The first taboo in the world

Chapter 47: Breaking the Demonic Knife with a Fist

"You monster, suffer death!"

A roar of anger, like the roar of a dragon or the roar of a tiger, filled the air with waves, stirred up the wind and clouds, resounded throughout the heaven and earth, and rolled in.

At dusk, in the fields of Nanhe, with this roar, the wind blew and the grass and trees rustled.

On the mountain behind the demon, everyone saw a purple figure trampling the ground on the hillside, leaping up and falling down from the steep mountain, like a purple cloud falling from the sky.

The wind howled, and the purple figure was like a ray of floating light, quickly passing by, covering a distance of several hundred meters in the blink of an eye.

A thousand meters behind the army, Commander Zhang Quansheng was startled by the sudden roar. He had seen the alien flying king defeated and was ready to give an order to kill the demon at all costs.

Just when he raised his hand, ready to give the order to launch the missile, at this moment, the purple figure roared, and the huge sound resounded through the sky, making people's ears buzz and making him stop raising his right hand. Come down.

"Who is this? Another alien? Can he defeat the demon?" Zhang Quansheng couldn't help but think at this time, "Listening to his voice and his momentum, he should be another alien king no less than Feitian King, but There is no description of this person on the list of China's Top 100 Strange People! Who is this?"

"Yes, there are many masters among the people, and there are many unicorns hidden in the wilderness. After the change in the world, all living beings are equal, and everyone has the possibility to rise. Some people like to keep a low profile, and it is understandable that they do not appear in the public eye."

Zhang Quansheng is so rich in life experience. Based on the current situation, he immediately deduced a conclusion that convinced him. Then he waved to call an assistant beside him and said: "Go right away and check all the alien masters that may exist in the nearby counties! "

"Yes, leader!" After receiving the order, the assistant hurriedly left.

The purple cloud magical power was running, and purple mist enveloped the whole body. Xu Zifan quickly swept down the hillside and ran towards the demon.

Originally, he was watching the battle on the hillside, observing the strange demons and powerful strangers after the changes in the world to broaden his horizons. However, at this time, the Feitian King suddenly lost and was about to fall.

Although he is not an enemy or a friend to either party, he has his own principles. When he sees the demons slaughtering humans and the Flying King fighting the demons, he clearly knows what he should do and what he should do. This is righteousness.

At this time, the video of military equipment was broadcast live across the country. At the moment when the purple figure appeared, professional equipment debugging personnel had already recorded Xu Zifan.

Viewers who watched the video felt sad and sighed when they saw that the Feitian King was suddenly defeated and about to fall!

Even some fans of Feitianwang began to hide their faces, not wanting to see their idol being killed. Some little girls shed tears and cried so hard!

At this time, a sudden change occurred, shocking everyone. Everyone watched the situation in the video intently.

"Who is this? He is surrounded by purple energy and his speed is extremely fast. Which alien king is he?" Some people began to think and speculate about who this was.

"It doesn't match the temperament of any master on the list of China's Top 100 Strangers. Is he a newly promoted king-level master?" someone said.

At this time, Xu Zifan's Zixia magical power was operating to the extreme. Purple mist filled the whole body, and his figure was like an illusion, like floating light or a fleeting shadow. In an instant, he traveled a few hundred meters and appeared behind the demon.

The tree demon reacted the moment Xu Zifan's whistle sounded. Its two slender dark green eyes were strange and terrifying. They became solemn again. From the momentum, it could feel that the person coming was no less than it.


The sound of ghost howls sounded, and the tree demon's other pitch-black magic knife carried heavy ghost shadows. Waves of ghost screams penetrated the void and slashed at the flying purple figure.

Xu Zifan was already about ten feet away from the demon at this time. Looking at the strange face and sinister figure of the demon in front of him, he couldn't help but be shocked.

In the world of Swordsman, although he has experienced bloodshed and killing, the people he fought against were all humans.

Now that I am suddenly fighting monsters and aliens at close range, I still can't help but feel fear in my heart. This is the psychological instinct of fear, fear. As a person who grew up in modern society, although I have experienced the killings of Jianghu in the world of Swordsman, but in my heart The fear of monsters cannot be eliminated in a short time.

A burst of purple energy circulated, and suddenly Xu Zifan's mind felt cool. He suppressed the fear in his heart, the purple light in his eyes exploded, and he shouted angrily: "Kill!"

At this time, his mind had calmed down a lot, and the murderous intention in his heart came out, sweeping around him. He wanted to get rid of the monsters in front of him as much as possible. This was a test for himself.

Zixia's magical power reached its peak, and Xu Zifan's figure accelerated further.

The giant pitch-black magic knife cut through the space with a majestic momentum and slashed at extremely fast speed.


The demon knife was fierce, as if it was the creation of heaven and earth, and it slashed at Xu Zifan. The purple figure was split apart, and the demon knife slashed into the earth. The ground trembled, the earth exploded, earth and rocks flew up, and a deep hole appeared on the ground.

"Huh? What's going on? Is it over now? Are you killed instantly as soon as you appear?" The soldiers watching the battle and the audience in front of the screen were very surprised. They obviously appeared like a master, but now they are fighting with real swords and guns, and they can support even one move. Can’t live?

"No, what is that?" someone exclaimed, pointing to a corner of the battlefield on the screen.

The moment the tree demon hit the purple figure with his slash, he knew it was just a shadow, and then he swung his sword and slashed out again.

It had only been a few seconds since Xu Zifan's appearance. At this time, Xu Zifan had already appeared next to the tree demon's first magic sword. This sword was about to kill Feitian King.

The purple mist enveloped the fist, and it was powerful and heavy. One punch was launched, which was the "Sky-shattering Shock" in Huashan's Jade Fist, followed closely by the "Smashing Stone and Jade" move.

Huashan Poyu Fist, this boxing technique is powerful and powerful. A punch is like a hammer hitting a rock or a giant ax breaking through a mountain.

At this time, Xu Zifan's physical strength combined with Zixia's magical power to use the Broken Jade Fist with all his strength has already gone beyond the scope of ordinary martial arts. It can really blow up small mountains with unparalleled power.

At this time, the air roared under the power of his fist, and the strong wind he brought out roared away.

Boom! Boom!

Two loud explosion-like sounds rang out, and Xu Zifan's two purple fist lights struck the giant black magic knife. Energy overflowed, and the sky around him exploded.


Suddenly there was a breaking sound, and cracks appeared in the middle of the giant black magic knife where it was hit by Xu Zifan's purple fist light. Then the purple mist poured in, dense and strong, dispersing the black ghosts.


The sound of ghost howling sounded, and the black magic sword broke into two parts. The blade in front turned into a black ghost shadow all over the sky. The ghosts seemed to have finally escaped the shackles of the tree demon and flew away one after another.

At this moment, another person quickly ran out from the military front line. This person was thin, with a bald head and dark skin, but his arms were more than twice as thick as his thighs.

This person looked at the battlefield ahead, his arms instantly stretched to dozens of feet, and he caught the Feitian King who was in danger of falling from the sky. Suddenly, his arms shortened, and the pale-faced Feitian King had been brought back. Next to the man, several people from the army quickly ran out and rescued the Feitian King.

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