The first taboo in the world

Chapter 31 Where have all the adventures gone?

The white clouds deliberately hide the traces of the fairy, and the snow-capped mountains have not melted the ancient ice. Being in the remote world outside the Great Wall, much of the haze in my heart has been cleared.

Many myths and legends handed down from ancient China are related to Kunlun Mountain, which is considered the birthplace of the Chinese nation.

Towering Kunlun and vast snow-capped mountains, Xu Zifan came to Kunlun Snow Mountain at this time.

On the way here, Xu Zifan's trip was well worth it. He killed bandits, eliminated evil people, and competed or competed with many second-rate and first-rate masters. These were all rare experiences. They not only strengthened his state of mind, but also eliminated hair. The sudden increase in strength after the marrow has completely integrated into himself, and he can now fully control his own strength.

Jin Lao's world is of the same origin, and what Xu Zifan wants most right now is the Nine Yang Magic. Although the Huashan Mind Technique is a very good internal skill, it is ultimately just a foundational skill. Ordinary people who practice it at the highest level, the ninth level, are just at the top of the class.

Looking at all the martial arts world of Jin Lao, Jiuyang Shengong is undoubtedly a very high-ranking internal skill. Originally, the Nine Yang Magic was hidden in the cracks of the Shaolin Langa Sutra, but was later taken away and hidden in the belly of the white ape.

Later, Zhang Wuji obtained it and buried it under the valley of Kunlun Snow Mountain together with Diexian's Medical Book and Nangu's Poison Scripture. Xu Zifan came here to find the Nine Yang Scripture hidden by Zhang Wuji.

The vast Kunlun Mountains are more than thousands of miles in length and breadth, and there are countless valleys within them. However, there is a place that can be used to locate the Buddhist scriptures valley, and that is Zhuwu Lianzhuang. Knowing this, Xu Zifan came to Kunlun Snow Mountain to look for Jiujiu. Yang Zhen Jing.

Two months have passed in the blink of an eye. Xu Zifan has traveled to countless peaks and crossed countless snow-capped mountains. In the vast Kunlun Mountains, not to mention the ruins of Zhuwu Lianshan Villa, even living people are rarely encountered.

I only encountered a few scattered Taoist temples in the mountains. Among them, there were only one or two Taoists who had seen through the mortal world and lived in seclusion here. After asking around, everyone said that they had never heard of the Zhuwu Lianzhuang ruins, and even more so, no one had heard of Guangmingding.

Even the local herders at the foot of the mountain know nothing about this.

On the top of a snow mountain in the Kunlun Mountains, heavy snowflakes are falling down one after another. The cold wind is blowing in the mountains. Looking at the vast Kunlun, Xu Zifan is confused. Everyone here, including herdsmen, martial arts people, and Taoist hermits, are all facing the light. I don't have the slightest impression, let alone Zhu Wu's serial village.

In desperation, Xu Zifan had no choice but to give up. It seemed that the Nine Yang Manual had no chance with him, so he could only comfort himself in this way.

However, Xu Zifan did not lose heart, because he also knew that there might be adventures in several places.

Five months later, Xu Zifan came to Yunnan to look for Wuliang Mountain. In Jin Lao's martial arts world, there is a book called The Eight Parts of the Heavenly Dragon. In the book, there is a cave where Wu Yazi, the leader of Xiaoyao Sect, lived. In Wuliang Mountain, Wuliang Mountain There is a sword sect called Wuliang Sword Sect, which houses Wuliang Sword Lake Palace. There is a huge waterfall on the mountain behind Jianhu Palace, and a large lake is formed under the waterfall. There is a huge smooth stone beside the lake called Wuliang Jade Wall. Lucky people can see the immortal practicing his sword on the jade wall when he comes out.

What Xu Zifan was looking for was the deep valley under the jade jade to see if there were any secrets such as the Beiming Magic Technique in it.

Searching and searching, Xu Zifan searched for a long time in the Wuliang Mountains of Yunnan Province. However, the entire Wuliang Mountains were full of barren mountains and wild ridges, and even miasma existed in many places, which was extremely dangerous. Not to mention the Wuliang Jade Bi, not even the ruins of the Wuliang Sword Sect were found. .

Next, he went to the foot of Wuliang Mountain to ask local residents or martial arts people. The memory of these local people about Wuliang Mountain was that it was high in mountains, densely forested, and full of miasma. Wuliang Mountain was synonymous with danger and desolation.

"How could this happen?" Xu Zifan vaguely felt something was wrong, but he still needed to confirm it. Anyway, he could practice all over the world and confirm this matter by the way.

Three months later, Xu Zifan came to Xiangyang. In the Golden Book, there was a Bodhisattva Snake and a Sword Tomb in a valley outside Xiangyang City.

The Bodhisattva snake is a strange beast that appears in the Golden Book. This snake was once seen in Buddhist scriptures, and its body glows with faint golden light. There are fleshy horns on the top of the head. It walks like wind and is extremely difficult to catch. Its bile is dark purple. After eating it, you will feel refreshed and your strength will be greatly increased.

In Jin Lao's book, Yang Guo, the Condor Hero, after taking snake gallbladder, his internal strength and vigor increased greatly, and the meridians all over his body became unimpeded. With this, he developed the thick, powerful and powerful Black Iron Sword Technique.

Xu Zifan's inner strength is at the eighth level of Huashan Mental Technique at this time, and there has been no major breakthrough for a long time. He hopes to find the Bodhisattva Snake and use it to make a breakthrough.

In addition, the sword tomb contains the inheritance of the legendary sword demon Dugu Qiubei. The black iron swordsmanship of the Condor Hero Yang Guo and Feng Qingyang's Dugu Nine Swords are all passed down from Dugu Qiubei.

After Xu Zifan came to Xiangyang City, he searched for it himself for three months, and then asked surrounding villagers to look for the Bodhisattva Snake. After another two months, Xu Zifan returned empty-handed.

Then Xu Zifan went all the way north to Zhongnan Mountain.

Looking at the endless and endless majestic mountains in front of him, Xu Zifan stood at the foot of the mountain and sighed: "It should be like that!" He had already made plans to return empty-handed.

In Zhongnan Mountain, Quanzhen Sect has the title of authentic martial arts in the world in Jin Laoshu, and it was the first sect at that time. The Quanzhen Sect was founded by Chongyang, the supernatural king among the five great powers in the world.

The Ancient Tomb Sect is located in the back mountain of the Quanzhen Sect and was founded by Lin Chaoying. In the ancient tomb, there are wall carvings of the Nine Yin Sutra, as well as a cold jade ice bed, a rare object for practicing internal strength.

Xu Zifan went up the mountain alone and walked deep into the mountain. Zhongnan Mountain is a Taoist holy land. There are many Taoist temples on it. Xu Zifan has encountered dozens of Taoist temples along the way.

He entered the temple as soon as he saw it. Instead of meditating on the master, the Taoist priests sat and discussed the Tao. There were even masters in many Taoist temples who were skilled in martial arts. He met several second-rate masters and even two first-rate masters.

Three years have passed since Xu Zifan went to Huashan. In the past three years, his biggest gain has been the increase in his experience in the arena. Along the way, he has competed with many people in the arena, witnessed many wonderful moves, and gained a lot of experience against enemies. .

Walking on the trails of Zhongnan Mountain, Xu Zifan recalled the past few years and couldn't help but sigh and feel happy. His strength has greatly increased in recent years. After returning to the real world, he has more confidence to face the confused future.

He returned to the real world some time ago because he was worried about his family. After all, the earth in the real world was shrouded in thick fog, and varying degrees of blood and chaos occurred everywhere. Who could guarantee that the small county where his home was located would not have any strange hazards? human events.

He also learned more through news reports in the real world. Nowadays, there is unrest all over the world, especially the Black Continent Corpse Demon incident. Five Black Continent countries have been engulfed by millions of zombie demons. It is extremely tragic. The atmosphere around the world is very tense, and more weird things are happening.

Cold, bloodthirsty eyes opened in the darkness, ready to slaughter and prey on humans.

Human beings occupy too much resource land on the earth, and there are many people who are strangely dissatisfied and even unwilling to share resources with humans. Human beings may be just a more numerous creature in their eyes.

The whole earth is restless. There is an inexplicable atmosphere that is very depressing. Everyone feels that a big event will happen next. The atmosphere between heaven and earth is strange and inexplicable, and everyone is in danger.

In China, the national special management organization also called on more strangers to join, and the treatment was once again improved.

Xu Zifan felt that time was running out. He was worried about the occurrence of major changes in the real world. No one could say where it would happen next.

So recently, every hour that passes in the real world, he goes back. He is afraid that something will really happen, and if he misses it and is unable to save his relatives in time, then he will regret it for the rest of his life.

After coming back to his senses, Xu Zifan walked on the Zhongnan Mountain trail and crossed the mountain in front. He had finished exploring Zhongnan Mountain.

An hour later, Xu Zifan stood at the top of the last mountain. Looking at the looming town outside the mountain, Xu Zi understood one thing. Just as he had expected, there were no Quanzhen Sect sites here, let alone any Ancient Tomb Sect.

That's right, the court here is the Daxia Dynasty, which is also consistent with the original work. There is no specific dynasty. He finally verified his thoughts. This world is an independent world. There is no intersection or sporadic connection with Jin Lao's other books. Several intersections are just background stories.

Xu Zifan vaguely felt that there was a greater secret in this world. Soon he would understand that maybe everything would be beyond his expectation, and everything was within reason.

"Go back to Huashan?" Xu Zifan was thinking seriously.

Huashan is definitely going back. After thinking about the Five Sacred Swordsmanship in the cliff cave, he currently only knows Huashan Swordsmanship and Xiyi Swordsmanship strictly speaking. However, with his current internal strength, Xiyi Swordsmanship still has many moves that he can’t use. Come out, so the fastest way to improve your strength is to learn the Five Mountains Sword Technique.

In addition, Huashan also has Feng Qingyang, the top two master in the world, who is invincible in swordsmanship using the Dugu Nine Swords. If he is not interested in the Dugu Nine Swords, he himself does not believe it.

It has been eight years since Xu Zifan came to this world, and the plot of Xiaoao is about to begin. He must make some preparations to maximize his benefits.

He has many things he wants to get in this world, such as the Huashan School's Zixia secret book, Feng Qingyang's Dugu Nine Swords, Wudang School's Tai Chi magic, Tai Chi sword, Shaolin Temple's Yi Jin Jing, Seventy-two unique skills, Songshan School's The Ice Scripture, the star-absorbing magic of Ren Wo Xing, and finally the most evil Sunflower Book of Martial Arts in the world.

Fortunately, he got the evil-fighting sword manual. Since getting the evil-fighting sword manual, Xu Zifan has been very familiar with the contents, but he can't practice, doesn't dare to practice, and doesn't have the courage to practice.

But he believed that the shortcomings of the Sunflower Book or the Evil-Repelling Sword Manual would eventually be eliminated, and then this martial arts secret book would surely be far ahead and become the real number one secret book in this world.

In addition, he had some conjectures about the nature of this world, which prompted him to do something. He had a crazy plan, and he had been planning it since he came to this world.

"It's time to go back to Huashan!" Xu Zifan said to himself, then descended from Zhongnan Mountain and headed straight for Huashan.

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