The first taboo in the world

Chapter 65 Huashan Sword Demon

"Lin Pingzhi, I will take you to meet your parents."

This short sentence sounded in Lin Pingzhi's ears, like thunder, waking up Lin Pingzhi.

At this moment, Lin Pingzhi's deliberately hunched body straightened up instantly, and his eyes burst out with hope, full of hope and gratitude.

He was just thinking about how to ask this young master to help him rescue his parents. Unexpectedly, happiness came so suddenly. This young master actually took the initiative to take him to see his parents.

As for how this young master recognized his true identity, it was no longer important at this time. Why did he wander around the world and endure all the hardships and humiliations? Isn't the biggest purpose just to rescue his parents and then take revenge?

At this moment, Lin Pingzhi was so excited that tears flowed out. His body was trembling. He knelt down to Xu Zifan on the spot and said, "Thank you, my benefactor! Thank you, my benefactor!"

"Get up!"

Xu Zifan sighed and said lightly.

He knew that Lin Ping's parents had been tortured by Yu Canghai's disciples until their muscles and veins were broken, and they were almost dead. From the beginning, Yu Canghai had not given Lin Ping's family a way out. He and his wife had been killed long ago.

At this time, taking Lin Pingzhi to see his parents was just a farewell moment.

After saying that, Xu Zifan stretched out his hand and gently supported Lin Pingzhi. Lin Pingzhi felt a soft force enter his body, helping him to stand up involuntarily. He once again experienced Xu Zifan's power personally.

Yu Canghai, who was in the crowd at this time, knew that this little hunchback turned out to be Lin Pingzhi he was looking for. At this time, he saw that Xu Zifan was taking him to meet his parents. He suddenly felt that something was going to happen, thinking of Xu Zifan's terrifying strength. , then covered in cold sweat, secretly retreated into the depths of the crowd.

When Yu Canghai retreated, Xu Zifan glanced in Yu Canghai's direction as if he was feeling something, with an expression of indifference and disapproval.

After Lin Pingzhi stood up, Xu Zifan turned around and walked towards Mu Gaofeng, saying: "Don't pretend to be dead, get up and walk!"

At this moment, when Mu Gaofeng heard Xu Zifan's words, he immediately turned over and stood up, hunched over his fat body, showed a smile that was uglier than crying, and said: "I obey Xu Shaoxia's instructions!"

Xu Zifan knew from the original work that at this moment, Lin Zhennan and his wife were hidden by Yu Canghai in a ruined temple outside Hengyang City. They would definitely be able to find Lin Zhennan and his wife there.

The night was dark and the breeze was gentle. The three of them took advantage of the darkness and walked all the way out of Hengyang City.

After Xu Zifan left with Mu Gaofeng and Lin Pingzhi, until the backs of the three people could not be seen clearly, many martial arts heroes started talking again, but the atmosphere was a bit dull.

Thousands of people were on the field, each with their own thoughts. Some had complex eyes full of inexplicable charm, others had a light of hatred in their eyes, and even more people showed fear and horror on their faces.

Many people know that something is going to change in this world, and some inherent patterns will be broken. Some people are looking forward to it, some have solemn faces, and some are indifferent.

Among them, the ones who felt the deepest feelings were none other than Taoist Master Tianmen, Master Dingyi, Yu Canghai, Liu Zhengfeng and other Jianghu seniors. They were all influential figures in the Jianghu, and they clearly felt that something was about to change in the Jianghu. .

However, everyone's mentality is different and everyone has their own ideas.

"Amitabha! This young master Xu from Huashan still has some principles in his actions. With the blessing of the Buddha, I hope that there will be no more killings and calamities in the world." Master Dingyi said with a solemn expression after reciting the Buddha's name.

"It's not like the devil's way, but it's not like the right way either!" Taoist Master Tianmen said thoughtfully.

Liu Zhengfeng, on the other hand, was very grateful for his earlier decision. He knew that the world might be undergoing drastic changes. It might not be a bad thing to withdraw from the world, seal his sword and go into seclusion.

Yu Canghai, looking at Xu Zifan and others walking away in the crowd, felt uneasy. Now that Lin Pingzhi and Xu Zifan were walking together, where would he go from here?

Everyone has their own ideas. The heroes are leaving the scene with excuses at this moment. They want to spread some news overnight, and the situation in the world will change in the future.

That night, countless homing pigeons flew out of Hengyang City and flew to all parts of the world. Xu Zifan's name also spread throughout the world. Someone in the rivers and lakes gave him a nickname, called: Huashan Sword Demon! This name is a recognition of his strength and a summary of his actions.

Then the world was shocked, why did such a master suddenly appear in the world, and he was still so young.

Wudang is respected in the south and Shaolin is worshiped in the north. Wudang Shaolin has been flourishing for more than a hundred years and is the Beidou in the martial arts world.

At this moment, in Wudang Mountain, the Zixiao Palace is brightly lit. The statue of Emperor Zhenwu is enshrined in the middle, magnificent. The statues of Generals Tortoise and Snake are on both sides, and they are carved as slowly as gods.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Lord!" The current head of Wudang, Taoist Master Chongxu, was looking at the letter conveying the news in his hand. Looking at its content, his face was solemn at first, and then suddenly brightened. He looked at the boundless night sky outside Zixiao Palace. If After some thought, only one Taoist verse came out in the end.

In Songshan Mountain, Shaoshi Mountain, and Shaolin Temple, at this moment, a voice was also heard in the Main Hall: "Amitabha!" This was what Master Fangzheng, the abbot of Shaolin, was saying.

Also in Songshan, the leader of the Songshan Sword Sect, currently the strongest of the Five Mountains Sword Sect, Zuo Lengchan, is currently sitting on the leader's chair, looking at the letter in his hand, his face gloomy, his teeth clenching.

There were wisps of white Qi flowing around his body, and a sharp cold air spread out, and the surrounding temperature instantly dropped a lot.

The tea table in front of him, as well as the tea sets and cups on it, were gradually covered with a layer of white frost. The hot tea in the cup, affected by the white infuriating energy, gradually turned into ice cubes, giving off the slightest hint of cold white frost. fog.

Click! Click!

The sound of the teacup breaking was heard, as the tea inside had swelled and cracked due to the freezing and expansion.


A cold snort came out, extremely cold and overbearing. Zuo Lengchan waved his sleeves, and the tables and chairs in front of him, as well as teacups and tea sets, all shattered and flew out.

Heimu Cliff is where the Sun Moon God Sect's main altar is located. In the mountains behind it, there is a very exquisite small garden with red plums, green bamboos, green pines and cypresses. It is decorated with great ingenuity. And in this small garden , and there is an elegant little house.

At this moment, in the small house, there are red candles and light gauze spreading, which is quite interesting. There is a person sitting beside a dressing table in the east. This person is wearing a bright red silk dress. The dress is very delicate and even a bit seductive.

This person is none other than the earth-shattering and powerful martial arts eccentric in the world of Swordsman, Dongfang Bubai, who was already known as the best master in the world as early as twenty years ago.

At this moment, Dongfang Bubai held a piece of letter in his left hand and an embroidery needle in his right hand. The embroidery needle was gently placed on the letter, and he said to himself playfully: "Interesting..."

His voice was a little lazy, a little lonely, very soft, but a little sharp, and his voice was thick, like a man's, but also like a woman's.

All over the world, the name of Xu Zifan, the Huashan Sword Demon, has been spread out and aroused, and everyone in the martial arts knows it!

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