The first taboo in the world

Chapter 99 I have a dream

At the foot of Huashan Yuntai Peak, everyone exclaimed, staring intently at the pictures and texts on the stone tablet in front of them.

"What? Zixia magic power? How is it possible?"

Someone in the back heard the surprised shouts from the people in front, saying in disbelief.

Heroes are swarming in at this moment. Since this place is no longer on the narrow road in the mountains, it can accommodate dozens of people.

At this time, the stone monument was surrounded by people. Even the three Shaolin monks and Zuo Lengchan stood in front of the stone monument and watched.

It’s no wonder that the heroes are so surprised and attach great importance to it. It’s really because the Zixia Divine Art is so famous. Not only the Nine Arts of Huashan, Zixia is the first in the world, but the Huashan Sword Demon Xu Zifan’s main internal skill is the Zixia Divine Art. , this has been learned by all the heroes present, and it is worthy of everyone to pay attention to this set of magical secrets.

So no matter what the purpose was, everyone gathered around at this time, observing and judging whether it was true or false.

"is that true?"

Someone who had little knowledge of martial arts and didn't know the truth asked asked. This is also a question that many people want to ask.

"it is true!"

After observing for a moment, Zuo Lengchan looked solemnly and answered in the affirmative.

Then the three Shaolin monks also nodded solemnly. At this time, the rest of the people finally understood the truth and falsehood. Many people were excited and looked happy. They memorized the essence of the Zixia magic technique. Some people even started to sit cross-legged on the spot. , and began to perform the exercises according to the formulas on the stone tablet.

You must know that the internal skills practiced by ordinary people in the martial arts world are basically ordinary, and they have reached the end of their ability to reach the first-class level. Even many disciples of major martial arts sects have never been exposed to advanced internal skills in their lives. At this time Everyone suddenly obtained the Zixia magical skill. Among the Huashan sect, this magical secret was only passed down to the master and not to the disciples. They couldn't help but be unhappy and excited.

In the martial arts world, since ancient times, the Book of Magical Weapons has captivated people's hearts. Many feuds in the world and the martial arts world have been caused by the competition for the Book of Magical Weapons.

If this Zixia magical power were placed in the rivers and lakes, it would inevitably cause the flash of swords and shadows, bloodshed and killing.

Therefore, at this moment, many people began to breathe rapidly, staring at the stone tablet recording Zixia's magical power, remembering it quickly, for fear that Xu Zifan would erase the pictures and texts on the stone tablet in the next moment.

Of course, there are also people who are very calm and even look a little solemn. They know that there is no free lunch, and they don't know what the purpose of Huashan Sword Demon Xu Zifan's move is.

Some people have even begun to look around, looking for a way to escape, because they know clearly that after seeing this Zixia magic skill, they will definitely not be able to leave Huashan easily, and Xu Zifan will not let them go.

These principles can be thought of by some people in the city. At this time, the three Shaolin monks and Zuo Lengchan looked at each other, and they all saw solemn looks in each other's eyes. But at this moment, everyone is a knife and a soldier, and I am a fish and meat, what can they do? We can only wait and see what happens.

Finally, someone couldn't help but bowed to Xu Zifan, who was standing on a piece of bluestone in front of him. He pointed at the stone tablet engraved with the Zixia magic skill and asked, "Xu Shaoxia? I don't know what this means?"

When this person asked, the surrounding heroes also came to their senses. Although they still glanced at the stone tablet from the corner of their eyes from time to time, trying to remember the contents, they basically focused their attention on Xu Zifan. They also wanted to know about the Huashan Sword Demon. What does it mean!

At this moment, Xu Zifan's plan in this world went well, and he was very happy in his heart. He showed a rare smile and said: "All fellow martial arts fellows, feel free to study all the martial arts here. I only hope that all of you will I can take one step closer to martial arts."

After saying this, Xu Zifan looked at the surrounding heroes who were still confused and uneasy, then he laughed a few times and said: "Since you have figured out the reason for this, I will explain it in detail. It’s all because I have a dream!”

When all the heroes heard Xu Zifan's words, they all had inexplicable expressions on their faces, and they all thought to themselves: "What does your dream have to do with us?"

"Everyone, please listen to me in detail!" Xu Zifan continued: "Since ancient times, in the martial arts world, because of the magic book, there have been too many martial arts tragedies, too many swords, swords, and fighting, all because of the fight for the magic book. And caused.

In addition, all the better martial arts in the martial arts world are in the hands of a few people, while more people have never been exposed to truly superior martial arts throughout their lives, which has buried too many talents in the world.

For example, the fellow martial arts practitioners in front of me, do you think your martial arts talents are inferior to those of the peerless masters? I don’t think so. There are many comrades present who cannot break through their current level because they lack a superior martial arts. How many comrades are bullied by various sects and dare not fight back because they lack a superior martial arts.

If you were taught the Sunflower Classic, the Yi Jin Jing, the Star Absorbing Technique, the Tai Chi Magical Technique, etc., would your martial arts realm be the same as it is now?

A quarter of an hour later!

In comparison, you are relatively lucky. How many people in the world are not even exposed to real martial arts, and are bullied by gangsters and bullies without any means.

Two quarters of an hour later!

Since the success of my magical skills, I have thought that a man must do something good while he is still alive. After thinking about this shortcoming for a long time, I came up with a way, which is to collect as many magical scriptures as possible and share them with everyone. "

After listening to what Xu Zifan said, all the heroes couldn't come back to their senses for a long time, because the content of Xu Zifan's speech was not in line with traditional thinking and was too deviant. You must know that since ancient times, in the martial arts, whoever gets a magic book is not an abnormality, but a broomstick should be cherished. , and Xu Zifan’s idea is too alien and crazy.

Secondly, it is not an exaggeration to think that this kind of idea is to make everyone an enemy. You need to know, which sect and which person will share his martial arts with others?

Going deeper, the major sects in the martial arts world already have vested interests. If Xu Zifan's idea is to be realized, wouldn't it harm the interests of these people?

At this moment, all the heroes came to the conclusion that the Huashan Sword Demon was going to take responsibility for his subordinates.

However, for more low-level martial arts people, if Xu Zifan's idea is realized, it will definitely be a good thing. By then, everyone will be on the same starting line, who is afraid of whom? Princes, generals and prime ministers, would you rather have the seed? Living among the earth, who is inferior to whom?

After the heroes were silent for a short time, weighing the pros and cons, someone rolled his eyes, saw the reality clearly, and shouted: "I, Eagle Swordsman Liu Sanhu, support you, Young Master Xu!"

And this was like a signal, and then someone shouted: "I, the Sword King of Western Sichuan, Golden Dragon, support you, Shaoxia Xu!"

"I, Huangshan Hammer Wang Long, support you, Shaoxia Xu!"

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