Through the thick fog, Lin Yun and the three people sneaked ashore.

The night in Haizhou was still noisy. This sound came mainly from the pubs and gambling houses in the city. Lin Yun had five keen senses, and he could hear the noisy sound across the street.

This is indeed different from other places, but the places that are still open at night are not serious places. What Lin Yun cares most is the place where there are rows of red lanterns.

Yingsheng Yanyu, fragrance fluttering.

This is the brothel!

It wasn't that he wanted to do something. Lin Yun just wanted to walk in the past. After all, he had only heard of it when he was part-time working, and he had no knowledge of the spare money in the past. Besides, it would be shameful if people were to be caught.

It's different now. It's legal to visit the brothel. Who can catch me?

Lin Yun is most interested in brothels, but Snow Girl passes through the gambling shop, although she is blocked by the curtain, she can still feel the strong mood swings.

"Where is this place and why is it so exciting?"

Lin Yun had already figured out the details of Xue Nu, even her natural ability.

She can feel other people's malice towards own, and can also feel when other people's mood fluctuates sharply. This ability is placed on Xue Nu, which is a self-protection skill, because she is too naive.

Instead, it was Lin Yun. If he had this kind of ability, he would have turned other people around a long time ago.

Jiang Chenyu on the side didn't think too much about it. She only thought that Xue Nu heard the movement in the gambling house, which is not surprising.

Lin Yun explained: "This is a gambling shop, children should not learn badly."

Lin Yun was worried that Xue Nu would be curious, so he took her hand and left.

Within a few steps, I saw a smoke cloud hall, and smoke gushed out from time to time. Lin Yun waved away the smoke casually, using his eyesight, looked into the cloud smoke hall, and saw a few shirtless men lying half-down comfortably. On the recliner, holding pipes in hand, vomiting mist.

The maid at the entrance of the store saw Lin Yun and the others stopping. Seeing that they were not like locals, she thought they had a business. She stepped forward and introduced: "The son is a foreigner, right? Haven't you seen the cloud and the fog?"

Lin Yun nodded, and said, "It's really never."

"This is our Haizhou specialty. Yuntobacco is only available in the shallow waters of Haizhou. Take it out of the sea and dry it. The smoke after lighting is sweet and delicious. Swallowing it can invigorate people and spit it out like a cloud. The mist is rising and the fairy spirit is fluttering. If you are from outside, you may wish to experience it."

Lin Yun shook his head and said calmly: "Smoking is harmful to health."

After that, Lin Yun took Xuenu away again.

Lin Yun didn't even look at it when he approached the tavern.

As a good man, Lin Yun refused to gamble, refused to smoke, and was fine without drinking alcohol.

Then, he came to the front of the brothel.

"Shall we go in and take a look?"

Jiang Chenyu: "..."

You take two beautiful girls to the brothel, is that fair?

Fortunately, Jiang Chenyu still thought that Lin Yun would take her to the government after she went ashore, or to Sect to identify her identity. She thought for a long time how to avoid this situation.


Lin Yun seemed to have forgotten her without mentioning a word.

Even when he took Xue Nu to walk in front, Jiang Chenyu felt that if he didn't work hard to keep up, he would be lost.

But she didn't dare not keep up. If she was in another place, Jiang Chenyu would have gone by herself, but this is Haizhou. What kind of men and women will be able to go to the sea?

There are a lot of desperadoes here. Although there is a law enforcement team patrolling day and night, but a woman as beautiful as Celestial Immortals like her, those stinky men will definitely take risks, and even feel that she has been harmed, and she will not lose money if she died.

It's too beautiful and troublesome.

Therefore, Jiang Chenyu, who was very insecure, followed Lin Yun hard,

She only thought that Lin Yun wanted to find out what information, but Lin Yun went straight to the area where the red lanterns were hung. This was definitely purposeful!

Jiang Chenyu's expression has changed slightly, Lin Yun said: "The girl has a different expression just now. Could it be that this has brought your memory some awakening?"


Was it because the brothel evoked my memory? It was obviously stimulated by your behavior of looking for brothel as soon as you landed!

And now listening to Lin Yun's words, could it be that he actually felt that he was a woman of the wind and dust?

Hey, blinded your dog's eyes, the lord of the palace is celestial, and the temperament is dusty, how could he be a woman of the wind and dust!

That anger in Jiang Chenyu's heart! Any woman who is misunderstood as a brothel girl is going to be angry, not to mention that a woman of very high status like her is so contemptuous that she kills people, and no one dares to say that she did something wrong.

If it wasn't for the Cultivation Base to be zeroed, you would have to smash Lin Yun's dog's head.

At this moment, Xue Nu suddenly spoke up.

"Are you angry? Why?"

Xue Nu had heard Lin Yun's words a long time ago and should pay more attention to Jiang Chenyu, and Jiang Chenyu was irritated by Lin Yun's words. Xue Nu felt the huge mood swings at once.

Jiang Chenyu was shocked. She controlled her expression just now, and she didn't show her anger at all, but Xue Nu was aware that this innocent girl suddenly made her a little scared.

Jiang Chenyu forcibly calmed down, and slowly said, "Although I have lost my memory, I am not ignorant. The son just said that he thought I was a brothel girl and would think of something when he saw the brothel. I can't accept this. An insult, if the son doesn’t believe in my innocence, he would kill me."

Lin Yun: "..."

Although he has a history of irritating people to expose flaws, he really misunderstood this time.

He just saw Jiang Chenyu's expression change and wanted to test her.

If you have amnesia, can you still recognize what this place is, are you really amnesia?

He didn't think so far at all, but listening to Jiang Chenyu's words, she didn't seem to be wrong with that understanding, and her own words might indeed be misunderstood.

The women in this world really take fame and festivals very seriously. They feel that they have been insulted and would rather die. Lin Yun knew that he was rude, and quickly said: "Sorry girl, you have misunderstood what I mean. Although the girl is in trouble, But the temperament is extraordinary, she must be a noble girl, I just thought that the girl remembered something, please forgive me for being rude."

Seeing Lin Yun admit her mistake and frankly Chen Ken, Jiang Chenyu's mood was slightly relaxed. It was dangerous. Just now, she felt that if she showed her flaws and stubbornly, she would definitely be killed by Xue Nu and Lin Yun.

Fortunately, she was clever and made Lin Yun apologize by retreating.

"It's okay, since it's a misunderstanding, I naturally won't take it to heart."

Seeing that the two of them had resolved their misunderstanding, Xue Nu looked at Lin Yun again and said, "Shall we go in?"

I have passed many shops, and it was the first time that Xue Nu saw the shop Lin Yun wanted to go to, and this building was much better than other buildings, and Xue Nu wanted to go in and take a look.


Lin Yun took Xue Nu's hand and walked into this Baihua Building.

Jiang Chenyu had always been disgusted with this kind of dirt land, but now he had no choice but to follow Lin Yun in.

As soon as he entered the building, this combination of male and female attracted the attention of many Fistful of Dollars.

The ranking list of the ten most beautiful women in the world given by the fairy in the book is based on Lin Yun’s aesthetics, but the overall deviation will not be very large. Jiang Chenyu and Xuenu both have the appearance of being overwhelmed by the country, appearing in the brothel, naturally striking.

Xue Nu felt a little uncomfortable, and whispered to Lin Yun: "The people here are so malicious..."

Lin Yun nodded, summoned the Qiaobian, turned them into dozens of Flying Daggers, and threw them out all at once. The men who looked at the Snow Girl and Jiang Chenyu all waited for a handful of Flying Daggers.

Flying Daggers are as fast as electricity. They jumped in shock, but only cut off a strand of hair. Then, they returned the Flying Daggers to Lin Yun's hands, turning them into a handful of small Flying Daggers, which Lin Yun put into his arms. , Said indifferently: "Take care of your own eyes, how can you see my woman?"

Jiang Chenyu: "..."

Do you count me as your woman?

Thinking of the time when he was on the boat, Lin Yun also said to Xue Nv that this trip must be low-key and not noticeable.

Is this your low-key?

It gave people a wave of shock when they came up, what a great official might!

However, after Lin Yun revealed this hand, no one really dared to make a second.

Ruthless people are most afraid of more ruthless people. Although these men who go to the sea are not convinced, there is no need to provoke a man who obviously can't beat them.

People from Baihualou also came forward and invited Lin Yun to the private room upstairs.

There are five floors in Baihua Building, the stairs are in the middle, the second floor has a huge stage, and the third floor is the best viewing effect.

Lin Yun naturally asked for a room on the third floor and went in and asked for a table of wine and food. The old bustard called in rows of girls and said, "My son, this is the best girl in our Baihualou."

Just because Lin Yun can bring two beautiful women with good temperament to visit the brothel, the old bustard knows that this is definitely a big man. Just now he showed his hand again, maybe it is a direct disciple of a certain big Sect, or It is a family member, others are not so ostentatious.

The woman here is indeed the best in Baihualou. She is beautiful, has a graceful figure, and wears a half-covered and half-shower dress, which is indeed pleasing to the eye.

However, Lin Yun felt a little blundered.

I just want to experience it myself, watch the light or something, but...

It’s a girl. He has experienced more beautiful girls. He really can’t do much about these vulgar fans, but they are all here. If you don’t order two girls, can it be called an experience?

"Pick two pourers and stay, and let the others go."

Lin Yun's casual look, the old bustard understood in seconds, leaving four girls behind.

The temperature in the room dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the thinly dressed girls shivered.

"It's not fun at all here!"

Xue Girl looked at Lin Yun angrily. She didn't know what Lin Yun was here to play with, was she here to see these girls?

Are you cold with so little wear?

Xue Nu deliberately dropped the temperature in the room a lot, and let you show your arms and legs. At first glance, you are not serious.

"Will there be good shows, look, isn't someone dancing down there?"

When Lin Yun opened the window of the room, someone could just see dancing.

Xue Nu and Jiang Chenyu couldn't understand the beauty of this gesture, Lin Yun said with a serious face: "You calm down and watch it. This is art."

Xue Nu didn't understand, but she still followed Lin Yun obediently, watching the dance seriously.

Until a certain dancer jumped and dropped a piece of clothing off the stage, the men below snapped in a frenzy.

Lin Yun: "..."

I didn’t expect this kind of show, I was here to watch serious dance...

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