The First Undercover In The Fairy World

Chapter 358 Dragon King is out spraying water

As soon as Dongfang Hongyue appeared on the stage, the atmosphere suddenly changed.

However, the little Taoist truth girl looked at Dongfang Hongyue, but she couldn't help sighing: "What a handsome Big sis."

Zhenren's face changed, and he whispered: "That's the Red Lotus Demon Lord!"

Dongfang Hongyue also heard the words of Little Taoist Truth, and when she turned her head, she saw a delicate girl.

Those who praise my beauty are good children.

Dongfang Hongyue gave Truth a smile, and Truth could not help holding her cheeks in her hands.

Worse, this is a heartbeat feeling.

He found an interesting little girl, and Dongfang Hongyue looked around again. Most of them are juniors in the middle and third realms. Because the newly emerging formation here is more mysterious and complicated, many cultivators come here to observe and learn.

When it comes to treasure hunting, these disciples are also the main force in treasure hunting.

There is such a consensus in the world of cultivating immortals. Although the strong photogenic is looking for treasures, they will not take away those low-grade things. Only the most precious things will be contended by the strongest. Others, of course, are these. It's a chance for juniors.

If a junior does not open his eyes and wants to compete with the old senior for treasure, it is too long to live a long time.

However, only the ruins of a certain level can attract the upper realm powerhouse to explore the treasure, otherwise, an upper realm master will always mix with some juniors, which is a self-degrading behavior.

Obviously, the Ganjiang ruins belonged to the treasure hunt where big men would also participate. Just because the formation at the entrance of the ruins is so difficult to decipher, the contents inside must be extraordinary.

The reason why Dongfang Hongyue came here and did not see other realm masters, but because no one can break this formation for the time being, those upper realm cultivators are also boring to stay here, it is better to hide and study first, and then come back when there is progress. It's not too late.

In order to prevent others from sneaking away, the disciples under the sect have to be more diligent.

"Is the leader here to break the battle?"

Hong Ling looked at Dongfang Hongyue with his small worship eyes. Dongfang Hongyue is good at forming the Talisman Dao. Others may not be able to break through the formation, but Dongfang Hongyue may succeed in breaking through the barriers.

"No, I'll come and have a look."

This time, whoever loves to break will break.

Dongfang Hongyue wanted to focus on participating in the past, but after seeing Shuzhongxian, she completely gave up.

The fairy in the book said that she had serious sins, which was the sins of her ancestors from generation to generation. Looking back on this life, she did have a long life, but she was able to survive every time.

This was already pretty good, except that Dongfang Hongyue was a little angry after knowing this fate, but then was relieved.

In the world of cultivating immortals, it is a good thing to be alive. Only when you are alive can you have the opportunity to explore the truth of the past. Perhaps, she has been alive to redeem her ancestors.

Accepting this result, she naturally lost the slightest interest in seizing the treasure.

No good baby would recognize her as the master, and even grab a hammer, and she couldn't force the fetish to surrender like Lin Yun.

"Is the Eastern Hierarch worried that he won't be able to break through?"

Before Dongfang Hongyue saw anyone, he heard that it was the voice of Fairy.

In front of outsiders, the two still looked at odds. Of course, in front of Lin Yun, the two almost fought.

This can be regarded as a true character.

Dongfang Hongyue snorted coldly. Faced with Fairy's provocation, she held her arms and said: "The deity is not interested in things outside of the body. If you have that time, it is better to cultivate yourself."

"Really? It's not that the Eastern leader said that grapes are sour if he can't eat grapes? The artifact is placed in front of you, do you want it?"

The weird appearance of Yin & Yang Hua Fairy really made Dongfang Hongyue angry.

There is a saying that it is good, the less a person has nothing, the more he cares about something.

For example, Dongfang Hongyue, if you say she is ugly, she will definitely laugh it off, but if you say she is poor...

Hard, hard fist.

"It seems that you feel that you have a magic weapon and can challenge me?"

"That's not the case, but if the Eastern leader is willing to enlighten us, we will have a match."

The atmosphere immediately became tense, and the onlookers were all ready to watch the show.

Women fighting is best seen, and the more beautiful women fight, the better they look.

Lin Yu, who was next to Fairy, finally stood up at this time and said: "Wait a minute, two of you, now the demon is watching, the prairie wolf is watching, the demon is ferocious, hiding in the dark. Both of them are the Central Plains brachio, the sword has no eyes. It’s no good to hurt anyone."

Lin Yulai became a peacemaker, and the onlookers couldn't help but feel a little regretful, because this fight might not be successful.

"If you two want to fight, why don't you compare others. I just saw that the carp that escaped is very strange and auspicious. If you want to fight, how about Bibi who can catch that fish?"

The big carp sneaking in the water suddenly had a question mark on his face.

What the hell?

You two women have a good quarrel, why do you bother with me?

Is it my fault to look good?

Feeling there seems to be a dangerous word on the forehead, the big carp started off without saying a word, and slipped away. I went to Longhe to hide first.

The waters of the Long River are larger, and the cultivator’s spirit is not easy to detect, and it is safer.

Of course, Dongfang Hongyue and Fairy would not refuse Lin Yu's proposal.

There are three women in a play, they are originally a group, although they really quarreled when they quarreled.

Hua Fairy and Lin Yu wanted to attract Lin Yun's attention, so they also looked for Lin Yun by the way. Although this script did not talk to Dongfang Hongyue, Dongfang Hongyue knew that it would cooperate.

"Since it's a competition, you have to point your head."

"Cross head? I gave out 100 million Spirit Stones, can the Eastern Hierarch get it out?"

The onlookers took a breath.

One billion is used to bet on a fish, is this too hard?

Dongfang Hongyue's face turned dark, I don't have so much money!

However, the scene can not be counseled, the big deal is owed afterwards!

Anyway, Dongfang Hongyue never repays the money I owe, but no one dares to owe me money.

"Gamble, gamble, let's start!"

The two began to fight, and the idlers waited to retreat.

Although the condition for victory in fighting is fishing, the core is fighting.

Both of them released their own spirits, although they could not find the carp, they felt the smell of the carp's escape.

"It seems that I won this time."

Flower Fairy was the first clue to find, and Dongfang Hongyue was a little late.

Everyone took another deep breath, and Fairy was so terrifying!

Dongfang Hongyue is a strong veteran, already knowing his fate. How could it not be shocking that Fairy's spirit can surpass Dongfang Hongyue.

At first, they all thought that Fairy dared to challenge Dongfang Hongyue by relying on his own artifact. Now it seems that Fairy has other cards.

Two knives appeared in Fairy's hands. Amid the sound of dragons and phoenixes, Fairy slashed towards the Ganjiang River. The dragon and phoenix flew over, creating a one-meter-long vacuum zone in the middle of the river.

A large number of fish and shrimp flew up and down, as if it were a heavy rain.

Dongfang Hongyue also has methods, but if she sets fire in the river, there will be no living creatures in this river.


After locking the carp's escape direction, Dongfang Hongyue turned into a ball of fire, and disappeared while flashing.

Flower Fairy didn't dare to show weakness, and turned into an electric light, followed closely behind.

Now is a contest of speed.

The big carp just feels that the scales are about to explode.

Didn't I just irritate water, as for this?

Under the water, a red strip turned into light and moved quickly through the water.


Dongfang Hongyue was a little surprised, but she used Huo Dun. With her Cultivation Base, she couldn't catch up with a carp?

This carp is mostly refined, and it's a bit special.

Dongfang Hongyue did not stop, and continued to chase. The big carp knew that he was in danger this time. If he was caught, he might be eaten by someone.

She didn't care about hiding her power, and began to recite the formula.

"My heart is like gold and indestructible, my body is like fire, boiling the sea and burning the sky, my virtue is like earth, I am carrying things from the sky, my nature is like water, the good to supple, my spirit is like wood, endless."

After the long spell, a scale on the forehead of the big carp glowed dazzlingly.

"Dragon King is here!"

The five-color brilliance came towards the big carp, and Dongfang Hongyue and the flower Fairy stopped at the same time.

This movement is a bit powerful.

Unexpectedly, in order to find a reason to fight, a carp randomly selected was actually a very special fish.

The five-color light flashed, and the big carp that was more than two meters long was gone, replaced by a fat girl.

This slightly fat means that she looks more sensual, and that little face is very cute, making people want to squeeze.

She is just over one and a half meters tall, and among the immortal cultivators, she is properly considered a little short.

"How dare you bully this princess!"

The girl let out a milky roar, although she was very angry, but the sound was too deterrent, on the contrary, it made people want to laugh.

"It's a cute little demon, come and let me hug, I promise not to hurt you."

Dongfang Hongyue showed Aunt's smile.

However, what greeted her was a column of water, which nourished her face.

Dongfang Hongyue's expression froze.

She didn't hide away!

Hua Fairy laughed on the spot, and she was so happy to see Dongfang Hongyue deflated.


She was also stunned.

Lin Yu followed, Gu Jing Wubo's face couldn't help but smile.

When the carp read out the arrival of the Dragon King, she heard it too.

As a result, did the Dragon King only come out to spray water?

This water column is special, even Dongfang Hongyue and Flower Fairy can't avoid it. It is really magical. Although there is no harm, it is quite shocking to be able to hit.

"You mortals, dare to be disrespectful to the Dragon King. I advise you to leave as soon as possible, otherwise I will blow you to death."

With the arrival of the Dragon King, the big carp, who turned into a soft and cute girl, also gained confidence. The corners of her mouth rose slightly, as if she did not follow the Oriental Red Moon with the flower Fairy To put in one’s eyes.

Dongfang Hongyue and Fairy looked at each other.

"Beat her!"

The two actually bullied a fish at the same time, Dongfang Hongyue released the fire lotus, and Hua Fairy turned two knives into a pair of scissors and threw them out.

Seeing this murderous spell and artifact, Big Carp just remembered that she wanted to awaken the power of the dragon scale to escape.

"I knew I shouldn't be transformed. I won't be smart anymore when I become the Dragon King..."

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