousand taels. ticket.

Yue Buqun looked at the banknote for a while, but did not take it. He asked with a smile: "Is your physique different from ordinary people?"

"Yes, when I was a child, I was playful and was washed up on a small island by the waves. I found a plant with a red fruit. I was thirsty at the time and was not sensible, so I ate it randomly. Afterwards, I found that my strength was getting stronger and stronger. It's bigger than ordinary people." Xu Zifan said without blushing and his heart not beating.

After Yue Buqun listened to Xu Zifan's story, he suddenly stretched out his right hand, as fast as lightning. When Xu Zifan reacted, he found that Yue Buqun had taken his left wrist in his hand, and then felt a warm current from his left wrist to his whole body. It flows away, circulates in a circle, and then fades away.

"You are indeed in good health and a prodigy in martial arts. It's a pity that you are a bit older. If you are willing, you can become my disciple of the outer sect of Huashan Mountain. However, you will be exempted from the chores. Just practice hard and learn martial arts on the mountain! When you have improved your cultivation level, you can go inside. Door." Yue Buqun took back his right hand and looked at Xu Zifan and said calmly.

Outer disciple? This result was not what Xu Zifan wanted, but it was free of chores, which indeed made it easier to practice.

It seems that Lao Yue still doesn't believe him after all, and suspects that he is a spy from another sect, but why can the spy Laudeno be an inner sect disciple, but he is an outer sect disciple? After thinking about it for a while, Xu Zifan understood.

Regarding Lao Denuo, Yue Buqun knew very well that he was sent by Zuo Lengchan, and accepting Lao Denuo as an inner disciple made it easier to monitor Lao Denuo at all times.

And what about yourself? Yue Buqun probably suspected that he was a spy, but he was not sure, and he didn't know who he belonged to even if he was a spy. What specifically did you come to Huashan to inquire about? Just refusing to drive him down the mountain like this is not in line with his reputation as a gentleman's sword or the persona of this old swindler. Besides, doesn't he still have the ten thousand taels of silver? Do you really think that when you travel around the world, you can rob the rich and give to the poor at will?

Therefore, when he was not sure which party sent him as a spy and needed to find out what, he accepted himself as an outer disciple and made himself an outsider first, and then made specific arrangements after he understood it. In the end, he said that he did not need to be a handyman, so he just Practice hard on the mountain and wait until your cultivation level has improved before entering the inner sect. This will make it easier for you to observe yourself or if you are not a spy, it will also give you a way out and you will not lose a disciple.

Thinking about it this way, Xu Zifan figured it out, hey, Lao Yue lived up to his reputation as an old swindler and a hypocrite, and he went through so many twists and turns in accepting a disciple.

"Master, please bow to me, my disciple." After saying this, Xu Zifan cupped his right hand into a fist, made a palm with his left hand to cover his right fist, bent his waist at a forty-five degree angle, and bowed three times sincerely.

Xu Zifan doesn't care whether Lao Yue is a hypocrite or not. Lao Yue also has his own difficulties and is just forced by the world. I have a clear conscience, and I am indeed here to learn skills, so I must be sincere as I should.

Yue Buqun smiled and said: "Tomorrow morning, when you pay homage to the souls of the ancestors of our sect, you will officially be my Huashan disciple." Then Xu Zifan felt a soft force lifting himself up, and Xu Zifan followed this force. He stood up straight with strength.

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