In the previous story, Lin Yun mentioned Bai Jiaojiao, but did not go into details. Fang Yu didn't care at the time. The focus of the story was how Lin Yun battled wits and courage, and there were so many treacherous and bizarre stories at the time. Where would I think about Bai Jiaojiao?

In addition, Lin Yun kept peeping at her with small eyes that greeted her, Fang Yu's IQ dropped drastically, and then he didn't notice Bai Jiaojiao.

But now that Bai Jiaojiao has come in, the relationship with Lin Yun seems to be extraordinary.

When the woman catches the rape, the effect of doubling the IQ is triggered, Fang Yu also suddenly remembered, isn't Bai Jiaojiao the Demon King?

Now Bai Jiaojiao can no longer see the slightest Monster Qi, with a restrained aura, she is a master at first glance.

Such a woman would be so well-behaved in front of Lin Yun, which is very unreasonable!

Therefore, although Fang Yu asked how Lin Yun knew the two fairies, he was actually asking why they were in such a relationship.

Lin Yun understood Fang Yu's meaning, and at this time, she had no choice but to lie.

He could not expose his past in Huangfeng Valley. Although Lin Yun had not done anything to harm the interests of Shenxiaozong so far, the undercover incident was a kind of betrayal, and Fang Yu would not accept it.

Therefore, Lin Yun changed his statement slightly.

"When we met in the Misty Forest, Bai Jiaojiao was also seriously injured. Master, you know, my True Qi can help people recover the Cultivation Base..."

"Wait, in other words, did you kiss Bai Jiaojiao?"

Fang Yu's face was green, so angry in his heart!

My little milk dog is not innocent anymore.

Lin Yun said with some embarrassment: "The situation was critical at the time, and I couldn't beat the giant beast in the misty forest, so I had to let Bai Jiaojiao take the lead."

With that said, Fang Yu could understand, there was really no way.

But my heart will still be very sour!

"Then leaving the secret realm, why does she follow you?"

"She, she said that she likes me and wants to be with me... I don't know how to refuse her. After all, she shares life and death together, so I had to let her follow."

Fang Yu suddenly felt qi and blood surge, and my pure little milk dog was going to be deceived by the female fairy outside.

"Can she like you? She is greedy for you!"

Can the Monster Race and the Human Race have love?

That female fairy must be greedy for Lin Yun's unique physique.

"Master, you must have misunderstood her. Although Bai Jiaojiao is a demon, she is also very kind."

There is no way to deny the gluttonous point.

When Fang Yu heard Lin Yun still defending Bai Jiaojiao, he couldn't help becoming even more anxious.

"Knowing others, knowing the face and not knowing the heart. If she is not my race, her heart will be different. If she wants to be against you, how can you do it?"

Fang Yu is not just jealous now.

The confrontation between the monsters has been formed in the known history.

There is hatred for generations between the two races, how can humans and demons have true love.

Bai Jiaojiao must be looking at Lin Yunzhong and honestly, trying to deceive him.

Fang Yu felt that Lin Yun had not been involved in the world. Although he was wit and brave, he didn't know Daoist's sinister heart.

"I don't think she can't, and I'm pretty good now, don't worry, Master."

Lin Yun said to Fang Yu sincerely, and Fang Yu suddenly looked helpless.

She couldn't persuade Lin Yun, and didn't want to abuse the authority of the Master, forcibly letting Lin Yun ignore Bai Jiaojiao, such forcible dismantling would only treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.

Only by letting Lin Yun see Bai Jiaojiao's essence clearly, would he wake up.

In addition to being a Master and worrying about his disciples, Fang Yu also has other emotions.

When she heard other women liked Lin Yun, there was an unnamed fire burning in her heart.

I only hate that I am Lin Yun's Master. Although he is qualified to intervene in Lin Yun's emotional affairs, he has no name restricting his dealings with other women.

Fang Yu couldn't help thinking more and more angry.

"Since you think you are good now, you don't seem to have to worry about your teacher anymore. Go out. I want to rest."

Fang Yu started to have a temper, bit his lip slightly, his cheeks were puffed with anger, clearly waiting for Lin Yun to coax her.

She herself hadn't realized that the so-called Master's majesty was lost unconsciously, she was just an angry little girl now.

"Is Master angry?"


After Fang Yu finished speaking, her cheeks were still bulging, Lin Yun stretched out her index finger and poked her on the cheek. This small gesture immediately made Fang Yu panicked and said, "What are you doing?"

"I want to calm down the Master."

Fang Yu: "..."

Is that how to get rid of the breath?

Lin Yun's fingertips touching his cheeks seemed to remain on his face, Fang Yu's complexion was reddish, and his silver teeth clenched, but he didn't know what to say about Lin Yun.

In the end, he just snorted, then turned his head angrily.

Lin Yun didn't go out, so he sat next to her, looking at her with a smile on his face.

The camp was very quiet, but Fang Yu felt the ambiguous breath getting stronger and stronger.

Especially Lin Yun had been watching her, and finally made her feel a little bit overwhelmed.

"What do you see me doing?"


Lin Yun also turned his head shyly, as if his thoughts had been discovered.

The camp was quiet again, but the ambiguity was even greater than before.

Fang Yu felt a little nervous, but there was also a special excitement.

On the other hand, Xue Nu followed Lin Yun's instructions to keep other people from approaching Lin Yun's camp. She accidentally heard two warriors discussing the surprise attack on Pearl Island.

The Snow Girl was immediately annoyed. These two warriors were also among the 18 warriors, but they were ranked at the bottom. They also participated in the conference, but they had no right to speak.

Lin Yun's surprise attack on Pearl Island requires the cooperation of others to log and build ships, and it is impossible to be airtight, but the destination is absolutely confidential.

When the two warriors discussed, the Snow Girl was of course dissatisfied. She was about to stop her, and suddenly heard one of them said: "I heard that Pearl Island is the most prosperous and prosperous place. There are countless beauties there. Whoever grabs it will win the spoils. When the time comes, our brother Both have to pick two beautiful ones."

When Xue Nu heard the word trophy, she suddenly remembered what Lin Yun had just said that Fang Yu was also his trophy.

"What do you want to do by stealing those women as trophies?"

The snow girl suddenly appeared, and the two warriors who were discussing about it immediately panicked.

They didn't know why Xue Nu asked this question, it was like asking a man what he wanted to do when he went to the brothel.

Good guy, what else can I do in the brothel?

Isn’t the answer obvious?

But the warriors were in awe of Xue Nv. Although the answer was obvious, they didn't dare to say it straight. They had no choice but to say: "Ms. Xue Nv, there are no concubines in our house, so I want to catch a few back."

"Ji concubine? What is this for?"

Xue Nu looked like a curious baby, asking questions to the end, but common sense was still lacking.

The two warriors really couldn't stand it, and they didn't dare to speak foul language in front of the snow girl, so they hesitated and didn't dare to answer.

"Forget it, don't tell me, I will ask Ayun."

It happened that Xue Nu wanted to see Lin Yun, and she had a reason, she went straight to Lin Yun's camp.

Bai Jiaojiao and Green Snake watched the wind and gave Lin Yun a warning in advance. Lin Yun quickly ended the silent ambiguity with Fang Yu and began a false interrogation.

"Tell me the situation of the Central Plains' defenses, if you don't explain it, you don't have to suffer a lot of skin and flesh!"

Lin Yun looked fierce, Fang Yu knew he was going to act, and he was loyal and unyielding. He said, "If you have any means, please let me go. My cultivator, what's the fear!"

But she didn't know that she was tied into a very exciting look, yet another unyielding appearance, for Lin Yun, the temptation doubled.

At this moment, Xue Nu walked into the camp and heard Lin Yun interrogating Fang Yu, but she didn't think there was anything wrong, she just said: "A Yun, wait, I have a question to ask you."

"what is the problem?"

"The woman we caught should also be considered a prisoner. Why do you say it is a spoil?"

Lin Yun: "..."

Good guy, such a simple question, I didn't know how to answer it for a while.

But his current status is the leader of the grassland tribe, and he cannot be as gentle as the people of the Central Plains. Moreover, looking at Fang Yu's unyielding appearance, Lin Yun's heart moved.

Hey, here's the chance to bully the Master blatantly!

"Women and captives are of course not the same. Sister, the trophies mean what we own, and since it belongs to us, it is natural to let us do whatever we want."

With that said, Lin Yun also personally demonstrated it. He stroked Fang Yu's cheek a few times. This was just eating tofu. Afterwards, Fang Yu couldn't get him to settle accounts. It was exciting!

Fang Yu really looked ashamed and glared at Lin Yun.

"Skills can be killed, not insulted!"

Fang Yu was actually a little excited. She did not blame Lin Yun. Lin Yun was in the enemy camp. In order not to make people doubt, she had to act in line with the style of the prairie people.

However, she was so shy when she was touched by her apprentice.

Although she was shy, she still had to cooperate with Lin Yun's performance, and she couldn't let Xue Nu notice the abnormality.

Only the Snow Girl looked at Lin Yun stroking Fang Yu's face, and she was suddenly furious.

"You robbed the spoils, just do this kind of thing?"

Lin Yun immediately explained: "Of course not."

With that said, Lin Yun took Fang Yu into her arms, put her hand on her waist, and then kissed her on the face, saying: "Sister, we usually do this when we catch women's trophies. ."

Xue Nu was trembling with anger, and Fang Yu was even more angry. Although he knew that Lin Yun was going to act, Lin Yun actually kissed her!

It’s not that I’m angry, but I’m shocked, and Lin Yun’s hand is still on her waist, and she is leaning against Lin Yun’s arms. Fang Yu also feels very sweet. It seems that Lin Yun is bullying the prisoner of war. In fact, She doesn't hate it at all.

However, she still looked angry, and said angrily: "Thief, dare you!"

Xue Nu was also shocked, and immediately furiously said: "You guys did this kind of thing! It's too much!"

Xue Nu was even more angry that Lin Yun actually hugged another woman and kissed her in front of her.

She only felt sore in her nose, which was unspeakable.

Lin Yun looked a little dazed, and said, "Sister, everyone is like this? Is there anything wrong? Why are you angry?"

Snow Girl: "???"

Everyone is like this?

It seems to be the same, so I blamed Ayun?

But, when she watched Lin Yun holding Fang Yu, she was still very angry, what should I do?

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