The first taboo in the world

Chapter 50 Jianghu, here I come

The purple mist was like a sky and earth, gradually swallowing up the demon. With the last desperate roar of the tree demon, there was only a purple sun left in the fields and battlefields of Nanhe, standing there quietly like an independent purple world.

At this time, the surrounding troops and strangers were all silent, and the scene was completely silent.

The Internet has begun to boil with excitement. Some people are sincerely happy that a strong human has killed the demon, while others have solemn expressions and don't know what they are thinking.

In addition, in an inexplicable and unknown place, there are also blood-colored eyes. Watching the live video of humans throughout the entire process, I saw the tree demon being swallowed up, with a calm face, coldness, and bloodthirsty.

"Who is this new alien king? Why is he so powerful?"

"He should be considered very strong among aliens, not even invincible."


Most people at this time recognized Xu Zifan's strength, and he was also a strong one among the alien kings.

At this time, in the Nanhe field, army commander Zhang Quansheng recovered from his shock and led his men towards the battlefield.

He didn't expect that this strange person who suddenly appeared would be so powerful, and even a monster like Fei Tianwang could not be defeated by him, but he was actually killed by him.

At this time, Xu Zifan stood in the battlefield, covered in purple mist. On the ground in front of him, a piece of broken wood fell on the ground. The broken wood was still lingering with the sword energy, which was sharp and sharp.

These broken trees were the tree demon's true form, and they were killed by him using the strongest sword technique he had learned so far.

His swordsmanship was learned and created during the competition between Xiaoao Jianghu World and Feng Qingyang. It is currently his most powerful offensive technique.

At this time, after killing the tree demon, Xu Zifan felt refreshed, his mood sublimated, and the deepest fear of the demon in his heart was completely eradicated.


It was as if a soft sound came from within his body, like an invisible shackle being broken. His Zixia Divine Art had taken a further step forward. Although he had not yet reached the ninth level, it was almost there.

"Fearlessness is the standard for a strong man. The avenue of heaven and earth is ethereal and unfounded. Only by being fearless in your heart and moving forward bravely can you go further!"

Xu Zifan meditated. After his state of mind sublimated, Zixia's magical power broke through and he realized some truths.

Stretching out his right hand, he looked at a long green piece of wood about the size of his thumb, which was like a piece of green jade. It was warm and crystal clear, with a soft green light that shone brightly.

The soft green light illuminated Xu Zifan's entire palm in a mysterious green color.

This was the only thing left after the tree demon was strangled. Judging from its appearance, Xu Zifan knew it was extraordinary, so he put it away and kept it for future research and observation.

At this time, on the military side, there were soldiers walking towards a man surrounded by soldiers.

Xu Zifan thought for a moment and made a decision. He tapped his toes, and his figure was like a purple floating light, heading towards the mountain further south. He was only a few hundred meters away in an instant.

Then he stepped heavily on the ground, the earth and rocks exploded, and his figure rushed straight towards the mountain. After a while, the purple figure disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, military commander Zhang Quansheng watched the alien figure wrapped in purple mist in front of him walk away. He knew that the other person did not want to see him, so he stood there quietly with a group of soldiers and watched Xu Zifan's figure disappear into the dusk.

There was a gust of wind and lightning, and purple light flashed. Xu Zifan's figure continued to move ten miles south. After standing on the same spot, he observed his surroundings and found no one following him.

Then he turned back to the east, finally to the north, and then to the west. About ten minutes later, he returned to his yard.


As soon as Xu Zifan returned to his yard, Xiao Huang's huge body greeted him and rubbed Xu Zifan's arm with his huge head.

"Xiao Huang, be good and look after your home." Xu Zifan said, gently stroking the little golden hair-covered head.

Then after saying hello to his parents, he returned to his room, took out the stone ring, and looked at the mottled lines of the stone ring. A colorful bubble in the center ring looked like a dream.

Then he stretched out his right hand and reached for the colorful bubbles.

The world turned upside down, the universe moved, and a swaying feeling came. At this time, he had appeared in the world of Swordsman.

This is his residence in Huashan—Room B3.

Almost two hours have passed in the real world. Calculated, almost a year has passed in the world of Swordsman.

"Fortunately, I didn't miss some important plot points in Swordsman." Xu Zifan thought. When he first came to the world of Swordsman, it was ten years before the story of Swordsman began.

It has been a little more than nine years since I came to this world to compete with Feng Qingyang, and now it has been another year, exactly ten years, maybe a little longer, but it is still acceptable.

Think about it! Xu Zifan walked out of the house and found that Yue Buqun and several inner disciples were not there. There were only a few mountain guards and outer disciples handling chores. After saying hello, he went down the mountain with the strange and surprised eyes of the outer disciples.

As Xu Zifan walked down Huashan Mountain, he was relatively relieved by the strange and surprised looks in the eyes of the outer disciples. This was because he disappeared from this world for a year and then suddenly appeared in Huashan Mountain, which was surprising.

Thinking about the plot of Swordsman, and comparing the time points, this should be around the time of Liu Zhengfeng's Golden Bowl Washing Hands Conference.

Three days later, in Hengyang City, Xu Zifan appeared on the busy streets wearing black brocade clothes and carrying the Huashan Single Sword on his back.

Looking at this ancient-style city and the simple clothes of the people around him, Xu Zifan felt as if time and space had changed. A few days ago, he was still in modern society, watching the army fight demons, but now he was a martial arts practitioner in ancient times.

Yes, they are martial arts people. Xu Zifan's mood when he went down the mountain this time was completely different from his mood eight years ago when he went down the mountain to explore the world.

When he entered the world at that time, it was to increase his experience in the world, and he was cautious wherever he went.

But now, he has perfected his magical skills and can kill demons in the real world. He is considered invincible in this world, and he no longer needs to fear anyone here.

As a modern man, Xu Zifan has always had a unique martial arts dream in his heart, riding through the rivers and lakes and conquering his entire life with one sword.

With a sword on his shoulder, he travels through mountains and rivers, wearing bright clothes and angry horses laughing at the world of mortals, and the swords ring with joy and hatred!

"Jianghu, I'm here!" At this time, these five words are the true portrayal of Xu Zifan's heart.

Looking up, there is a restaurant across the street ahead, with the words "Hui Yan Lou" written on it.

"Oh, it's actually here!"

Xu Zifan remembered that in the original work, Linghu Chong drank and discussed martial arts with Tian Boguang here to save Yilin.

"Ah! Killed."

Suddenly a horrified cry came, and a young man rolled down from Huiyan Tower. Blood was pouring from his chest, the whites of his eyes rolled out, and he was no longer breathing.

Then there was another man dressed as a middle-aged Taoist priest. He covered his chest with his hands, blood oozing out from his fingers. He stumbled down and ran away without looking back.

"What a coincidence!"

When Xu Zifan saw this, he still didn't understand that he had encountered a scene in the plot at this moment. Then he raised his feet and walked towards Huiyan Tower opposite the front.

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