The first taboo in the world

Chapter 62 Accusation

Mu Gaofeng was lying on the ground. After seeing the situation clearly, his fat and bloated body gradually stopped shaking. He looked at Xu Zifan, who was standing not far in front of him, with lingering fear.

At this time, the light rain in Hengyang City had stopped, but the sky was still gloomy. Mu Gaofeng was lying on the ground, covered with mud and water. Although it was a hot summer day, he felt that his body was full of coldness and his spine was chilly. .

Because a figure stood in front of it, with an upright body shape, standing high in the mountains, and the aura around it was vast and powerful. In the dark night, it looked like a demon lord standing, imposing, powerful, and oppressive, just like this The emptiness of the surrounding heaven and earth, even every plant, tree, sand and stone, all living things are oppressed by it, they dare not breathe and lose their voices.

Looking at this figure in the night, Mu Gaofeng was very horrified in his heart. This person could intimidate everything just by his aura. This was the only person he had ever seen in his life. Even before, he could not believe that a person could be so powerful. Is this still a human being?

Seeing Xu Zifan's young face again in the night, Mu Gaofeng had to scream in his heart that he was a pervert, and once again lamented that he was so unlucky. It was really unfortunate that he encountered such a pervert and such a monster by chance.

At this moment, a soft voice came, "Isn't it too embarrassing for you, an evil master?"

At this moment, although Mu Gaofeng didn't understand what the big shot meant, he still understood the overall meaning of the sentence, which was disdain and contempt for himself.

As an evil leader and a first-class expert, Mu Gaofeng traveled around the world, and all the black and white figures gave him face. He had never been insulted like this before. At this time, he was holding back his anger, but when he saw Xu Zifan's cold eyes, he was like a basin of cold water. He poured water on his head and his mind soon became clear. Was he looking for death?

Mu Gaofeng was vicious but alert. At this moment, he showed a smile that was uglier than crying, and said: "Xu Shaoxia, after all your hard work, is there anything you need me to do for you? Mr. Ling Shiyue and I have been friends for many years. , if anything happens, please give me your orders, hunchback, I will definitely be willing to serve you."

When Xu Zifan heard what Mu Gaofeng said at this moment, he despised him even more. When he met someone who didn't know the inside story, he thought that he and Yue Buqun were really good friends for many years, but in fact the two people had a close friendship.

The most important thing is that this person does not ask why he attacked him now, but instead asks what his orders are. He is indeed a shrewd old Jianghu, very shameless.

After Xu Zifan chased Mu Gaofeng out of the mansion, many martial arts heroes in the Liu family also chased him out. They wanted to see how powerful this Huashan disciple named Xu was, and how powerful he was against Mu Gaofeng, an evil figure that many people in the world feared. what happens?

brush! brush! brush! …

A few figures were the first to use Qinggong and fly forward. The people in front were, as expected, Master Dingyi, Liu Zhengfeng, Tianmen Daoist and other senior masters in the martial arts world. Behind them, a group of disciples followed. Only then did he catch up with him in a flurry.

"What happened? The first-class master Mu Gaofeng was captured so quickly?"

When everyone arrived at the scene, what they saw was Mu Gaofeng's fat and bloated body lying on the ground. A single sword was stuck next to his neck and was sunk more than a foot deep into the bluestone underground.

At this moment, what Mu Gaofeng said happened to fall on the ears of the heroes, and everyone looked sideways at Mu Gaofeng.

"This is the great evil lord 'Saibei Mingtuo' Mu Fengfeng"?

"People who are greedy for life and afraid of death!"


Many chivalrous Taoists despised Mu Gaofeng at this time. Although they had heard about his poor character for a long time, but now that they saw that this man had no integrity, their evaluation of him was even lower.

Xu Zifan did not respond to Mu Gaofeng at this moment and looked at him coldly. He was thinking, should he keep this kind of person?

His character is too despicable, he is sinister, he does all kinds of evil, and he has no integrity at all. This kind of person should not be kept!

But Xu Zifan then changed his mind and thought, Tian Boguang is not much better, shouldn't he also keep it?

Forget it, let this person join in your plan and use it as waste.

In the real world, spiritual energy descends and monsters appear frequently. The future is like a fog, unpredictable and unpredictable. However, it will definitely not be smooth sailing. The road will be bumpy and bumpy, and there may even be a dark abyss waiting for humans. Xu Zifan has a feeling, The future may be full of blood and chaos!

So at this moment, he had to speed up his efforts to improve his strength and speed up his plans in the world of Swordsman, because he speculated from various signs that perhaps this world was not eternal, and he might not have much time left for him.

At this moment, Mu Gaofeng looked at Xu Zifan in front of him with a cold face and deep eyes. He did not respond to him. He also saw the martial arts people surrounding him, with contempt and ridicule in their eyes. He couldn't help but feel a fever in his face and felt very uncomfortable. But then he I feel relieved. Compared with life, what is face?

After Xu Zifan thought for a moment, he understood what to do, and he also planned to act as soon as possible to realize his plan.

"Mu Gaofeng, for people like you who do all kinds of evil, I should have killed you with one sword, but now that your kung fu is good, I will give you a chance to live!" Xu Zifan looked down at Mu Gaofeng. , said coldly: "If you want to survive, I will give you three conditions. First, follow me from now on; second, give me your martial arts; third, give you a set of martial arts to understand it!"

As soon as these words came out, before Mu Gaofeng could reply, the surrounding martial arts heroes were stunned at first, then started talking endlessly, and then accused Xu Zifan of being associated with evil ways.

"Master Nephew Xu, these evil spirits should be killed with one sword, and must not be left alone!" Master Dingyi advised.

"Master Nephew Xu, you have great martial arts skills, but you must not go astray! Such evil thieves should be killed with one sword!" Taoist Master Tianmen was grumpy and said, "And Tian Boguang should be killed too."

After Tianmen Taoist Master finished speaking, he looked at Xu Zifan hatefully. Apparently he and Master Dingyi had not killed Tian Boguang before, but now that he saw that Xu Zifan was about to subdue another evil person, he felt angry and dissatisfied.

The surrounding heroes were originally in awe of Xu Zifan's extraordinary power. Although they were dissatisfied, they did not dare to express it. Now they saw someone starting to accuse Xu Zifan. Some even gradually became more and more outrageous and classified him as a demon.

"No wonder I injured Guanzhu Yu and saved the little hunchback. It turned out that I was from the same group as the old hunchback!"

"Huashan Xu Zifan betrayed the righteous way and injured the righteous seniors..."

"Shhh! Brother, shut up. His martial arts skills are extremely powerful. Be careful of getting killed!"

"Hmph! Why are you afraid of him? I don't believe he dares to kill people in front of so many powerful people?"

"His skills are so profound, he must have practiced some evil skills!"

Everyone had different opinions, and the more they said, the more outrageous they became. Some people even started to yell and curse.

However, there are also people who are speaking for Xu Zifan, such as a group of Huashan disciples, and some people who have a good impression of Xu Zifan. However, compared to the huge crowd, these are just sporadic words, and not many people will pay attention to them.

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