The first taboo in the world

Chapter 674: A Book of Past, Present and Future

Chapter 676 A book of past, present and future

In ancient legends, everything in the world must return to ruins. Everything in the world, including the sun, moon and stars in the sky, the mountains and rivers on the earth, and even the entire world and all living beings, will eventually be unable to escape their fate and will all enter their destiny. Among the ruins.

Everything has been doomed for a long time, and the ultimate destination of all living beings in the world is this infinite ruins.

This kind of legend has become a reality today. The entire Jiuzhou world was swallowed up by Guixu. Xu Zifan was no exception. The last remaining soul of his true soul was driven into the infinite Guixu and he soon lost consciousness. Swallowed by the faint black hole, it disappeared.

And the moment Xu Zifan disappeared, the entire Guixu black hole was stunned, and then shrunk sharply, disappearing in just a moment, leaving only an illusory five-color world bubble floating in the chaos.

The Wulianggui Ruins was majestic and vast, as vast as a large universe. It suddenly shrank sharply and finally disappeared before everyone's eyes.

This sudden change caught the twenty-four most powerful beings in the Chaos Sea by surprise, and they did not expect that such an incredible situation would happen.

Through blood sacrifices to all living beings in the nine states, it was clear that they all felt the special energy emanating from the black hole of Guixu, and also felt the fluctuations like a vast world. Everything appeared according to the situation they deduced.

But something happened at this time, Guixu disappeared, and that special energy naturally disappeared, which also meant that their hopes were dashed. They had planned for thousands of years, but at the last moment, everything came to nothing.

This kind of loss makes many powerful creatures feel very unhappy.

"No, hope is not lost!"

Suddenly, a powerful creature looked at the five-color illusory world bubble ahead and spoke.

"We all felt that special supreme energy from Guixu, like a vast world, which shows that our deduction is not wrong, and there is nothing wrong in blood sacrifice to all sentient beings in the nine states!"

"The only thing wrong is to throw the forbidden evil fetus into Wuliang Gui Ruins, causing Gui Ruins to disappear, and the road to heaven is cut off!"

This supreme being analyzed and said, and then the other supreme beings also calmed down and figured out the key in an instant.

"We thought that the mysterious connection between Wuliang Guixu and the power of the taboo could help us open the other side of the sky and penetrate the passage between the two realms, so we put this variable into Wuliang Guixu. Unexpectedly, he was not the key to opening the passage. His role is to close Guixu and close the passage to the other side of the sky!"

"So, from another perspective, we are not considered a failure. At least we have found a way to close the road to heaven!"

Another powerful person answered and said: "That's true. We can't be considered a failure. As long as Wuliang returns to the ruins after ten thousand years and we make another blood sacrifice, then we will find the other side of the sky."

Many powerful creatures nodded, and it only took ten thousand years, which was completely affordable for creatures of their level.

Many of the strongest people reached a consensus, and then they all turned their attention to the illusory five-color world bubble. They watched the world evolve in it and everything was full of vitality, with cruel smiles on their faces.

On the other side, under the extremely terrifying devouring power, Xu Zifan's remnant soul was pulled or pulled, without any resistance at all, and continued to fall into the endless dark abyss.

And during this process, he was still confused and unconscious, and he didn't know how long it had passed. Suddenly there was a "boom" and an extremely terrifying sound sounded all around, as if the universe exploded, the heaven and earth opened up and then became silent, and the first sound of the avenue returned again. Hollow.

Under this terrible sound, he was awakened instantly. He was no longer confused and regained his consciousness, but he was still in a daze. He only felt that his residual soul was swaying. He had already left the original chaotic universe and was still feeling the terrifying suction. Falling at an extremely fast speed, no one knows where it will end up.

At this moment, there was nothing but gray in front of him, and he couldn't see anything clearly, and he seemed to be speeding towards an unknown place in a gray passage. For a moment, he had the illusion that he was reincarnating. It's like passing away.

"Is this the world after death? The so-called return to ruins is actually the place of reincarnation and the place of death!"

Xu Zifan was confused and couldn't help but have such a conjecture.


The terrifying sound sounded again, like the sound of heaven, which shocked Xu Zifan into a trance.

At the same time, a supreme and inexplicable energy swept in from the depths of Guixu, causing the gray in front of him to fluctuate like waves, with dots of light and shadow flickering in the surrounding gray passages.

At a certain moment, these little bits of light and shadow actually formed one picture after another. In that moment, Xu Zifan seemed to see a lot of things.

In the beginning, chaos began to unfold, and all the heavens and worlds manifested like stars in the chaotic universe.

The great road is moving, all things are sprouting, and there is a prosperous scene in all worlds.

There are gods and demons rising in the heavens, ferocious beasts fighting each other, and thousands of races fighting for hegemony. It is bloody. One after another, peerless creatures emerge from the wilderness, defeat all enemies, and finally become independent on the top of the ancient world and become the most powerful person in the world.

The catastrophe is shocking and extremely tragic. The sun has dried up and the waning moon has sunk. The world is devastated, and there are mountains of corpses and seas of blood. Only the most powerful creatures are immortal, emerging outside the universe and dominating everything.

Some of these pictures are clear and some are blurry. They seem to be scenes of historical drastic changes, reflected from different eras and presented before our eyes.

As Xu Zifan continued to fall, light and shadow flickered in front of his eyes, and countless scenes appeared, like a movie showing everything in the world.

All around, light and shadow continued, and one silent picture after another was reflected. He seemed to be traveling through mottled ancient scrolls, walking outside the bright universe, quietly watching the ups and downs of the ages in the heavens and the world.

Countless pictures flashed, and in a blink of an eye, the surrounding pictures had been interpreted for eternity. Xu Zifan received too much information in a short period of time, and Xu Zifan's soul couldn't accept it. It felt very uncomfortable, as if it was about to burst.

Helpless, he could only close his eyes and stop receiving this information, but there were endless ups and downs in his heart.

Is he reincarnating? This experience is incredible.


Suddenly, Xu Zifan suddenly realized that this was not reincarnation.

Rather, all the heavens and realms, the chaotic universe, and eternal time and space are like a picture scroll. All things in the world, all living things, every plant and tree, are all people and objects in the painting, but he is outside the picture scroll at this time. Jump out of the universe and look down at everything.

This feeling became stronger and stronger, making Xu Zifan's heart tremble. What on earth was he experiencing at this time?

Is the so-called universe really just a picture scroll?


The terrifying sound sounded again, and the sound of the Great Dao Lun vibrated, as if the heaven and earth were reopening, the universe was opening up, and the inexplicable supreme energy swept through again.

Xu Zifan couldn't help but open his eyes and looked around again, but what he saw in front of him shocked him even more.

I saw countless light and shadow images all around me condensing, turning into magical characters under some special rules.

These mysterious characters were related to each other and turned into articles. When he looked at these articles, as his eyes swept across, these mysterious characters once again turned into bright light and shadow pictures one after another.

"This is……"

Xu Zifan's soul was trembling. Are all the heavens and worlds, and the eternal time and space, essentially characters?

Or it can be said to be an article, or it can be said to be a book.

Moreover, when there are no observers, this book is just a collection of magical characters one after another, and it is an article after article.

And when there are observers, it turns into pictures of light and shadow one after another, appearing in the world. In this way, the heavens, the worlds, and the eternal time and space will truly exist.

At this moment, Xu Zifan's hair stood on end. This was not an illusion, but the truest realization. The so-called universe, infinite years, all people and things, and all living beings in the world, including himself, were all transformed from characters in a book.

The most terrifying thing is that everything he has experienced, the world he has lived in, and everything he has seen, since it exists, it illustrates an even more terrifying fact.

That is, there are observers, and there are inexplicable creatures looking down at everything in the world.

This is horrifying, terrifying and shuddering when you think about it.

Outside the chaotic universe, in the supreme and inexplicable place, there is a pair of eyes, or in other words, countless pairs of eyes, looking down through the sky and across eternity, always looking down at everything.

Thinking of this, Xu Zifan's soul trembled and his heart became cold. It was hard to believe that this was a true enlightenment.

He would rather believe that this is an experience of time and space confusion, which is not true, but the mysterious characters in front of him tell him that his understanding is not wrong, and that he has seen the true nature of the world.

All around, light and shadow interacted, characters jumped, Xu Zifan was still sinking, and he didn't know how long it took, everything disappeared, and there was only gray in front of him again.

There seems to be no end to this boundless return to ruins, only a terrifying suction force is constantly pulling him towards the unknown.

And in this process, his memory is dissipating, because he was originally in the state of a remnant soul. As he continues to fall into the depths of the Infinite Ruins, the past he can recall is also decreasing.

This gray passage seemed to have no end. Xu Zifan kept sinking, one day, two month, two year, two years...ten years, a hundred years...

Time is long and endless. Maybe thousands of years have passed, or maybe there is no concept of time here at all. It is silent for all eternity. Time and years are frozen here, and he is numb.

At this time, he seemed to be in eternity. The endless years trapped him. The past and present seemed to be condensed together. Time and years seemed to have lost their meaning. In the end, his soul was in a trance, and he fell into a deep sleep. .

I don't know how long it took, but with a dull "snoring" sound, Xu Zifan's soul began to wake up, and he was woken up.

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