The first taboo in the world

Chapter 57: People who tell lies

Xu Zifan spent half a day getting familiar with his new Qing Gong, and then found a big tree outside the city to rest for the night.

In the early morning of the next day, the weather was a bit gloomy, with dark clouds covering the sun, as if it would rain at any time, bringing a little bit of coolness to this rare hot summer.

Xu Zifan took Tian Boguang all the way back to Hengyang City. He was not in a hurry, and observed the surroundings as he walked, experiencing the ancient city scenery that was different from the real world, and suddenly felt something special.

Stopping and walking along the way and watching along the way, this trip lasted a whole morning.

Then he walked into an inn, booked a room, had a meal and washed up, walked out of the inn, and walked towards the center of the plot of Swordsman - Liu Zhengfeng's mansion.

After revealing his identity to the welcoming disciples at the door, he was not embarrassed and easily entered the mansion and walked inside.

When they were still far away, they saw many people from the world gathering in the inner hall, including the brothers from Huashan and Yue Lingshan.

There were several other big figures sitting on the Taishi chair. The most obvious ones were an old nun and an ugly dwarf looking towards him with unkind expressions.

At the Liu Mansion, many people from all walks of life gathered together, and many famous martial arts figures in the inner hall were shocked by what Yi Lin said.

When did the Huashan Sect produce such a highly skilled disciple named Xu, or was what Yilin said was false?

At this time, the welcoming disciples had just announced the arrival of Xu Zifan, a disciple of the Huashan Sect.

In the inner hall of Liu Mansion, the atmosphere was relatively cold at this time. Yu Canghai, the head of the Qingcheng Sect and the master of Songfeng Temple, looked in the direction of the door with hatred in his eyes.

Because his disciple Luo Renjie was killed by Linghu Chong, he now hates all people from the Huashan Sect, just like Lao Denuo who was first slapped left and right by Ding Yi when he vented his temper, and then was injured by Yu Canghai.

Is it that one? If so, then the truth of what Yilin said would be clear at a glance!

At this time, everyone looked at the door of the inner hall. After a while, a young man in black brocade clothes walked in. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, with crystal fair skin and a well-proportioned figure. He was not very strong, but overall he gave people a kind of appearance. A feeling of vitality.

This young man was Xu Zifan. He walked in without haste or slowness, followed by a thin middle-aged man with a herringbone beard and a sword across his waist. It was Tian Boguang.

At this time, Xu Zifan walked into the inner hall, and the happiest people were none other than the disciples of the Huashan Sect.

Because Linghu Chong, the great disciple of the Huashan Sect, drank and joked with the adulterer Tian Boguang first, and then killed Luo Renjie of the Qingcheng Sect, and the elders of the Huashan Sect were not here, many people made trouble for them. For example, Lao Denuo was used by Master Dingyi and Yu Canghai. To vent his anger and get hurt.

They knew that this senior brother was so powerful that he could definitely aspire to be the best in the world. Now that he was here, they no longer had to endure humiliation and anger. They all straightened their backs and looked happy.

"Senior Brother Xu, are you here?" A voice as sweet as silver bells came.

Xu Zifan looked sideways and saw a graceful girl wearing a lake green shirt and an emerald green skirt. She was standing among several Huashan disciples, looking at him with a bright smile on her face. Who else could she be if it wasn't Yue Lingshan?

Xu Zifan smiled brightly, nodded to Yue Lingshan and several Huashan sect brothers, then motioned to Tian Boguang behind him to stand here, then walked forward and walked into the innermost part of the inner hall.

Looking up, at the main seat was a short, fat, middle-aged man who looked like a rich man, wearing a brown cocoon silk robe. Xu Zifan knew that this was Liu Zhengfeng, the landlord of this place.

Then he cupped his hands towards Liu Zhengfeng and said, "Huashan School disciple Xu Zifan congratulates Uncle Liu for washing his hands in the golden basin."

At this time, many famous figures in the world were focusing their attention on Xu Zifan. They wanted to see what this person who could knock Tian Boguang away with two slaps looked like.

Entering the inner hall from Xu Zifan, Liu Zhengfeng and everyone were observing him carefully. When they saw this disciple of the Huashan Sect, although he had an excellent temperament, he was just a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old in brocade clothes. What's more, he can knock Tian Boguang away with two slaps?

Although he was confused, Liu Zhengfeng was worthy of being an old Jianghu, so he stood up and said with a smile on his face:

"Haha! We are all one family, so there is no need to be too polite. The disciples of the Huashan Sect really have extraordinary temperament. Senior Brother Yue has taught an excellent disciple!"

At this time, all the famous officials present were smiling, but Master Dingyi and Yu Canghai were the only ones looking here with dark faces.

"Yilin, is he the disciple named Xu you are talking about?"

Master Dingyi suddenly lowered his head and asked his disciple.

At this time, Yilin looked at Xu Zifan's figure, her eyes filled with gratitude.

After hearing what the master asked, he replied: "Master, that's him. He and senior brother Linghu saved the disciples from Tian Boguang."

At this time, Yu Canghai, who was short in stature but upright, and exuded the aura of a martial arts master, was looking at Xu Zifan hatefully.

He was evaluating the level of Xu Zifan's martial arts. Seeing that Xu Zifan was only seventeen or eighteen years old, he didn't believe what Yi Lin said.

However, as the leader of a sect, he has his own city, so he did not have an attack at this time.

After Xu Zifan paid homage to Liu Zhengfeng, he walked into the crowd of Huashan Sect disciples.

Yilin, at this time, began to talk about what happened in Huiyan Tower.

"What? Tian Boguang was subdued by Xu Zifan? He followed him and then left?"

At this time, everyone in the hall had complicated eyes, especially the faces of many famous people in the inner hall were a little cold.

"Huh! We are indeed a family. In the past, Linghu Chong colluded with the lewd thief and talked nonsense, and later, Xu Zifan directly became a family with the lewd thief. Yue Buqun taught all good disciples!"

Master Dingyi snorted coldly and said in a loud voice that everyone in the entire inner hall could hear clearly.

"Uncle Master, this is wrong! There are many records in the Buddhist scriptures where the Buddha saved the devil. From then on, the devil became enlightened and followed the deeds of the Buddha. Could it be that the Buddha also became a family with the devil?"

Xu Zifan's expression was calm at this time, his speech was neither urgent nor slow, and he replied with confidence.

When Master Dingyi heard this, her eyebrows stood up on the spot and she said angrily: "How can you, a junior like you, be on par with the Buddha?"

At this time, everyone in the audience and all the people in the world had colder expressions and looked at Xu Zifan with sneers. They thought Xu Zifan was too arrogant and just a person who talked nonsense.

At this time, Yu Canghai felt that Xu Zifan was just an arrogant, liar-talking junior. Perhaps what Laudenault was telling was the truth, but he still held back and did not make an attack.

When Xu Zifan heard Master Dingyi's angry shouting, his expression was calm and he didn't reply. He looked even more at ease with the ridicule from the many martial arts people around him.

The reason why he did not continue to fight back was that Master Dingyi was a very upright person in this world of Smiling Proud Jianghu. Apart from his irritable personality, she was actually not a bad person. Secondly, he did not want to be with an old nun. A war of words.

At this time, everyone saw that he didn't speak, and they concluded that he was just a liar. He might have some strength, but he was definitely not as powerful as Yilin said.

Besides, didn’t the second senior brother also say that? Although Xu Zifan's skills are extraordinary, they are definitely not profound and unpredictable. He must be lucky to be able to defeat Tian Boguang.

It just happened that Tian Boguang was suffering from a hidden disease. It was a blind cat that hit a dead mouse.

At this time, Master Dingyi saw that Xu Zifan did not respond. Thinking that it was this man who saved her disciple, she did not continue to be in trouble.

Yi Lin began to continue talking about her return to Yanlou, her voice was soft, crisp and moving, and many people in the world fell silent again to listen to her talk about what happened next.

Just listen to Yilin continue: "Luo Renjie seemed to be very concerned about that sword manual. He came over and leaned down to listen to Brother Linghu tell where the sword manual was. Suddenly, Brother Linghu grabbed He picked up the sword that had fallen on the floor, raised his hand, and stabbed Luo Renjie into Luo Renjie's abdomen. The evil man fell to the sky, his hands and feet twitched a few times, and he could no longer get up. It turns turns out...Master ...Brother Linghu deliberately tricked him into approaching him so that he could kill him for revenge."

At this time, Xu Zifan had to lament the power of the world plot. He had a foot in the middle, but after he left, Luo Renjie still went to die and was killed by Linghu Chong.

After Yilin finished recounting this past incident, she could no longer support her spirit, swayed a few times, and fainted.

Master Dingyi stretched out his arm, hugged her waist, glared at Yu Canghai and Xu Zifan, and then said to Xu Zifan: "Nephew Xu Xian, I advise you to hand over Tian Boguang and draw a clear line with this adulterer. Don't destroy it in vain." Decide your own future!"

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