The first taboo in the world

Chapter 273: Killing the arrogant people

Little Toyo Kingdom is an island country outside the East China Sea. The place is narrow, and the people who have been raised there are also very narrow-minded.

In ancient times, the Chinese civilization was glorious and splendid, and it was the center of the world, with majestic mountains standing on its side. In modern times, Eastern and Western civilizations complement each other, and the Little Eastern Kingdom is in a place where several major civilization centers compete. Slavery and castration, so under the long-term influence of various internal and external factors, the people of Little Toyo Kingdom are extremely narrow-minded, insidious, cruel, cunning, perverted, and despicable. This is already known to the world, and in modern times, Little Toyo Kingdom The country did a lot of things that made people angry, so Xu Zifan and even everyone in China were very disgusted with the people of Xiaodongyang.

At this moment, as soon as Xu Zifan arrived here, he saw the powerful foreigner from Xiaodongyang Kingdom being arrogant and insulting China. Of course, he would not remain indifferent.

At this moment, Xu Zifan's expression was cold, and murderous aura evaporated from his body, turning into a purple rainbow that shot straight down from the top of the mountain at his feet, and then shot toward the place where the incident occurred outside the Golden Palace.

Outside the Golden Palace, Tojo Sharpi's arrogance continued unabated. A pair of triangular eyes filled with sinister and sinister colors surrounded the Chinese strangers around him. He spoke again and arrogantly said: "There are really no masters in China. I can definitely do it by myself." Overthrow all the strangers in China within three months."

Another strong foreigner from the Little Toyo Kingdom, named Koizumi Kihachi, also showed a sinister smile at this moment. He looked at the Chinese foreigners around him and said in a very wretched voice: "Brother Tojo, business is more important today. That's all. In the future, I will work with you to let the Chinese people see how strong a real strong person is, and by the way, experience the flower girl of China, hehehehe..."

Tojo Sharpi and another little powerful foreigner from Japan who rarely spoke could not help but laugh obscenely when they heard this. They unabashedly looked up and down at the few Chinese female foreigners around them with their eyes. It is full of lust and despicable color.

"Shameless, rubbish, pervert!" Upon seeing this, many strong Chinese aliens around them started to yell and curse. Everyone was extremely disgusted with these three little foreigners from the Eastern Kingdom.

One of the female strangers had a bad temper. At this moment, she even directly said that she would marry whoever castrates these three obscene trash!

On the Internet, everyone was extremely angry at this moment. The actions of these three Xiaodong people were beyond people's imagination. There was also a strong alien king who had left Lin'an City before. After seeing the live video, he looked up to the sky and roared, and then led Full of anger, he turned around and headed towards Lin'an City.

But on the domestic network of Little Eastern Kingdom, at this moment, there are a group of demons dancing wildly, a burst of ghosts crying and wolf howling, laughing and joking, trying their best to ridicule, swearing, ridiculing and belittling the entire China.

"What? Are you dissatisfied?" Tojo Sharpi smiled lewdly at this moment, looking at the several angry female strangers with filthy eyes, and spoke again, saying: "Flower girl, want the West! Want the West! You guys Want to fight me for 300 rounds? Hehehe..."

When the other two foreigners from the Little Eastern Kingdom heard this, they laughed out loud, with lustful expressions on their faces. They were indescribably vulgar and dirty, and extremely disgusting.

Many strong aliens in the field were furious at this moment and stepped forward together. They couldn't care about so much anymore. They couldn't help the anger in their hearts and prepared to join forces to leave these three garbage behind.

Seeing this, the three powerful strangers from the Little Toyang Kingdom had a look of panic on their faces at first, but in an instant they showed sinister and cunning smiles. At this moment, Koizumi Kihachi spoke and said: "There is really no one in the Huaxia Kingdom, and he became angry with shame. Are you ready? Are you ready to rely on the number of people?"

His voice was very soft, but the contempt contained in his words was obvious and everyone could hear it.

When the strong aliens who were approaching outside the field heard this, they couldn't help but pause in their steps, and their eyes were blood red. This was due to their extreme anger. At this time, they looked at the three little aliens from the Eastern Kingdom, and they were so angry that they wanted to go up and kill these three. The trash was torn into pieces.

"Shameless, perverted, if I, the Chinese Alien King, were here, how could I tolerate you being so rampant here?" The grumpy female alien strongman shouted at this moment.

"That's right. Three king-level masters only dare to take action against us. What kind of skills do they have? Are you really capable of waiting for me, the alien king of China, to come and teach you how to behave?" Someone echoed and shouted, with a strong tone in his voice. Deep anger, but also a trace of expectation.

"Hahaha... It's a joke. Even if you, the foreign king of China, come here, the result will be the same." Tojo Sharpi once again showed his arrogance and arrogance at this moment, squinting at everyone, his contempt and sarcasm were not concealed, and he looked down on the Chinese nation at all. The strong alien king.

When the powerful Chinese strangers around them heard this, they were angry and had worries in their eyes.

Because the three strong men at the level of the Alien Kings of Little East Kingdom in front of them are not to mention their despicable characters, but only their strength. Judging from their fight with Magneto, they are definitely the strongest among the Alien Kings.

Because Magneto is infinitely close to the level of the Alien King, an ordinary Alien King will never defeat Magneto so easily.

Moreover, the opponent has three alien kings, all of whom are unfathomably powerful. Even if there are alien kings coming from China, they may not be able to get a good deal.

As for the strongest alien kings in the country, such as the Martial Saint, the Sword God, the Fairy Gourd and other powerful men, everyone has full confidence in them, but everyone is sure that they have not come here at all, and they are so far away at this time This place is also very far away, and it is unrealistic to expect them to come.

Many people have thought of this, so at this moment many people are frowning, with complicated and solemn expressions, with anger, anxiety and worry mixed on their faces.

At this moment, everyone not only hopes that a strong alien king will come out and defeat these three despicable and shameless alien king-level experts from the Little East Kingdom, but they are also very worried that if an alien king arrives here at this time, he will be defeated. What should we do with these three people?

Suddenly, all the powerful aliens here were angry and had worried looks on their faces.

Koizumi Kihachi, the alien king of Little Toyang Kingdom, looked at the changes in everyone's faces at this moment, as if he knew what everyone was thinking, and let out a sinister laugh.

And Tojo Sharpei and another strong alien king immediately laughed, their eyes full of cunning, and full of lewdness, obscenity and filth.

And at this moment, a purple rainbow light came through the thick fog at an extremely fast speed without causing a trace of wind. Then a black figure appeared silently among the strangers outside the venue. It didn't cause anyone to notice, and even the people around him didn't notice that there was a figure suddenly appearing next to him.

And this figure only stopped here for a moment, and its figure blurred and disappeared in place. An instant later, this figure reappeared, and it actually appeared in Tojo Sandei dozens of meters away. beside.

At this moment, Tojo Sharpei looked arrogantly, looking around with contempt in his eyes, and with a cunning smile, he spoke again: "When I finish my business, I will push it aside within three months..."


At this moment, a roar sounded, and before Tojo Sharpi could finish his words, he was blasted away by a purple fist light that suddenly appeared next to him.


Immediately afterwards, the sound of cracking bones, mixed with screams, resounded in the field. Tojo Sharpi's arm and the black Japanese sword in his hand were directly exploded, and his body was also hit by this sudden appearance. The fist light beside him flew into the sky diagonally above.

It was only at this moment that everyone outside the court, including the other two foreign kings of the Little East Kingdom, noticed the terrifying black figure that suddenly appeared in the court.

At this time, the black figure blurred again and disappeared from everyone's sight. An instant later, it reappeared, next to Tojo Sharpi, who had been knocked up high in the sky and had not yet landed. .


The purple fist light reappeared, brilliant to the extreme, and once again struck Tojo Sharpi's body.


The sound of broken bones echoed in the sky again along with Tojo Sharpei's screams. Under this punch, Tojo Sharpei's other arm was also blown apart. As an alien king level There is something extraordinary about a strong person. Under such extreme pain, he did not faint. At this time, Tojo Sharpi's screams were very loud, even worse than killing a pig. The scene was extremely tragic.

And this was not over yet. After the black figure swung a purple fist light again, its figure blurred again. When it reappeared, it once again came to the side of Tojo Sharpi who had not yet landed.


Not surprisingly, another purple fist light hit Tojo Sharpei with great power.

This time, the sound of broken bones was drowned in the screams like those of a slaughtered pig. Tojo Sharpi's body was like a rag, being knocked away in other directions again.

Immediately afterwards, the black figure blurred again, disappeared, and then reappeared next to Tojo Sharpei, punching out.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

Subsequently, in the sky, Tojo Sharpi's body was knocked away by the purple fist light again and again, and the black figure was like a terrifying demon shadow, following it like a shadow, and kept punching, and the purple fist light illuminated It hit the sky, and Tojo Sharpi was flying around in the sky like a piece of rag.


The last roar sounded. On the ground, earth and rocks exploded, and smoke and dust rushed up. However, Tojo Sharpi's body was directly punched into the earth, and his body directly blasted a pit in the ground, with a radius of several meters. The ground within ten meters trembled for an instant and rumbled under this impact.

This scene is a long story. In fact, everything only happened in two or three seconds. It was not until this moment that the other two foreign kings of the Little Toyo Kingdom who came with Tojo Sharpi reacted and began to face each other. With a cruel look on his face, he activated his superpower and attacked the black figure that suddenly appeared.

As for Tojo Sapi, he had lost his breath at this time, and his whole body was shattered with fractures. His body was lying on the ground like a rag in the deep pit created by it, his eyes were wide open, and his eyes were full of horror. With a look of horror, he would not close his eyes until death.

He didn't react during the entire attack, and he was beaten to death by random punches before he even had time to use his powers.

And this black figure that suddenly appeared was Xu Zifan, who was surrounded by murderous aura and dressed in black brocade. In the process of killing Tojo Sharpi just now, he demonstrated his strength and speed to the extreme in just two or three seconds. Inside, he punched more than twenty punches from different directions.

Xu Zifan was extremely disgusted with the people of Xiaodongyang. Seeing that he was arrogant, arrogant, and dirty in the land of China, he decided to kill this little devil. Otherwise, if he used all his strength, he could beat him into blood mist with one punch.

Many strangers outside the venue and the audience before the live video also lost their voices in an instant. By the time they reacted, the arrogant Tojo Sharpi had been blasted into the earth by the purple fist light and lost his life. sound.

At this moment, everyone couldn't believe what they were seeing. They thought they were hallucinating. Just now, they were arrogant and arrogant, claiming that within three months they could overthrow all the powerful foreigners in China. The alien king had no power to fight back and was directly defeated in just two or three seconds? This is a bit of a fantasy, it is simply unbelievable and shocking.

Although this foreign king of the little East Kingdom is despicable, dirty, and disgusting, his strength is obvious to all. Among the foreign kings, he is definitely a strong one. However, such a strong man has no power to fight back and is directly attacked by others. Killed to death?

At this moment, everyone rubbed their eyes involuntarily, and some even pinched themselves hard to rule out the possibility of this being an hallucination.

Then a moment later, they discovered that it was all real.

The scene boiled over instantly!

Earth-shattering cheers resounded throughout the entire stadium and online, and everyone cried with joy.

Because these little foreign kings of the East Kingdom just now were really disgusting and at the same time helpless, everyone held their breath, and some people were even so angry that they blushed and had thick necks, but there was nothing they could do.

But at this moment, the situation changed in an instant, and a strong man finally appeared, powerfully defeated and brutally killed one of the arrogant and arrogant foreign kings of the Little East Kingdom.

It was so inspiring and a breath of fresh air for everyone.

For a moment, everyone felt relieved, and even felt proud.

At this time, everyone was also curious about the new powerful alien king. Who is this? He actually has such strength.

Could it be that one of the most powerful alien kings such as the Martial Saint or the Sword God rushed to the scene?

"It's Xu Zifan with the Sky Splitting Palm!" Someone had seen Xu Zifan on the Internet. At this time, through the live video, he recognized the strong man who killed the foreign king of Little Dongyang Kingdom.

"It turns out to be him, no wonder!" Someone looked complicated. Although Xu Zifan was extremely powerful, Xu Zifan's reputation on the Internet was not very good after yesterday's incident. Although the country finally revoked the order for his arrest, everyone was disappointed because of public opinion. The reason is that he still thinks that Xu Zifan is not a good person.

At this time, Xu Zifan appeared and directly killed the arrogant and arrogant foreigner from Xiaodongguo. This greatly changed the impression of Xu Zifan on some people who viewed Xu Zifan somewhat unkindly due to Internet public opinion.

Of course, there will always be opposing voices. Some people who have special purposes and are specifically trying to blacken Xu Zifan have made remarks, saying that Xu Zifan is just sensationalizing. He could have appeared earlier to prevent the foreign king from insulting China. He injured my compatriot, but he ignored everything that happened and did not appear until this moment.

In view of this kind of rhetoric, many netizens were not stupid, they just lightly laughed at this person's IQ problem, and then suppressed the bad information with a flood of praise for Xu Zifan.

Others who are not very familiar with Xu Zifan are looking for information on the Internet at the moment. Xu Zifan's deeds are beginning to be exposed to the whole country. The special words Xu Zifan told the people behind the scenes last night have aroused the blood of many people. , my blood is boiling, and I wish I could be the protagonist in it.

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